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2011-01-31 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3330947

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
TriAya - 2011-01-31 1:45 PM
blairrob - 2011-02-01 1:38 AM
TriAya - 2011-01-31 10:55 AM What I'd like to know from those of you who posted offbeat places is ... why? (or heck, even usual places)? I mean, I think it's awesome you want to visit coastal Somalia, for example, but ... what's it attracting you there?

Chinguetti, Mauritania
   Was once an even greater city than Timbuctoo; during Berber kingdoms it was one the great centers of scholarship and spirituality in the world and it's libraries were second to none. Still supposed to be a great destination for historical travelers. And I would like to see a great desert, see such a unique culture. All that stuff!
Ethiopia- I suspect you know it was the only African Kingdom not colonized by Europeans and thus is a "purer" historical experience, the cultural piece would be amazing.
Coastal Somalia (seems unlikely at this point)
One of the most spectacular coastlines anywhere...


actually yes i was hoping you would explain how exciting and what a beautiful pic ... i think it would be wonderful to travel down the east African coast ... but the pirates ... hmph!

I would love to go to Ethiopia too. (Although I do suspect there may have been an Italian or two there, once). I have this THING for Ethiopian food. And I would love to trek in the vast stunning highlands, and I hope to spot the Ethiopian wolf. Visit archaeological sites in the Awash.

True. true, Italians did occupy the joint briefly, and some Brits, but thankfully left no monuments to Vittorio Emmanuel or Queen VictoriaCool. Haile Selassie maybe.

Yup, that's what I would like to do. Trek (wherever the Vipers don't go or I can't see them). Do the archaeology thing. Just soak it in, that's how I like to travel.
Oh yeah, I also have that same thing for Ethiopian food! So good. Love those spicy beef sausagy things, the stew, well, all of it.   And now I am getting hungry thinking about it. Must be lunch time!

2011-01-31 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3329336

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Eat Cheese or Die
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
Ski Tour the Haute Route

Ski in Chile/The Andes

These are the first Two that come to mind, but if I spend any time thinking about it, my list gets very long, very quickly.
2011-01-31 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3330029

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Peoria Heights
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
madkat - 2011-01-30 10:24 PM I'd have to think for a few minutes to come up with a list of my own, but I'm surprised that no one has included any spots in the US. Have you all already been to Yosemite? That's my all-time favorite place to be.

A couple of us posted US spots .... Alaska, New Mexico, Maine
2011-01-31 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3329167

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Peoria Heights
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places

Most places are because I've read about them in books for years.  I want to go, do, see, experience all the places I've only ready about. 

I want to see and learn about the people, places and history.  Walking and biking tours would be my first choice

2011-01-31 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3329167

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Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
2011-01-31 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3329167

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
I've been all over Europe and The States.  I would really like to see Asia -especially Japan and also wouldn't mind seeing Australia and NZ.  

2011-01-31 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3330029

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
madkat - 2011-01-30 10:24 PM I'd have to think for a few minutes to come up with a list of my own, but I'm surprised that no one has included any spots in the US. Have you all already been to Yosemite? That's my all-time favorite place to be.

What spots in Yosimite?  I'd like to go out there for a few days after Vineman (so it probably won't be any hardcore backpacking type activity). 
2011-01-31 11:18 PM
in reply to: #3329167

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
Our government spends a fortune on getting Oprah down here to promote the place and only 1 person mentions Australia in this thread...

Both of my destinations involve a motorbike, would like to ride through Eastern Europe on one, I had the idea along time before Ewan McGregor did it on the long way around.  However after watching that and the long way down I now also want to do the same sort of ride through Africa, both trips without any real planning though.  Just a map to show the way and stay wherever I stop, would not do either trip without someone else though for safety reasons.

My Dad also did a trip right across the US as a 16 year old on his harley back in the 50s, and from his stories it's a trip I would love to do as well.

Parts of Asia would be cool to do as well, in particular Vietnam and Korea really seem to attract me.
2011-02-01 4:48 AM
in reply to: #3330947

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Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
TriAya - 2011-01-31 12:45 PM

blairrob - 2011-02-01 1:38 AM
TriAya - 2011-01-31 10:55 AM What I'd like to know from those of you who posted offbeat places is ... why? (or heck, even usual places)? I mean, I think it's awesome you want to visit coastal Somalia, for example, but ... what's it attracting you there?

Chinguetti, Mauritania
   Was once an even greater city than Timbuctoo; during Berber kingdoms it was one the great centers of scholarship and spirituality in the world and it's libraries were second to none. Still supposed to be a great destination for historical travelers. And I would like to see a great desert, see such a unique culture. All that stuff!
Ethiopia- I suspect you know it was the only African Kingdom not colonized by Europeans and thus is a "purer" historical experience, the cultural piece would be amazing.
Coastal Somalia (seems unlikely at this point)
One of the most spectacular coastlines anywhere...


actually yes i was hoping you would explain how exciting and what a beautiful pic ... i think it would be wonderful to travel down the east African coast ... but the pirates ... hmph!

I would love to go to Ethiopia too. (Although I do suspect there may have been an Italian or two there, once). I have this THING for Ethiopian food. And I would love to trek in the vast stunning highlands, and I hope to spot the Ethiopian wolf. Visit archaeological sites in the Awash.

That's a great list. I'm basing all of my future travels on feeling like a minority in the country that I visit. IOW, if it's just a bunch of white people that can easily switch to English and if american fast food chains are everywhere I don't want to go there. Been there, done that. Boring. Ethiopia, Ghana, Gabon, Nepal, Bhutan, Iran.....yes! European Union....not so much.


Edited by jamiej 2011-02-01 4:48 AM
2011-02-01 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3330029

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Central Mass
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
madkat - 2011-01-30 8:24 PM I'd have to think for a few minutes to come up with a list of my own, but I'm surprised that no one has included any spots in the US. Have you all already been to Yosemite? That's my all-time favorite place to be.

I was in Yosemite three times last year and planning twice this year.  It's only a 2 hour drive away :p

I've been to most states, but still need to go to New England and wouldn't mind Montana/Glacier.  But they aren't bucket list-able
2011-02-01 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3332308

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Eat Cheese or Die
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
cottoneyes - 2011-01-31 11:18 PM

Our government spends a fortune on getting Oprah down here to promote the place and only 1 person mentions Australia in this thread...

I want to go to Australia, but not because Oprah went. I'd like to dive on the Great Barrier Reef. I have friends in Melbourne and Brisbane so I'd have to visit both of those cities.

There are a lot of places I still need to get to in the US as well. I've been to 47 out of 50 states and feel like I've only touched on all the cool stuff there is to see.

My sister was born born in South Korea and was adopted by my parents when she was 5 months old. She's been back several times since graduating college. I'd like to go with her at least once.

I also want wander around the South Pacific on a sail boat.

2011-02-01 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3329414

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Kirkwood, Mo.
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
travljini - 2011-01-30 11:31 AM Well, aside from the visit every place on the planet, my short term list:

Madagascar - before the lemurs are gone
Rwanda/Uganda - to see the gorillas

And of course the rest of the planet, no place too far or too obscure for my wanderlust -- though the crossing to Antarctica scares the bejeezus outta me

  You will fall in love with Rwanda and the gorillas!  The Uganda gorillas look very differant from the Rwanda gorillas.
2011-02-01 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3333110

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Peoria Heights
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
scorpio516 - 2011-02-01 10:45 AM
madkat - 2011-01-30 8:24 PM I'd have to think for a few minutes to come up with a list of my own, but I'm surprised that no one has included any spots in the US. Have you all already been to Yosemite? That's my all-time favorite place to be.

I was in Yosemite three times last year and planning twice this year.  It's only a 2 hour drive away :p

I've been to most states, but still need to go to New England and wouldn't mind Montana/Glacier.  But they aren't bucket list-able

Beautiful picture.... thanks for sharing.  I want to be in that picture!!!!
2011-02-01 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3329167

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Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
New Zealand - South Island
Italy - Tuscany, Rome and Venice in particular

and in my own coutry:
The Grand Canyon

In every single case - I'd like to do something active (biking, camping, climbing, hiking, etc) except maybe in Rome and Venice where I'd just like to be a tourist, eat and take photos. Smile
2011-02-01 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3329167

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
Not much interest outside of the US except maybe Australia

still wanting to see in the US

Maine, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Vegas.....only been there a dozen times so much more to see Laughing
2011-02-01 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3329167

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bucket List of Travel Places
easy answer: I want to dive the 5 oceans and walk the 7 continents (I've done 2 oceans and 4 continents so far) to hit every sea and country would be even better.

Kenya/ Tanzania/ Uganda - I want to go on a walking safari and see the critters up close.
Namibia - desert elephants.
South Africa - I want to scuba dive with great white sharks.
Argentina/ Chile - I want to snowboard in the Andes and do the Dakar rally on motorcycle (it moved moved from Europe and Africa - if they move it back I still want to do it)
Peru - I want to walk the nazca lines and see Machu Picchu.
Australia/ New Zealand - dive the Great Barrier Reef, ride a motorcycle across the Outback, and snowboard backcountry in NZ, and see a tri nations rugby match of All Blacks vs Wallabies in Christchurch.
Nepal - I want to summit Mt Everest.
Maldives/ Seychelles/ Mauritius - best scuba diving in the world.
North/ South Pole - take a dog sled to be on top/ bottom of the world and play with penguins
Norway - cruise the fjords in a sea kayak (must be quiet and close to water surface) and snowboard the mountain valleys.
Thailand - ride an elephant to the Angkor ruins (pissed I didn't do this when I was there)

well this is the short list...

Edited by bullyboy 2011-02-01 11:38 PM

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