Australian Triathlon Forum Victoria » Geelong Training Rss Feed  
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2010-08-31 8:49 PM

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New user

Yoho, New Brunswick
Subject: Geelong Training
Hey all,

Is anyone else based in Geelong and interested in going on some weekend bike rides? Also, if you know of any Tri Clubs or training groups in the Geelong area, please let me know!


2010-09-01 2:17 AM
in reply to: #3074891

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Geelong Training
Hi Leon,

Unfortunately I'm on the other side of the bay to you, but have heard some reports lately that the Geelong Tri Club is attempting to get up and going again after closing down a few years back.  Try their website at or else if on facebook saw on another forum that they have a page going there as well.

2010-09-01 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3074891

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New user

Yoho, New Brunswick
Subject: RE: Geelong Training
Thanks Joe... I'll try and track someone down from there and hopefully it will be up and running!

2010-11-15 4:34 AM
in reply to: #3074891


Subject: RE: Geelong Training
hi leon

I am very new to triathlon, just entered the geelong olympic distance for feb next year. Not sure what level you are at training wise??

I too have been looking for a tri club. I would be be happy to go for some training rides on weekends with you.

not sure how we progress this.
let me know if you want to catch up.

2011-10-29 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3074891

New user

Subject: RE: Geelong Training


try  I have trained with them - they have a few different squads and very very good coaches!  I had to stop due to work commitments, but they also have athletes who are via correspondence.


They're training does get good results and they have squad sessions for the swim, bike and run legs.

They are on the net ...


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Australian Triathlon Forum Victoria » Geelong Training Rss Feed