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2011-11-01 9:13 AM

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Subject: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I challenge each of you to reduce your body fat, increase your lean muscle mass, and improve your mental well-being.

This challenge is designed to give us the avenue to better our mental and physical health.  This challenge is about making a positive body composition change which in turn raises self-esteem and self-image.  Everyone who accepts this challenge will positively improve their quality of life, mental state, and physical performance (at the gym, during workouts, in races, on commutes, in bed—you name it!).

Here are the rules:

  • Define your baseline
    • Body Mass Index (Height / Weight)
    • Initial self-administered skin caliper test—see below for how to do this test and accepted inaccuracy disclaimer (meaning it doesn't show actual boidy fat % but will be used to track progress/change only)
    • Take a photo and post it in your log
  • Set your goal
    • BMI goal, body fat goal, mental health goal, etc.
    • This is a personal goal to each of you and may be a combination of lots of things
      • My goal is to be happy and get to a "training" weight for my next Ironman.
  • Post the following every Friday.
    • Current weight that day
    • Results of a self-administer skin caliper test.  We will use the test on this website for ease (http://www.acefitness.org/calculators/bodyfat-calculator.aspx).  This test is far from accurate but it will help us track progress.  The only way to get an accurate reading is to have an experienced professional administer so we are just going to use the self-test to track progress only.
    • Photo taken on the day of posting—do not fear this requirement.  Photos do not lie and that is why they are important to track progress.  At first we will all hate this.  Later, as progress is made (and it will be made), we will want to look back and see our change.  This change is what will motivate us even more and raise our self esteem.  Yes…it does suck that we let it all hang out (well not “all” on BT or we will be banned) for everyone to see.  This is also a HUGE motivator to make a change!  Just wear what you feel comfortable in for your photos each week.  All we need to see and believe the progress of our change and there is no better way than using photos.

 Other details:

  • Challenge starts 4 November 2011 and ends 31 December 2011
  • Track your progress in the challenge spreadsheet every week (I am working on a format but will have it up and posted here before Friday).
  • Please only accept this challenge is you are willing and able to commit fully to the rules and for the full two months (or until 31 December depending on when you accepted this challenge).
  • Please add all challenge participants to your “friends” list and open your log to them.  This is so we can inspire and check in with everyone to keep us all accountable and motivated to succeed.

As I stated above, my personal impetus for this challenge is to get to a training weight for my next Ironman--training plan starts in January so I have two months to get there.  My inability to take my shirt off right now really affects my mental well-being which directly affects my training.  I am affected emotionally by my fitness level and how I look to myself (others do not really care but I do).  Posting my progress will keep me honest and accountable to my goal.  In short, my motivation will come from you and your successes in this challenge and the knowledge that you are watching me and expecting me to stay on track with my goal.

 WHO IS IN?????

2011-11-01 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Thanks for getting this started, Cam!  I like the switch to a Friday weigh-in and all of us responsible for posting to the spreadsheet -- makes us more accountable!

Let's get at it!  Woot!

2011-11-01 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3746851

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
StartingToTri - 2011-11-01 7:19 AM

Thanks for getting this started, Cam!  I like the switch to a Friday weigh-in and all of us responsible for posting to the spreadsheet -- makes us more accountable!

Let's get at it!  Woot!

X 2!!!

I completely fell off the wagon last weekend while traveling to see family, and it's scarey how quickly I can put back on the 4 lbs that I worked 3 months to get rid of. Yell  I'm recommitting today to clean eating and portion control. Let's do this!

I'll have to do my first weigh in on Thursday the 3rd though, because we're going to be out of town from the 4th to the 13th running a 50k and a marathon. Wish me luck!

2011-11-01 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
I am so glad I started again today. I am in!

I have been off the wagon for three months now. I looked a calender this morning and saw it was the 1st and thought wth time to start logging calories and working out again, so I came to BT to put my weight and measurements in my blog and saw this challenge. This is coming at great time for me the holidays are killer and there is half mary in March I would like to do. So I have 18-20 weeks to get in shape. I CAN DO IT!

I will need to get more specific on my goals but here are some general ones.

1. Lower body fat, last year or so I have been between 25-30%, prolly close to 30% right now. Have used electrical impedance scale for measurement.
2. Raise lean muscle mass
3. Start Half Mary program today!
4. Incorporate strength training into that plan
5. Eat Right................I don't even know what that means, I just know I have to go to grocery store because if I don't have good food I eat junk.
6. Get some calipers.

Edited by dixrp 2011-11-01 10:22 AM
2011-11-01 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Yay for Friday postings!  Thanks Cam!
2011-11-01 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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2011-11-01 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Go here to sign up.  We will just track weights in the spreadsheet but you still need to track your other stats and photos in your blog.

username:  btchallenge

password:  challengeforum2

2011-11-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Ankeny, Iowa
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Friday works good for me. Our house guest leaves on Friday so it will give me a chance to hit the TM that was in his room and eat different (he is the eat everything and rail thin type). And hoping that I can get back to running/biking next week once the PT releases me to workout more than a slow walk - surgery on the hand is healing nicely.
2011-11-01 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
I just put in my weight goal. Lose 20 lbs by 1st of year. Nine weeks @ 2.11 lb/week, a lil aggressive but doable. Holidays are going to be tough, I normally eat to much and do not workout!

Edited by dixrp 2011-11-01 1:43 PM
2011-11-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Holiday's will be VERY tough which is why I added the Calorie deficit column in the summary table.  I figure if I can burn that many calories a day (really 500-700 a day for me) during exercise and then just watch what I eat, I WILL MEET MY GOAL!  If I fall behind, I will have to walk more (to the store?) and really concentrate on BURNING the fat.  I also record my caloric expenditure during exercise (not exactly science but close enough to generalize) on my phone so this will be easy for me to track.

Beer is my downfall since each beer is 150 calries (on average for the good stuff) that do not belong in my daily diet.  I am going to reduce my beer consumption to succeed. 

2011-11-01 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

In - with a .25 pound per day weight loss goal.  Yikes.


2011-11-01 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3747518

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
crimefighter2 - 2011-11-01 1:25 PM

In - with a .25 pound per day weight loss goal.  Yikes.


Think of it as a 4-5 mile run every day while eating heathly.  It really is not that outrageous...we just need to be committed to being active!

2011-11-01 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3747131

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
cayrip - 2011-11-01 10:09 AM

Go here to sign up.  We will just track weights in the spreadsheet but you still need to track your other stats and photos in your blog.

username:  btchallenge

password:  challengeforum2

Let me know if the math does not work for you in the spreadsheet.  I noticed it did not work for Rob but I have it fixed now (I hope).  It is likely the translation from excel to a google doc that may cause some errors.  I can fix them--just let me know.

61 days until the New Year's challenge.  Make your goals now so you do not have to then!

2011-11-01 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Aggressive goal is a pound per week but I will be PLEASED with a 5 pound loss.

2011-11-01 5:28 PM
in reply to: #3746842

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

In for round 2!!

Aggressive goal is 11 lbs, happy with 5-8 lbs.

Edited by QueenZipp 2011-11-01 5:30 PM
2011-11-01 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Awesome, I am in for round 2. My goal is to lose 10lbs by Dec 31 reduce body fat by and increase leand muscle mass and water porportions in my body. I hav a body fat scale I will use at home. I will log my food and exercise eat clean with a cheat night with my spouse only once per week and limit that to red wine only and still healty snacks that may be a little more carbs but not processed with chemicals. I will eat clean the rest of the week and attempt to at my carbs earlier in the day and eat more veg and protein later in the day. I bought a loose tea diffuser for my office so i can drink tea in place of water as some days I tire of water but between the two shoot for 8 glasses a day to start. I will take my pic for the blog and do my measurements on Friday mornining.

Thanks for this. I will add the friends this weekend and keep my log up for sharing.

2011-11-01 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Alrighty. It's on like Donkey Kong. I'll gather up my information and I'm starting to track my food (AGAIN) today. Looooord, I hate doing that, especially because I cook most meals with multiple ingredients and I hate weighing everything (I'm a little bit lazy).

Again, I'm having trouble getting to the challenge spreadsheet. Sheesh! What is my issues with this?

Based on past performances, I'm going to shoot for a pound a week, so 8 lbs and tighten things up around the mid-section.

Good luck, all!

ETA: Is there tutorial on how to "friend" people and open your log? (Seriously can't figure it out)

Edited by Blanda 2011-11-01 7:07 PM
2011-11-01 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3747893

Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Blanda - 2011-11-01 5:03 PM

Alrighty. It's on like Donkey Kong. I'll gather up my information and I'm starting to track my food (AGAIN) today. Looooord, I hate doing that, especially because I cook most meals with multiple ingredients and I hate weighing everything (I'm a little bit lazy).

Again, I'm having trouble getting to the challenge spreadsheet. Sheesh! What is my issues with this?

Based on past performances, I'm going to shoot for a pound a week, so 8 lbs and tighten things up around the mid-section.

Good luck, all!

ETA: Is there tutorial on how to "friend" people and open your log? (Seriously can't figure it out)

Your log is open so no worries there. To add a friend go to your training log, scroll down to FRIENDS, click the +, and enter the user names of people you want to add.

The spreadsheet- follow the link and enter "btchallenge" and "challengeforum2" on the sign in screen, if you have a google account you will have to log out and then sign back in under the btchallenge user. Hope this helps.

2011-11-01 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3747910

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
RoniS - 2011-11-01 10:19 PM
Blanda - 2011-11-01 5:03 PM

Alrighty. It's on like Donkey Kong. I'll gather up my information and I'm starting to track my food (AGAIN) today. Looooord, I hate doing that, especially because I cook most meals with multiple ingredients and I hate weighing everything (I'm a little bit lazy).

Again, I'm having trouble getting to the challenge spreadsheet. Sheesh! What is my issues with this?

Based on past performances, I'm going to shoot for a pound a week, so 8 lbs and tighten things up around the mid-section.

Good luck, all!

ETA: Is there tutorial on how to "friend" people and open your log? (Seriously can't figure it out)

Your log is open so no worries there. To add a friend go to your training log, scroll down to FRIENDS, click the +, and enter the user names of people you want to add.

The spreadsheet- follow the link and enter "btchallenge" and "challengeforum2" on the sign in screen, if you have a google account you will have to log out and then sign back in under the btchallenge user. Hope this helps.

Thanks so much, Roni!

2011-11-01 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Okay - I'm on the spreadsheet!

(one note... the "calories to burn" ... should that calc be L5*3500 since it's 3500 cal per pound???  For having been a math minor, I can be a little dense when it comes to these things, though, so I'm not sure...)

This time around I'm not really going to focus too much on weight.  I'll track it, but my main indicator of progress is going to be my monthly measurements.  I haven't had a whole lot of success by depending on the scale, and so I'm going to try and switch gears a little bit.  And plus, between the CrossFit and heavy lifting, I ought to be building some muscle and that could influence the scale.

My goals:

CrossFit 3x/week
Strength Train 2-3x/week (heavy weight)
Run/Bike 5-6x/week (mostly easy)
Prep/cook food on the weekend
No drinking except when out with friends
Eat clean 90% of the time
Shoot for a 50-30-20 carb/prot/fat balance
Do a real pullup 

And remain positive.  That's a hard one for me sometimes, but I've come to realize that attitude, outlook and mood play a hugely important role in my success.  This time of year is a struggle, and so I'm going to use this challenge as a way to push me forward and keep me focused.  It's funny, but when I'm down, sometimes just hopping on to BT to check my inspires lifts my spirits ... it's the community and the people that keep me going.  You guys are awesome.  

2011-11-01 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
I'm so serious this time. I accidentally dropped a spoonful of Nutella in my mouth while making a sandwich for the girl, realized my mistake, and spit it right out. It's on.

2011-11-01 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Can I join for round 2??  I'm starting to get serious about working out and eating healthy again... This challenge could be exactly what I need!
2011-11-02 5:36 AM
in reply to: #3747963

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Blanda - 2011-11-01 9:03 PM I'm so serious this time. I accidentally dropped a spoonful of Nutella in my mouth while making a sandwich for the girl, realized my mistake, and spit it right out. It's on.

That's hilarious!  woo hoo!  Way to stay focused!

2011-11-02 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3747954

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
StartingToTri - 2011-11-01 6:55 PM

Okay - I'm on the spreadsheet!

(one note... the "calories to burn" ... should that calc be L5*3500 since it's 3500 cal per pound???  For having been a math minor, I can be a little dense when it comes to these things, though, so I'm not sure...)

Math error fixed. 

2011-11-02 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3748089

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Emmanem - 2011-11-01 8:34 PM Can I join for round 2??  I'm starting to get serious about working out and eating healthy again... This challenge could be exactly what I need!


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