Other Resources Challenge Me! » August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL Rss Feed  
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2008-08-07 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1588248

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
carlacrews - 2008-08-07 12:03 PM
Triathlynne - 2008-08-07 1:18 PM

Meh. I'll save it for another time when he talks nonsense. LOL


So is anyone racing this weekend?

I don't have another race until mid Sept. I'm having withdrawl.

...and it'll only be my 3rd race Didn't take long for me to get hooked.


Oh my.  I have a 2 week wait inbetween my last races and I am already starting to get ants in my pants! 

2008-08-07 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1588666

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Triathlynne - 2008-08-07 3:08 PM

lyssa-gator - 2008-08-07 1:45 PM not to be totally ignorant, but..........what's milfoil? it sounds icky, but i don't actually know what it is.


Seaweed, only in a lake. So Lakeweed? ahahhaahaha.  I don't mind it, unless when I'm swimming and it attacks me... 

ick. glad i don't have to contend with that here.
2008-08-07 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
The Danskin swim is rather cool in the fact you enter and exit via a boatramp.   And it's mostly sand there too. It's lovely.  It's the run to T1 that got me. Phew.
2008-08-07 5:35 PM
in reply to: #1588692

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Extreme Veteran
Mercer Island, WA
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Triathlynne - 2008-08-07 5:23 PM

The Danskin swim is rather cool in the fact you enter and exit via a boatramp.   And it's mostly sand there too. It's lovely.  It's the run to T1 that got me. Phew.

Is it across the street? I am confused by the map. Maybe it was all the swimming with dead bodies we did...

2008-08-07 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
The transition area is Genesee Park, you cross over the road (Lake Washington Bvld) onto the grass area.
2008-08-07 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1588067

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Triathlynne - 2008-08-07 8:51 PM

carlacrews - 2008-08-07 10:14 AM

Triathlynne - 2008-08-07 12:06 PM My DH tells me to stop doing so many tri's. *eyeroll*

not an option.


I didn't even respond when he said that.  Not even a punch.  

UGH!! What was he thinking!!
He deserves at least an arm punch!!

2008-08-07 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Pprrrth. I know! I stood for like 20 minutes with my mouth open wide.  It's a money thing with him, it's always a money thing. He doesn't realize I could be spending that money on drugs, alcohol and smokes. 
2008-08-07 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
I did 5 miles over lunch today.  Not so much fun on the treadmill.
2008-08-07 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
The plan is to run 10miles tomorrow morning.  If I am not to tired I will try and get a swim in tomorrow afternoon as well.  We will see what happens.
2008-08-08 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Got the run, skipped the swim.  Still a good day though.
2008-08-08 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL

Nice run today!

I managed to get out on my bike for about 25 miles today.  Went the entire ride with no incidents or accidents - no blown tubes no clipped in falls.  Add in the beautiful weather and I'd say a good time was had by all.

Good luck to all who are racing this weekend!  Have fun!

2008-08-09 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1556808

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
going to do a little practice tri today. gearing up for danskin next weekend IMSOEXCITED!!!
that's pretty much all i got going on this weekend. i'm going to try to bike 10, run 2.5 then this afternoon i'll swim 800 (hopefully)
2008-08-09 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL

Morning!  Was supposed to do a mini tri today but the stupid rain came! Pants.  I am stranded at home (DH has our one and only means of transport) So when Fed-ex drop of my Nike+ sensor I'm going running.  


Right now I have to deal with that bathroom cabinet - groan!  

2008-08-09 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
hasn't started raining here yet.
biked 10 miles, (6 minutes faster than earlier this week-oh yeah!) then ran (well, walked AND ran) about 2 miles.
if the rain holds off a bit longer, i'll swim this afternoon, it's pretty choppy out there just now though, i'm a little intimidated! LOL

lynne, are you going to do the human race 10K? i was all in to it, but you have to have the nike+ chip and an ipod (i have neither LOL) it's on the 30th i think.
is anyone doing it? i think it's pretty much national.
2008-08-09 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
I'm still totally confused about the pants comment! ?????

Anyway...I did 45...COUNT THEM....45 miles on my bike today. Longest ride EVAH!!!! My thighs are SCREAMING right now but Advil has become my new best friend!
2008-08-09 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
you rock tracy!! LOL
45 miles?!? insane!!

2008-08-09 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1592136

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Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
lyssa-gator - 2008-08-09 2:51 PM

you rock tracy!! LOL
45 miles?!? insane!!

I haven't logged it yet ('cause I'm catching up on Facebook) but I did it in 2:47. I think that'll be between a 15-16 mph pace.
2008-08-09 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1592133

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL

lyssa-gator - 2008-08-09 11:46 AM hasn't started raining here yet. biked 10 miles, (6 minutes faster than earlier this week-oh yeah!) then ran (well, walked AND ran) about 2 miles. if the rain holds off a bit longer, i'll swim this afternoon, it's pretty choppy out there just now though, i'm a little intimidated! LOL lynne, are you going to do the human race 10K? i was all in to it, but you have to have the nike+ chip and an ipod (i have neither LOL) it's on the 30th i think. is anyone doing it? i think it's pretty much national.


I am doing it Lyssa. My sensor came today (replacement) Just run a 10K.  Don't need to have a Nike+ for that!


I just wish it would stop raining and I wish our smart car was ready. I am stranded here at home.  me off.  

2008-08-09 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
I rode 39 miles today.  I have a long run (10 - 12 miles) tomorrow.  Pray for me... 
2008-08-09 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1592135

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL

dcrunningdiva -I did 45...COUNT THEM....45 miles on my bike today. Longest ride EVAH!!!! 

Way to go!!!  Darned impressive.

Finally logged into the spreadsheet.  17% done.  Still a bit behind...but at least I'm moving.  I'm hoping that after next week's craziness I'll be able to "kick it up a notch!" 

2008-08-09 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1592268

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Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Artemis - 2008-08-09 5:41 PM

I rode 39 miles today.  I have a long run (10 - 12 miles) tomorrow.  Pray for me... 

I have 10 miles to run tomorrow, too. I Have a feeling it is going to be a HARD run the way my legs feel right now!

2008-08-09 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1592252

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
Triathlynne - 2008-08-09 2:16 PM

lyssa-gator - 2008-08-09 11:46 AM hasn't started raining here yet. biked 10 miles, (6 minutes faster than earlier this week-oh yeah!) then ran (well, walked AND ran) about 2 miles. if the rain holds off a bit longer, i'll swim this afternoon, it's pretty choppy out there just now though, i'm a little intimidated! LOL lynne, are you going to do the human race 10K? i was all in to it, but you have to have the nike+ chip and an ipod (i have neither LOL) it's on the 30th i think. is anyone doing it? i think it's pretty much national.


I am doing it Lyssa. My sensor came today (replacement) Just run a 10K.  Don't need to have a Nike+ for that!


I just wish it would stop raining and I wish our smart car was ready. I am stranded here at home.  me off.  

yeah, i was kind of planning on running 10K that day, it just wouldda been cool to be "counted" you know? i actually don't know that much about the thing, as my stinky 684 year old computer won't even let me on that site (LOL it says there's something on the site that MAY make my computer "unresponsive" as if i don't ALREADY have that problem! LOL)
but i'll run that day anyway. i think it's cool.
2008-08-09 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1556808

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL
I think it's cool though that I'll be counted as doing that It's just a way to get folk like you and I Lyssa out and running and staying healthy. There wasn't a certain team or place to run with in Seattle so I just did my own thang! 
2008-08-09 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1592284

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL

dcrunningdiva - 2008-08-09 6:03 PM
Artemis - 2008-08-09 5:41 PM I rode 39 miles today. I have a long run (10 - 12 miles) tomorrow. Pray for me...
I have 10 miles to run tomorrow, too. I Have a feeling it is going to be a HARD run the way my legs feel right now!

We can both do it.    Let me know how it goes tomorrow. 

2008-08-10 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1556808

brummie land
Subject: RE: August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL

hey casual peeps


not going to make my 11 swims but got back in the pool on friday after about 7 months of nada. not bad eh? back there wednesday as day off work. quite pleased with myself really  

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Other Resources Challenge Me! » August Challenge (Run,Swim,Bike, Weightloss, and/or Other) - CASUAL Rss Feed  
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