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2010-12-22 8:47 AM

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Subject: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

NAME: Juniperjen/ Jen

STORY: My name is Jen and I am addicted to triathlon.  I am 30 and work as a project analyst (a desk job).  I came to endurance sport when I signed up for 10k run clinic at a local running specialty store. I had always wanted to run and I had just moved to a new city and needed reason to get out and meet people.  So that was in April 2005. Since then I found a love. Running.  From that 10k clinic I went on train for half marathons and then marathons. 

Even though running is my first love it led me to meet my now husband. We both joined a marathon training clinic for our first marathons.  He was trying a stand-alone marathon to see if he could hack it because his life-long dream was the Ironman.  The next year I went to Ironman Canada with him and saw triathlon.  It was amazing!  I had to do that. No matter that I didn’t own a bike or know how to swim.  So, I got a bike and I took swim lessons. 

I have now done a number of triathlons and it took some serious focus to get over my panic in the water but I did successfully complete Ironman Muskoka 70.3 this year.  I will go back for more. 

FAMILY STATUS:  Newlywed (married in October), no kids, just pets

CURRENT TRAINING: Winter tri maintenance and training for a 30k run.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Since I come from a running background I did a number run races this year: A 30k, set a new PB; a 10k, two 5k’s – one I walked with my mom; and as for multisport, 1 duathlon, 2 sprint-ish distances and a Half Ironman

2011 RACES:  I am planning on the same 30k race again this spring with another half marathon and a few shorter distance runs.  There’s a 10K I like where they raffle off a car.  I haven’t decided on shorter tri’s for 2011 year.  My main goal will be to improve at Muskoka 70.3 this year with a stronger swim and bike. 

WEIGHTLOSS: Not for me, just weight maintenance with running/triathlon.  I am always interested in maintaining healthy eating habits

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR :  I pretty much started from scratch. Five years ago I didn’t run.  Three years ago I didn’t own a bike and 2.5 years ago I didn’t swim – at.all.   I have learned so much and have so much more to learn. I love being a cheerleader and coach.  I will admit what I don’t know and look for answers.  I am very dedicated to my training and would like to offer motivation to those who might need it.

Edited by juniperjen 2011-01-03 7:00 AM

2010-12-31 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Hi, My name is Dannae. I am currently going back to school full time to get my MS and working full time. I would love to train for a tri right now, but just don't have the means to access a pool or buy a bike. So, for the time being I just want to get in shape and start a consistent workout routine. Consistency has always been my biggest problem when it comes to working out and eating right. I am going to try to run 2 days a week and do another form of cardio with resistance training 2 days a week. I must admit that I do not like running, but its one of the few workouts that don't require any equipment. I am hoping to find the motivation to stay with the workout program long enough that it becomes routine. Looking forward to working with you.
2010-12-31 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Hi Dannae - happy New Year!  Welcome to the group. I'll be in and around this weekend.  I (and hopefully, we as a group) can help support you in getting consistent.

Maybe you can learn to love running :D
2010-12-31 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
pick me pick me

NAME: Lindsay

STORY: I am a tri baby - I've only done one (last year) and I'll likely only do 1 again this year. I really want to train more consistently and feel more confident before I commit to more - especially since the one I did wasn't in open water, and even then I ended up kind of bombing it despite having trained. In other words I think I need to work on my self confidence so no matter what I know in my mind that I can do it.

My background is as a non-endurance athlete - I played softball and did competitive cheerleading, both of which require short bursts of energy. But I've always wanted to run, and in 2009 I did my first 5k. I'm still trying to get to a place where I'm doing them regularly. I also want to bike more regularly. I first started road biking as part of my training for the first tri, and I never got totally comfortable with it so I'm hoping to do that this year.

So in short, trying to get confident as an endurance athlete who can consistently be in 5k shape and compete in 1-2 sprint tris per year.

FAMILY STATUS:  Engaged with an August 2011 wedding planned; one 5 year old, 45 lb dogchild

CURRENT TRAINING: training for a 5k on a 3-2-1 run plan the fiance developed for me which is going well. the best way to explain it is to give an example, so here's this week's plan: day 1 - 14 min run, day 2 - 28 min run, day 3 - 14 min run, day 4 - 28 min run, day 5 - off, day 6 - 14 min run, day 7 - 42 min run. i tend to end up doing 2-2-1 but 5 days a week is still pretty darn good as far as I'm concerned! Looking to start a winter plan, pick up swimming and biking in late Jan.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Tri-to-Win sprint triathlon in May; Columbia metric marathon (not me) and 5k (me) in Nov.

2011 RACES:  Superbowl 5k; Tri-to-Win sprint (again); and at least one more 5k. I'd like to say two but I'd like to actually meet my resolutions this year

WEIGHTLOSS: I've always been trying to lose 5-10 lbs and with the wedding coming up, I'm going to give it a real honest effort this year. Restarted weight watchers, which like workout plans, help keep me more honest with myself.

WHY I WANT TO BE YOUR MENTEE: It's hard to find fellow "start from scratch"ers - I don't come from an I've been doing endurance my whole life background, and I'd like some company with that too. Also I'm shooting for consistency and treating exercise and wellness as a one day at a time, one decision at at a time thing. Hopefully this is the right place for that.

Edited by Osfan4life 2010-12-31 3:35 PM
2010-12-31 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
NAME: Darren

STORY: 33. Lawyer. Started running in 2007 at 250lbs. Got my IM out of the way September 2008 at 205 lbs. Had our first baby in February 2009. Managed one triathlon the 70.3 in August in Calgary in 2009. Basically have concentrated on running since then. Made huge gains this year in running managing 370 hours and 3225km, so that was good. Was on track for 70k a week but got hit with a blood clot in my arm in November that took me out of the action for a month or so.

Anyway, back at it. Although with a different outlook on life, work and training.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 22 month year old, expecting another in July 2011, shhhhh, don't tell anyone.

CURRENT TRAINING: I want to run 77 km a week in 2011. So 11 k a day 5 days a week and 22k one day a week. Or something like that. Also 10 minutes of yoga a day too, mostly sun salutations. I would also like to ride my bike to work at least 50 times again, which may be tricky with the kid on the way and the fact that I live in Calgary where you can onlyh bike about 5 months of the year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 50k in February, 10k in April, Marathon in May, 100km Ultra in September. It was a good year, happy with my results for the most part

2011 RACES: Signed up for the 50k in february, but might just make it 25k, see how I feel. 10k in April, maybe a HM in April, yeah I think so. Not really into a marathon in May, but we will see, maybe. Not really able to push the pace right now so it is more about getting out there.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really to concerned, I find if I run 10k a day I melt away. Got down to 195 in May this year and have been around there ever since, although haven't been on the scale since Christmas. I would like to start eating more consistant. I tend to eat when I like what I like with little regard to the consequences. 195 is a good weight for me, although I do guess if I lost 10 pounds I would be a lot faster....

WHY I WANT TO BE YOUR MENTEE: You seem cool and peppy. Which frankly is what I need because I feel like I am starting from scratch with very little to keep me accountable. Also, although I have these goals that I have set for myself I do not feel as attached to them as I did my 2010 goals. Kind of tough to explain. It is like I get more joy out of just being out there running than I do from reaching my milage goals, which is different, and I suppose mostly good.

Anyways, not sure if this introduction makes me sound like a whiny depressed mentee. Really I am not. I am looking forward to a great year.

2010-12-31 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN

NAME: Kristen

STORY: Almost 37 year old stay-at-home mom living in a Boston suburb.  I have always wanted to do a triathlon but this is the first year that I'm actually committed to doing one!  I've registered for the Cohasset Sprint Triathlon (June 2011).  It seemed like the perfect first tri for me b/c it is close to where I live and proceeds go toward the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  I've had type 1 (juvenile) diabetes since I was 9 years old.   So this race is for a cause that is very close to my heart!  I'm also hoping to be a member of the race's "TriTeam for Diabetes", which is a team made up of type 1 diabetic athletes.

I have always been very active/athletic; I played soccer and tennis growing up.  But I've never really enjoyed running long distances.  I do enjoy swimming, but have never swum competitively. 

FAMILY STATUS:  Married with 3 young children - 12 months, 2 1/2 years and 4 1/2 years old.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I've been running a couple of 5Ks here and there, training at least 2x/week on the treadmill during the winter months (running approx 3-4 miles each time), taking a few spin classes each week and practicing weekly with my gym's Masters swim program.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I ran 2 5Ks - my first in October and second in November.

2011 RACES: Cohasset (Massachusetts) Sprint Tri on 6/26/11 and Title 9 Women-Only Sprint Tri in Hopkinton, MA on 9/11/11.

WEIGHTLOSS: I would love to lose 15-20 pounds and tighten things up a bit (without surgery!) after having 3 babies in 3 1/2 years!   

WHY I WANT TO BE YOUR MENTEE: I'm so new to this tri thing and am open to any insight you have as a more experienced athlete and a former newbie yourself.  I'm looking for some specific feedback on my training since right now I'm just "winging it".  I'll be doing the formal BT 20 week training program in a couple of months but I don't have any specific "plan" that I'm using currently.  I could really use the support and encouragement of a mentor and would be interested to see how others in the group are dealing/preparing for their tris, as well! 

2010-12-31 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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New user

Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Name: Josie

Story: I'm a 31yo mother of 3, wife, and nurse on the weekends.  I have been married to my handsome Ironman for seven years.  I've been running for about ten years and did my first (and only) half marathon two years ago.  I was training for my first marathon last year when I ended up pregnant with our sweet 5mo baby girl.  My husband and I traveled to Clearwater in November and my desire to do this triathlon thing was piqued.  I will be inheriting his pretty little road bike soon, so I thought signing up for my first sprint would be a good way to start the New Year.

Current Training:  I'm back to 4 mile runs and do alot of cardio dvds when the little ones are napping. 

2011 races:  A female sprint distance in September.

Weight Loss:  Yes, please.  I have about 10 pounds to go until my pre-pregnancy weight, 20 until ideal.

Why I would be a good Mentee:  It sounds like you started triathlons at about the same point as me.  I have no problem with the run, the bike should be fine after a little practice, but the swim scares the bejesus out of me.  Basically, I could only swim to save my life.  That's about it.  This is what I plan to focus on for quite a while.  I'm planning 2-3 swims a week interpersed with a little running, indoor biking, and cadio dvds.
2011-01-01 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Hi all! Welcome to our new members! Happy New Year. Just enjoying some time at my parents house but i'll be back on later - hope you're all getting the new year off to a great start!
2011-01-01 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3257308

New user

Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Name: Jen Story: My name is Jen and I'm still fairly new to triathlons. I did a couple of sprint distance triathlons last year. I have never be an athlete, but have always tried to be active. I am addicted to triathlons, because of the overall great feeling I get from progressing and achieving my goals. I've always ridden bikes (albeit not super fast), so I'm pretty comfortable there. However I've never been a runner or a swimmer. I feel better about the swim after putting in many hours this summer in the pool, but I don't perform well in open water. This is a real problem. My running has been improving as this has been my main focus for the last couple of months and it's easy to get done, especially with my time constants. I work full time and with three boys with a couple of different sports, sometimes it is hard to find time for my stuff.Family status: married with three kids (6, 9, 15)Current training: training for half marathon in February, some spin, haven't been swimming very much (plan to start Monday)2011 Races: planning on several sprint tris, still weighing my options. I would love to be a part of this group. I'm very enthusiast about the sport and I'm looking to build on skills and glean as much knowledge about triathlons as you are willing to share. Jen
2011-01-01 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Good afternoon everyone.

Well I wake up today with the intestinal bug that everyone I know seems to have been fighting for the past month. I have been surrounded by sick people for the entire month of december. My Grandma was sick, my parents were sick my 2 sisters and their families were sick. Coughs, colds, flus, intestinal difficulties. My family and I dodged them all for a month. I was so scared we would be sick for Christmas but we made it. Only to be hit with it this morning. Oh well, I knew it would be coming.

Anyways, so no workout for me today, maybe some yoga we will see.

Hope everyone else is getting off to a good start. What are the plans?
2011-01-01 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
okay, managed my 10 minutes of sun salutaitons, better than nothing.

2011-01-01 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Hello all...I'd like in if there's still room!


STORY: I've been running/cycling for the past year and just gotten over my fear of water this past April!  I did my first Tri in July  and although I was proud of myself, I felt like I could have done so much better!!  I completed my first Half Marathon this past November and LOVED it!!!  I know I've come a LONG way in the past year (was a pack a day smoker that couldn't run for one minute straight), but I'm ready to start seeing some major improvements in my performance!

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 5 years to a wonderful husband that has started doing races/triathlons with me!  We have two wonderful dogs, Sadie and Molly. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I have slacked a little in the past few weeks, but with two half marathons coming up...I HAVE to work on my running!!  With the schools using the pool at the local Y, I can't get back into the pool until February and I HATE cycling in the cold, so right now I'm concentrating on running!  

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  We have a whole excel spreadsheet put together of all of our races for this year...we're both addicted!!  Here are the biggies though:

Shamrock Half Marathon  - March 20th  

Flying Pirate Half Marathon - April 10th

Washington Olympic - July 30th

Patriot Half  - September

Marine Corp Marathon - October 31st

2010 RACES:  

Shamrock 8K, Nags Head Woods 5K, Riverrock 5K Mud Run, Waterway 5K, Washington Sprint, Run Like a Girl 10k, OBX Half Marathon, Surf and Santa 10 Miler

WEIGHTLOSS:  I still have about 30lbs that I REALLY want to lose!!!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love sharing ideas and getting advice from others that are in my position and understand where I’m coming from and where I’m going!  I can be fanatical when I start on a new project and it’s always good to have people that will help keep me grounded!

2011-01-01 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
I'll hop in too, if there is room.  Couple of Canadians here, what the heckWink  

NAME: GoGoGo/ Richard

STORY: Typical, soon to be, 45 male.  Used to be athletic.  School, work, kids, no activity for 20 years, yada yada, up to 250 lbs!  3 years starting going to gym, then running, then cycling, them du's.  Swimming is my nemesisYell

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids, 8 & 10

CURRENT TRAINING: In the offseason.  Mainly running, trying to increase my base.  Spin class once or twice a week, to keep my cycling legs...

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  Not sure yet.  I usually to a couple 5k's, couple 10k's, 10 miler & couple of half mary's.  We have 20k cycling time trials every week in my city & I try & do the majority of these during the summer.  Hopefully will do a 1 sprint & 1 Olympic this season, but depends on my swim.  Otherwise I will do the duathlon version

2010 RACES:  Strange year for me, as we sold our house, "decluttered" & then moved into another house during summer.  Basically season was gone.  Did get 1 10k, 1 10 miler, 1 half mary & 7 cycling TT's in.

WEIGHTLOSS:  I could easily lose another 20 lbs to get to race weight.  I was there 2 years ago, but let it inch up again.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have some running & cycling experience  might have something to add.  Not a bad cheerleader (my 6'4 220 pound frame looks good with skirt & pom pomsKiss). 

Heres to a good 4 months  *cheers* 

Edited by GoGoGo 2011-01-01 8:54 PM
2011-01-01 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
So, does everyone have a bike?  Whatcha' ridin? 
2011-01-01 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3271787

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
I have two. A cervelo p2sl that I have no ridden since august 09. But it is a sweet ride. My other bike is a touring bike and it is my commuter. Bit it is falling apart and I will be lucky if I get another summer if riding to work out of it. Looking forward to getting a new one sometime this summer it next winter.
2011-01-01 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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New user

Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Hi Jen!!!  I was so excited to read your story!!  I am 30 years old as well and just started TODAY training for my first Sprint Distance Triathlon.  I do not consider myself a runner currently (I do love hiking!), but am so excited for the accomplishments of my first 5K race in April and Sprint Distance Triathlon in September.  I have never participated in any running events or triathlons before, so I was super encouraged to read that you started from scratch too and have done some great things!!   I'm looking forward to hearing more from you and having your help, guidance, tips and advice!  Happy New Year!!

2011-01-02 4:15 AM
in reply to: #3271892

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
BigDH - 2011-01-01 11:57 PM I have two. A cervelo p2sl that I have no ridden since august 09. But it is a sweet ride. My other bike is a touring bike and it is my commuter. Bit it is falling apart and I will be lucky if I get another summer if riding to work out of it. Looking forward to getting a new one sometime this summer it next winter.

A Cervelo...Haven't ridden since 2009?   Why?  A very nice Tri-bike.

Are you replacing the commuter or the Cervelo?

2011-01-02 4:25 AM
in reply to: #3269632

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
pascullid - 2010-12-31 11:54 AM Hi, My name is Dannae. I am currently going back to school full time to get my MS and working full time. I would love to train for a tri right now, but just don't have the means to access a pool or buy a bike. So, for the time being I just want to get in shape and start a consistent workout routine. Consistency has always been my biggest problem when it comes to working out and eating right. I am going to try to run 2 days a week and do another form of cardio with resistance training 2 days a week. I must admit that I do not like running, but its one of the few workouts that don't require any equipment. I am hoping to find the motivation to stay with the workout program long enough that it becomes routine. Looking forward to working with you.

Running certainly is cheap.  I was never a runner, but really enjoy it now.

Pick a running plan & stick to the workouts.  If you don't have a plan, it's too easy to drop out.  Depending on your goal distance, Hal Higdon has a number of plans from beginner to expert.
2011-01-02 4:45 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
Logs...if anyone hasn't used these they are very helpful to keep yourself honest & write what you do daily.

It also allows fellow group members to see how you are doing, develop some comraderie & motivate.

If you keep your logs private, then add the other group members to your group list & then we can view them...

2011-01-02 4:53 AM
in reply to: #3270508

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
kpringle - 2010-12-31 10:22 PM

NAME: Kristen

STORY: Almost 37 year old stay-at-home mom living in a Boston suburb.  I have always wanted to do a triathlon but this is the first year that I'm actually committed to doing one!  I've registered for the Cohasset Sprint Triathlon (June 2011).  It seemed like the perfect first tri for me b/c it is close to where I live and proceeds go toward the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  I've had type 1 (juvenile) diabetes since I was 9 years old.   So this race is for a cause that is very close to my heart!  I'm also hoping to be a member of the race's "TriTeam for Diabetes", which is a team made up of type 1 diabetic athletes.

Hey Kristen,

Did the Diabetes make much impact on your previous tri's?  I assume you had to zero in you your nutrition prior?  If you have had DM since you were a kid, I guess it's easy now...

2011-01-02 4:56 AM
in reply to: #3270539

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
JosieO - 2010-12-31 11:05 PM Name: Josie

Story: I'm a 31yo mother of 3, wife, and nurse on the weekends.  I have been married to my handsome Ironman for seven years.  I've been running for about ten years and did my first (and only) half marathon two years ago.  I was training for my first marathon last year when I ended up pregnant with our sweet 5mo baby girl.  My husband and I traveled to Clearwater in November and my desire to do this triathlon thing was piqued.  I will be inheriting his pretty little road bike soon, so I thought signing up for my first sprint would be a good way to start the New Year.

Wow...time management Surprised I thought I was busy...I bow out to you!!!

2011-01-02 4:58 AM
in reply to: #3271616

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
crisi13 - 2011-01-01 8:52 PM Hello all...I'd like in if there's still room!

 just gotten over my fear of water this past April!  


Now that is what I'm looking for.  Pass some of that over here would 'ya!!!

2011-01-02 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3272045

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
GoGoGo - 2011-01-02 5:58 AM
crisi13 - 2011-01-01 8:52 PM Hello all...I'd like in if there's still room!

 just gotten over my fear of water this past April!  


Now that is what I'm looking for.  Pass some of that over here would 'ya!!!


I was seriously terrified to even put my face in the water.  I would have panic attacks when I got past the 5 foot mark in the pool.  I took swim lessons at the local Y and got better at swimming. Also, the swim instructor told me that regardless of where I was swimming, I was only swimming in the top 3 feet of water so there was no reason to panic.  It's really a mind thing, but it's worked for me!!
2011-01-02 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3272119

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN
crisi13 - 2011-01-02 9:51 AM
GoGoGo - 2011-01-02 5:58 AM
crisi13 - 2011-01-01 8:52 PM Hello all...I'd like in if there's still room!

 just gotten over my fear of water this past April!  


Now that is what I'm looking for.  Pass some of that over here would 'ya!!!


I was seriously terrified to even put my face in the water.  I would have panic attacks when I got past the 5 foot mark in the pool.  I took swim lessons at the local Y and got better at swimming. Also, the swim instructor told me that regardless of where I was swimming, I was only swimming in the top 3 feet of water so there was no reason to panic.  It's really a mind thing, but it's worked for me!!

Yeah, I keep telling myself that, but I'm not listening!!

Oh well, perserverance, I supposeUndecided 
2011-01-02 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - OPEN

Edited by kussmaul 2011-01-02 12:47 PM
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