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2005-12-01 5:51 PM
in reply to: #296022

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The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
drewb8 - 2005-12-01 10:25 AM

Alaska has more coastline than the other 49 states combined

The highest mountain from sea-level is Mt. Everest (29,028 feet)
The tallest mountain (bottom to top) is Mauna Kea in Hawaii (33,476 feet, 13,796 ft of which is above sea level)
The tallest mountain, measured from the center of the earth is Chimborazo in the Andes (20,561 feet)

wouldent the about sea level be the same as "from the center of the earth?" i know sea level is always changing, but is the sea level in one area that much higher?

Edited by tyrant 2005-12-01 6:15 PM

2005-12-01 5:55 PM
in reply to: #296142

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The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
ChuckyFinster - 2005-12-01 11:58 AM

the bear - 2005-12-01 7:38 AM

Eight hours until my flight leaves for Vegas, baby!

Have fun! Hope you drink and eat lots. For whatever reason, I get the best sleep there. You got any shows lined up?

SLEEP? chucky remmind me never to go to Vegas with you!!
2005-12-01 6:14 PM
in reply to: #296153

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The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
Pulch - 2005-12-01 12:07 PM
2. If you tied a piece of rope snugly around the circumference of the world and then added an extra 6ft of rope- you would have roughly 1ft of slack around the entire globe.

okay, i went through the math and that is inccorrect. if anyone want me to geekafy this thread i will show my work.
2005-12-01 6:20 PM
in reply to: #296645

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Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
tyrant - 2005-12-01 6:14 PM
Pulch - 2005-12-01 12:07 PM2. If you tied a piece of rope snugly around the circumference of the world and then added an extra 6ft of rope- you would have roughly 1ft of slack around the entire globe.
okay, i went through the math and that is inccorrect. if anyone want me to geekafy this thread i will show my work.
I don't have a calculator handy. Let out your inner geek.
2005-12-01 7:07 PM
in reply to: #296645

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

tyrant - 2005-12-01 7:14 PM
Pulch - 2005-12-01 12:07 PM 2. If you tied a piece of rope snugly around the circumference of the world and then added an extra 6ft of rope- you would have roughly 1ft of slack around the entire globe.
okay, i went through the math and that is inccorrect. if anyone want me to geekafy this thread i will show my work.


And it's spelled geekify. As in "you can only mollify me by showing your work"

2005-12-01 7:14 PM
in reply to: #296652

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The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
DerekL - 2005-12-01 6:20 PM

tyrant - 2005-12-01 6:14 PM
Pulch - 2005-12-01 12:07 PM2. If you tied a piece of rope snugly around the circumference of the world and then added an extra 6ft of rope- you would have roughly 1ft of slack around the entire globe.
okay, i went through the math and that is inccorrect. if anyone want me to geekafy this thread i will show my work.
I don't have a calculator handy. Let out your inner geek.

ahhem.. allow me to put on my huble glasses....

okay so the circumference (C) of the earth is 24859.82 miles. one mile in feet is 5280 ft. that makes C = 131259849.6.

now the formula for diamater (D) is: C = pi * D
or D = C/pi

this makes the earths D = 41781307.79

so to sum up for the Earth we have:
C1= 131259849.6
D1= 41781307.79

  • ......

  • Now we add 6 FEET to C
    C2= 131259855.6

    Making D2= 41781309.7

    New rope numbers:
    C2= 131259855.6
    D2= 41781309.7

    now compare D1 with D2

    D2-D1 = 1.91 Ft
    now devide by 2 to calculate the raduis:
    1.91/2 = .955ft

    HAD the proposed idea been correct .955 would have been .5. now the statement one ft of slack all the way aroung would have been MORE correct.

    if my math teacher saw this he would cry at my "horrible presentation and form."

    2005-12-01 7:25 PM
    in reply to: #295720

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    The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    i cant make Dr. Shaack cry so here:

    Let DE = the diamater of the earth in feet
    Let CE = the Circumference of the earth in feet
    Let DN = the diamater of the new rope in feet
    Let DN = the Circumference of the new rope in feet

    if the statement is true the equation will be equal.

    DE = CE / pi
    DN = CN / pi

    DE = DN + 1

    CE / pi = CN / pi + 1

    CE = CN + (1 / Pi)

    CE - ( 1/ pi) = CN

    131259849.6 - (1/pi) = 131259855.6

    131259849.3 = 131259855.6


    Dont cry over my math Dr Schaak.

    2005-12-01 7:39 PM
    in reply to: #296685

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    tyrant - 2005-12-01 7:25 PM DE = DN + 1

    Couple of errors:

    • First, Dnew is > Dearth, so the above equation is wrong (you added on the wrong side)
    • Second, if, as the OP said, you'd have one foot of slack around the earth, then Dnew = Dearth + 2   (you'd have a foot on both sides of the earth's diameter, for a total of 2)
    2005-12-01 7:46 PM
    in reply to: #295720

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    Queen BTich
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    I miss school. I miss math. I miss SCIENCE!

    I feel like my brain has gone to mush in my boring job.

    Edited by TriComet 2005-12-01 7:54 PM

    2005-12-01 7:47 PM
    in reply to: #296696

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    The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    run4yrlif - 2005-12-01 7:39 PM

    tyrant - 2005-12-01 7:25 PM DE = DN + 1

    Couple of errors:

    • First, Dnew is > Dearth, so the above equation is wrong (you added on the wrong side)
    • Second, if, as the OP said, you'd have one foot of slack around the earth, then Dnew = Dearth + 2   (you'd have a foot on both sides of the earth's diameter, for a total of 2)

    errr... now you know why i aint no english or math major!!

    cant figgin read or set up my formula. well i can always keep on tri'ing.

    i know how to do fractions aka reductions/enlargment, which in my experiance most adults in thius country can't do. now i feel better.

    Edited by tyrant 2005-12-01 8:01 PM
    2005-12-01 8:06 PM
    in reply to: #296156

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    La Crosse
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    ChipmunkHeart - 2005-12-01 1:10 PM

    President Warren G. Harding coined the term "normalcy". He also once lost all the White House china gambling, on one hand of cards

    Also, his middle name was 'Gamaliel", which I think is awesome.

    I think it is so damn hot that you know how to spell 'Gamaliel'.

    Let's see . . . totally useless facts I've already talked about today:

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s doctoral dissertation was on Schopenhauer, not Gandhi.

    George Kennan's position in Moscow was minister-counsellor.

    The word zealot comes from an obscure first-century Jewish sect who fought against Roman oppression.

    2005-12-01 8:12 PM
    in reply to: #296720

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    stupidnickname -

    Also, his middle name was 'Gamaliel", which I think is awesome.

    Well, like Warren G. Harding, Chippy's apparently an elf. And elves are hot.

    2005-12-02 8:17 AM
    in reply to: #296720

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    Heeee. Thanks. I still can't spell 'unforuntely', but I find if I break out the 'Gamaliel' , it all evens out.


    stupidnickname - 2005-12-01 9:06 PM
    ChipmunkHeart - 2005-12-01 1:10 PM

    President Warren G. Harding coined the term "normalcy". He also once lost all the White House china gambling, on one hand of cards

    Also, his middle name was 'Gamaliel", which I think is awesome.

    I think it is so damn hot that you know how to spell 'Gamaliel'. Let's see . . . totally useless facts I've already talked about today: Martin Luther King Jr.'s doctoral dissertation was on Schopenhauer, not Gandhi. George Kennan's position in Moscow was minister-counsellor. The word zealot comes from an obscure first-century Jewish sect who fought against Roman oppression.
    2005-12-02 8:52 AM
    in reply to: #296681

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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Bronze member
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    marmadaddy - 2005-12-01 7:07 PM

    tyrant - 2005-12-01 7:14 PM
    Pulch - 2005-12-01 12:07 PM 2. If you tied a piece of rope snugly around the circumference of the world and then added an extra 6ft of rope- you would have roughly 1ft of slack around the entire globe.
    okay, i went through the math and that is inccorrect. if anyone want me to geekafy this thread i will show my work.


    And it's spelled geekify. As in "you can only mollify me by showing your work"

    It's actually easier than everyone has made it:


    C = Pi*D = 2*Pi*R

    C+6 = 2*Pi*(R+x)
    but we already established that C=2*Pi*R so subtract this
    x=6/(2*3.14159...) = 0.955

    The beauty is it works whether the rope is going around a backyard swimming pool or the earth.

    2005-12-02 9:05 AM
    in reply to: #295720

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    If a military offensive is going better than expected, you're walking into an ambush.

    There are no Wal-Mart's in Niceville, Florida because Sam Walton hated one of the major landowners in the area.

    You are far more likely to die in a car crash on the way to a sky dive than you are during the skydive itself.

    2005-12-02 9:10 AM
    in reply to: #296975

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    Brett - 2005-12-02 10:05 AM

    You are far more likely to die in a car crash on the way to a sky dive than you are during the skydive itself.

    Even if this is true, I still see no point in jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft for no apparent reason.

    2005-12-02 9:15 AM
    in reply to: #296975

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    Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    Brett - 2005-12-02 9:05 AM

    There are no Wal-Mart's in Niceville, Florida because Sam Walton hated one of the major landowners in the area.

    How lucky for Niceville, FL! I can see the sign heading into town: "Home of NO WAL-MART's".
    2005-12-02 9:19 AM
    in reply to: #295720

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    Extreme Veteran
    coastal NC
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    It is physically impossible to kiss the tip of one of your own elbows.

    2005-12-02 9:47 AM
    in reply to: #297014

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    I am not ashamed to say that I just tried to do this and you are in fact correct.

    deepbluesea - 2005-12-02 10:19 AM It is physically impossible to kiss the tip of one of your own elbows.

    2005-12-02 9:48 AM
    in reply to: #297070

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    Queen BTich
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    Dammit you can't!! WOW.

    I can touch my nose with my tongue though.

    ChipmunkHeart - 2005-12-02 10:47 AM

    I am not ashamed to say that I just tried to do this and you are in fact correct.

    deepbluesea - 2005-12-02 10:19 AM It is physically impossible to kiss the tip of one of your own elbows.

    2005-12-02 10:14 AM
    in reply to: #296634

    User image

    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    tyrant - 2005-12-01 3:51 PM

    drewb8 - 2005-12-01 10:25 AM

    Alaska has more coastline than the other 49 states combined

    The highest mountain from sea-level is Mt. Everest (29,028 feet)
    The tallest mountain (bottom to top) is Mauna Kea in Hawaii (33,476 feet, 13,796 ft of which is above sea level)
    The tallest mountain, measured from the center of the earth is Chimborazo in the Andes (20,561 feet)

    wouldent the about sea level be the same as "from the center of the earth?" i know sea level is always changing, but is the sea level in one area that much higher?

    You don't believe anyone, huh?

    Actually, its not becase of sea level. The earth is not perfectly round, it is an oblate spheroid which basically means that due to its spin it is fatter (bulges) around the equator and flattens towards the poles. In fact, the beaches of Ecuador are farther from the center of the earth than the summit of Mt. Everest.

    2005-12-02 10:28 AM
    in reply to: #297014

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    Not if you cut your arm off first.

    deepbluesea - 2005-12-02 9:19 AM It is physically impossible to kiss the tip of one of your own elbows.

    2005-12-02 10:29 AM
    in reply to: #297075

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    I can touch your nose with my tongue, too.

    TriComet - 2005-12-02 9:48 AM

    Dammit you can't!! WOW.

    I can touch my nose with my tongue though.

    ChipmunkHeart - 2005-12-02 10:47 AM

    I am not ashamed to say that I just tried to do this and you are in fact correct.

    deepbluesea - 2005-12-02 10:19 AM It is physically impossible to kiss the tip of one of your own elbows.

    2005-12-02 10:48 AM
    in reply to: #295720

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    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own

    Babies are born without knee caps

    Your eyes change color for a split second when you have a climax

    2005-12-02 11:02 AM
    in reply to: #295720

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    Stirling, Scotland
    Subject: RE: Totally useless facts...add one of your own
    OK here's another numbers based one.
    If you  went back 33 generations you would have more ancestors than there are people in the world now.
    If you want the maths then 2 to the power 33 gives 8,589,934,592 and an estimation for the worlds population for July this year was 6,446,131,400.
    I remember talking to a guy at a party who came up with a variation of this along the lines of going back about 42 generations gives a larger number than particles in the universe. I can't remember the calculation but it involves Planks constant. Anyone out there got a calculation for the number of particles in the universe versus a power of 2.
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