General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI) Rss Feed  
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2006-06-08 8:02 PM

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Little Rock, AR
Subject: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
now that the race is a month away .. how's everyone's training going?? Am I the only one freaking out about the thought of a 1/2 mile open water swim??  Any veterans of this race with advice??

train well!

2006-06-09 9:26 AM
in reply to: #448232

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Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

Don't freak out!  It's fun, I promise. For OWS-a-phobes, the best part of any Danskin is the Swim Angels. If you feel yourself panicking or tiring (beyond the normal) you just put your hand up and a swim angel will come to you with a floaty noodley thing and you can rest and hang out for as long as you want.  it will NOT DQ you as it would in a typical race.  Take the swim super easy and slow, don't even think about racing it, stay relaxed and focus on your breathing. Then, when you finish (which you will) you can tear it up on the bike!

 Other memories of last year- the post race food sucks. There isn;t enough, so bring a cooler or snack.  The busses afterwards to the remote parking lots also suck, take forever, and are hot and stinky. you are better off riding your bike back to the lot.  That's all I can think of right now. We will also have to do a BT meetup which will defnitely help you relax and gett psyched!

2006-06-09 9:54 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
You will be great! Danskin was my first OWS two years ago and the lake is beautiful! It is really calm and the swim angels are a great reassurance - plus all of the other ladies there are so supportive.

Just don't stress about it - your training will get you through it!
2006-06-13 10:08 AM
in reply to: #448232

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Iron Ridge, WI
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
Hi Jenn...

The Danskin is my first tri and I too have been a little freaked out about the know that you have some company! I'm nervous because I'm not that great of a swimmer although I've been working really hard at it! I'm sure you will do great and hope to meet you there!

Thanks to the others for the swimming advise. My goal is just to finish, but my competitive streak and perfectionist monster are starting to kick in and I've been mentally placing some pretty unrealistic goals upon myself. Thanks for the reminder to just relax!
2006-06-13 10:42 AM
in reply to: #448232

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

Danskin was my very first tri two summers ago ... and I totally freaked out on the swim.  I'm soooo not a swimmer.  Wasn't then, still am not.  But - even though I hyperventilated, needed lifeguard assistance, and did everything but cling to a swim angel, I made it across and finished out the tri.

So - RELAX! - they'll take care of you out there.  No worries.  And it really is a great, supportive environment.  Definitely one of the best places to do your first.

And I agree with Possum - post-race food isn't all that good and parking SUCKS (get there early, it'll take you awhile to get to the race site).   But other than that - it's a good time.

I'll be there again this year - my third time doing it - so I hope to see y'all there! 

2006-06-13 5:18 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Little Rock, AR
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

Thanks for the info on the swim! I did a 1/4 mile OWS (my first) in a race this past weekend and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. Good to know about the swim angels!

Also, I appreciate the comments about the post-race food and bus situation ... given the expense of registration and # of entrants I'm surprised the post race activity isn't better.  

2006-06-16 5:18 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Extreme Veteran
Sturtevant, WI
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
I did that race in 2004. You've got nothing to worry about in the swim!

Lake Andrea is really clean (for a lake), and the swim is straight across. I just did an OWS there on Tuesday, and the lake was beautiful!

Don't worry 'bout it. I was freaked out about the swim, and I ended up having my best time EVER during that race!

If I end up with enough funds, I might even see you at the start! (Otherwise, I'm doing Pleasant Prairie -- another great race on almost the EXACT same course, on August 20.)
2006-06-20 3:43 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
Hi Everyone

Thanks so much for the input on the race - I am feeling pretty confident altho i'm far from being fast. I just plan on having fun and enjoying it.

Also thanx for the info regarding parking and food. My husband will need to know all that so he can get me there on time.

Maybe we can somehow all hook up on Saturday before the race??

2006-06-20 6:36 PM
in reply to: #460784

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Little Rock, AR
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
I think a BT get together is a fabulous idea!! I met up with 3 other BT'ers at my last race and it was awesome!! Even better was seeing a BT jersey during the run and knowing I had training "partners" out there
2006-06-23 10:59 AM
in reply to: #448232

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
hey folks. great reading all the comments from the veterans of this race. this will by my first danskin race. i'm racing with my mom (age 65, second tri - first was an indoor with me last year), my aunt (will be turning 60 that weekend, first tri), my cousin colleen (in her late 30s, used to do marathons, has just been getting into tris), and my cousin kate (early 30s, first tri).

the big question i've been getting from my mom and aunt is how flat the bike course is and the set up for the bike course. any thoughts from those who have raced it before?

my big question is how early to get there. we are staying in a hotel about 30 minutes away, but there are five of us to get moving in the morning. i may have to be the morning task master, so i just need to know when to start splashing cold water on everyone
2006-06-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: #463940

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

autumn - 2006-06-23 10:59 AM the big question i've been getting from my mom and aunt is how flat the bike course is and the set up for the bike course. any thoughts from those who have raced it before?

Bike course is a lot of rolling hills. No major uphill climbs, but can be draining for those of us who train where it's almost completely flat! Last year, I had 4 friends in tow who were doing their first tri ... I had assured them that the bike was "pretty flat" ... and was yelled at afterwards by all of them because they thought it was a bit of a challenge. In my defense, the year I did it (before all of them), I was just soooo happy to have survived the swim that you could have sent me up a mountain on the bike and I would have been okay with that.

my big question is how early to get there. we are staying in a hotel about 30 minutes away, but there are five of us to get moving in the morning. i may have to be the morning task master, so i just need to know when to start splashing cold water on everyone

Last year we ran into a lot of traffic just getting to the parking lot. Once we got within a mile or two of the parking area, it probably took a good 20-30 minutes from that point. And then you still have to hop a bus to get to the race venue. It's fairly organized - just slow. The natives of the area may know some back doors to get there that aren't as heavily trafficked, though.

2006-06-27 12:15 PM
in reply to: #463940

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Extreme Veteran
Sturtevant, WI
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
autumn - 2006-06-23 10:59 AM the big question i've been getting from my mom and aunt is how flat the bike course is and the set up for the bike course. any thoughts from those who have raced it before?

my big question is how early to get there. we are staying in a hotel about 30 minutes away, but there are five of us to get moving in the morning. i may have to be the morning task master, so i just need to know when to start splashing cold water on everyone

As far as when to get to the course, I'd get there at least 90 minutes early. The shuttle tends to be slow. This happened when I did the race, and I was SO much happier waiting for the tri to start than hoping they hadn't started yet while waiting for a shuttle.

And since I rode it this morning, here's the bike course in detail:

It starts at Prairie Springs Park (RecPlex/Lake Andrea/Transition Area, etc.), and winds around Terwall Terrace for a short stretch. That's really flat. You then take Hwy. 165 east for about 2 miles. There are two major hills on 165, and they're not easy when you're going east. Once you get over them, you've gotten through the hardest part of the bike course! After the second hill, there's a left turn onto 72nd Ave., which then turns on to Green Bay Road. The ride on Green Bay Road is about 2 miles, and for the last part of it, it's a bit downhill. You then make a sharp left onto Hwy. ML (Springbrook Road). Hwy. ML is slightly uphill for the first part, and downhill for the second part. (It's really not too bad.) It curves a bit, and there's another slight uphill before you turn left onto 39th Avenue. (Water stations at this corner.) You can get some nice speed going downhill on 39th, which should take you up the next hill. After that, you turn left onto 93rd Street, where the road is a bit rougher than the rest of the course. (It's not that bad, though.) It's got a lot of ups and downs, but none of the hills are that significant. You'll then curve a bit, and turn left onto Old Green Bay Road. There's one hill you'll have to climb after turning, but it's not that steep. It then takes you downhill to Hwy. 165 again, where you turn right. Remember those first two hills? You get to face them again, but this time, you're going west. I don't know why, but for some reason, the hills aren't hard at all when you're going west. Happens every time...I don't get it...but I also don't mind, either! You'll fly up and down those two hills, turn right again onto Terwall Terrace, and finish the bike.

The run (for anyone who's wondering) is FLAT. There's one small hill, which is more of an incline than a hill, and after that, you head straight to the finish.

Sadly, I won't be there for the Danskin. I can't afford it. (That is, unless I find an extra $80 rather soon!) Good luck to all of you who are competing! I'll be at the Pleasant Prairie tri in August.
2006-06-27 12:24 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Little Rock, AR
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
thanks for the detailed report Christy! Sounds like a fun bike ride!  Training in Missouri - those hills don't sound too scary
2006-06-29 6:40 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
I'll be doing the tri next weekend as well. I've done a few other tris but never Danskin. I would love to meet up with any other BTers, particularly if you're from the Chicago area. How would we go about setting up a time and place?
2006-07-05 11:48 AM
in reply to: #448232

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
another danskin question - bike drop off and packet pick up is on saturday. do we then set up our actual transition areas on sunday? or on saturday? how do folks get to the swim start? thanks!
2006-07-05 1:25 PM
in reply to: #474203

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

autumn - 2006-07-05 11:48 AM another danskin question - bike drop off and packet pick up is on saturday. do we then set up our actual transition areas on sunday? or on saturday? how do folks get to the swim start? thanks!

On Saturday, you just get your bike into the transition area - everything else you bring on Sunday and set up like you normally would.

You walk to the swim start, though it's probably a good quarter to half mile away. 

2006-07-05 1:37 PM
in reply to: #470318

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

kmarzano - 2006-06-29 6:40 PM I'll be doing the tri next weekend as well. I've done a few other tris but never Danskin. I would love to meet up with any other BTers, particularly if you're from the Chicago area. How would we go about setting up a time and place?

I wouldn't mind setting up a place and time, though I'll be with about 6 other people so will have very little control over my own schedule.   

Perhaps we could meet up while we're waiting for our waves to go off....  anyone have any other ideas? 

2006-07-06 6:11 PM
in reply to: #448232

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
we leave tomorrow! hope to run into some of you there.
2006-07-10 10:26 AM
in reply to: #448232

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Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

Hi all! I'm new to this board....

I haven't done any triathlons for the last three years, so Danskin was my first one after a while..... it was awesome!!!  I love it and am totally ready for the next one! I loved the bike course-a few hills, but the hills were gentle and didn't seem hard... run was great around the lake (though some shade would have been good hehe), and water was just perfect temperature, wasn't it?

The only fiasco was getting out..... They sent us toward the beach (swim start) for the Reunite area-and then-after walking barefoot on hot blacktop (blisters from no socks running) with a bike and a stroller for a good half a mile-it turns out it was THE OTHER way....UGH!  so we walk all the way back (in shoes at this point), and then another mile or so till we could meet our cars....a bit crazy, but at least the tri was totally organized..I felt that everything went so smoothly and without a hitch!

 How was your tri?

2006-07-10 3:21 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
Hi all

i did pretty well on this one, but i hated it. The course was great but it was so poorly organized.

I didnt get a goody bag, they ran out, i didnt get the right shirt size, they ran out, the transition area was poorly marked, the pathways were poorly organized, the running trail was too small - had to go around walkers, no gatorade on such a hot day, no shade or sprinklers on the run and the parking - oh my - the shuttle nightmare and reunite area was a mess. If it wasnt for the course being so nice (especially the swim) i dont think i'd do it again. I was in wave 10 and when i crossed there wasnt any towels left. All the vendor tents were too close to the finish line making it overly crowded. it was a mess.

But the course was good - the swim in Lake andrea was really great..the bike ride was hilly and windy but fun, beautiful and spacious.


2006-07-10 5:10 PM
in reply to: #478104

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
Hello everyone,

I liked the course itself for the most part. I loved the swim and the bike was very nice. I agree much of the run course was too small and they should have had some gatorade. I completed it in less than an hour and half, but if you're taking longer than an hour and a half or so, you really need some sort of nutrition like gatorade in your system for health and safety reasons.

I would also agree that it was not as organized as it should have been. And from what I understand the organization was worlds better than it has been in the past. There was a lot of general chaos, NONE of the volunteers knew anything, not even about the thing they were volunteering for, and there was no information available anywhere to explain it. Having done Chicago Accenture, which is twice the number of participants, I know from experience an event of this size can be much better organized.

I believe this was the 10th anniversary running. While I might consider doing it again because I love women only events and want to support them so they will continue, I feel like they should have some of the organizational kinks worked out by this point. My fear is that it will discourage women from doing it again and/or give women only events a bad reputation as being disorganized.

Regardless, congratulations to all who finished and I hope you'll keeing tri-ing in the future.

2006-07-11 8:14 PM
in reply to: #448232

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

Now that it's all over with ...

I always love this race, but the parking situation was bad enough to make me want to stay home next year.  Which is a shame because otherwise I think they do a great job putting on a quality race.

Take the time to fill out the post-race online survey - let them know what you think!

2006-07-11 10:22 PM
in reply to: #448232

New user

Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
Hey Ladies............this was my first tri and my goals were a)finish b)not to be last. I accomplished both! Yay me BUT...........because I was a late finisher, it seems like we wandered around without much direction at the end of the run. I'm a walker (as were many of us), the water stations were abandoned or had a few partial 1/2 gals. of hot water left. I was very disappointed in the organization. I loved the swim, but had to dodge several "water weiners" that people were using for the entire swim. I thought those were for emergencies and were only used temporarily (?)

There was a few old bananas sitting around, but no place to cool off or rest. My spouse waited for the shuttle bus for 1 1/2 hours.................AND the toilets! Oh MYGOD....what the hell were they thinking? They were never flushed out and were disgusting and filthy. I couldn't wait to get in the water so I could pee! (sorry ladies).

I loved the experience, loved the unconditional support, loved Sally Edwards and the volunteers were awesome! I just think because it's a Danskin event, I thought it would be a bit more upscale than it was. Hope I didn't offend anyone..............
2006-07-12 10:49 AM
in reply to: #448232

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Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)

Now that you pointed some of these organizational flops out, I do remember them....  I felt bad for people coming in at the very end...most ppl were already done and walking to the mysterious ReUnite people were still in the race.  I thought that was just awful for those people. I would have liked everybody to cheer me on....but I guess you can't avoid that with such a huge race and such a big gap in finishing times... Still, there should have been volunteers waiting, cold water, fresh fruit and all that. 

The transition are WAS marked pretty poorly.  My bib number (2468) didn't even fall into any of the categories....I just went with the category closest to mine.

I guess you are right, with a big sponsor like Danskin, you would think they'd do a better job organizing this.... oh well, maybe next year it'd be better?

2006-07-12 11:08 AM
in reply to: #448232

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Iron Ridge, WI
Subject: RE: Danskin Women's Triathlon - Chicagoland (Pleasant Prairie, WI)
All in all, I had a really great experience. Since it was my first time, I have no frame of reference as to what should or shouldn't be. I guess however that I would be a bit more upset at lack of support for the last finishers. That seems pretty unfair.
But again...I enjoyed myself immensely, despite some disorganization or chaos...I had a blast and it totally encouraged me and gave me some much needed confidence to continue in this tri thing!

I do have this to say however....the end of the event was awful.

1. the line to wait in for the shuttle to get your car??? Thank God my friends husband and mine, were at the FRONT of the line!!!

2. As pp stated...'the mysterious reunite area'...what was THAT about? They said on Saturday that it was only about 1/2 mile from the rec plex and that you had the choice to walk or take the shuttle, but excuse me...there was no shuttle and it was more like a mile rather than a 1/2!

I was a little pissed that after the race, you have to wait in line (for who knows how long) to get on a bus to get to your car, to drive it to another place to park, to walk a mile to get your bike, to ride your bike back to your car....I was a little cranky after all of that! I needed a shower and a good meal!
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