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2013-05-14 5:12 PM

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New user
East Tennessee
Subject: Mouth Breathers

Are there any other mouth breathers out there?  I was about 5 miles into my ride today when all of a sudden I sucked in a bug.  Of course I immediately spit it back out.  It landed above my knee and proceeded to bite me.  Turns out it was a yellowjacket looking thing.  I can''t imagine what would have happened if it would have gotten the inside of my mouth.


Between my allergies and poor conditioning I've got to be much more careful.


Anybody else?

2013-05-14 5:30 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I have eaten a few bugs on the bike, and a few have bounced off my teeth!  I noticed more bugs this week with (finally) warmer weather.  What happens if you inhale one?  Does it dissolve in your lung?  How long does that take?  Funny I was thinking about how a thread on bugs in your mouth would get responded to!
2013-05-14 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I'm a mouth breather because my nose is always either stuffed up or drippy. I ate a bug on a run once and it tasted so nasty I ended up bent over and violently retching on the side of the road. I just try and see them before they get near my mouth. That time the bug was tiny and it was at night.
2013-05-14 6:01 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
Mouth breather here! Eat bugs all the time, but never a stinging one. Yikes, glad you got it out. 
2013-05-14 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
If you swallow a bug , do you have to take that into account for nutrition purposes?  What's the amount of carbs in a bug?Laughing
2013-05-14 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4742604

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

tedjohn - 2013-05-14 6:31 PM If you swallow a bug , do you have to take that into account for nutrition purposes?  What's the amount of carbs in a bug?Laughing

I always thought the bugs were just protein and no carbs... Hmmm...

2013-05-14 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Evansville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I'm a mouth breather as well and every time I go out I will swallow at least 3-4 bugs that fly in my mouth. Who needs gels when you have bugs ??
2013-05-14 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I'm right there with ya!! Had a big old bastard bounce off my teeth on a downhill going 25 mph!! A bit more open and I'm eating or inhaling it!!! Makes me cough and gag just thinking about it..
2013-05-14 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4742520

Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
Mouth breather.  Got a lung full of gnats today.
2013-05-14 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4742520

Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
Former mouth breather here. I had sinus surgery and now I breath mostly through my nose. No more bugs in the mouth.
2013-05-14 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I ate some damn bug doing my TT today.. it made me gag while riding lol. So many bugs out right now.. my biggest problem is them flying into my helmet. I got bit on the forehead on sunday by something that was in my helmet.. still got a small bite mark on my head

2013-05-14 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
Wait, can anyone actually breathe through their nose when doing a decent effort?  I have a huge nose but I am for sure a mouth breather when exercising... and kind of assumed everyone else was too.
2013-05-14 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

I have been stung by a wasp inside the mouth, and in one of the helmet vents. It's like getting punched in the face or hit by a rock. Not recommended.


2013-05-15 2:19 AM
in reply to: #4742520

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
If I'm working out, my mouth is open (including the lake and the pool, and I hear you're supposed to keep your mouth kind of closed even though you exhale through it under water).  Never had a bug go into my mouth although a bug did Kamikaze into my cheek this past week.
2013-05-15 5:55 AM
in reply to: #4742520

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NE Ohio
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
Mouth breather here.. eaten a few, had them bounce off my teeth, and fly into my helmet and eyes. This week I was running somewhere near a cottonwood tree, and was trying to time my inhales with openings in the falling "cotton". I was also doing forceful puffs while running thru the the thick of it.
2013-05-15 6:06 AM
in reply to: #4742520

New user
Key West
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

Another mouth breather here. Never had this happen while on my bike, but have had it happen on a run and when I was a kid playing on the jungle gym I remember yelling and all of the sudden in flies a grasshopper. I swallowed it. Probably the most protein I had that day.

I just saw a news report about how WHO has now said that bugs are a legitimate source of food for the world's people. The fact is that a lot of the world intentionally eats bugs. That though is different from having one fly into your mouth when you least expect it.

2013-05-15 7:53 AM
in reply to: #4742520

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
2013-05-15 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4742520

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

Hmmm! Bug protein!

Have eaten a couple here. Always fun.

2013-05-15 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4742520

Apple Valley, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

I am a mouth breather and have eaten countless bugs, gaged and choked, and was sting on the lip inside the mouth by a wasp once.  I found out last fall that I have a deviated septum and that occludes one nostril 90 some percent.   I can take a shot of affrin if need be, but that gets my heart all jacked up.   My ENT doc said he if I can live with it then no need for surgery, He also said most mouth breathers are in the same situation.  It also gives me a constant post nasal drip.  Oh well, I will keep taking my nutrition as the winged variety.

2013-05-15 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4742520

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Newcastle, England
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I was once stung by a bee in the back of my throat at the start of the run on an oly race ... luckily i had consumed a large dose of anti histamine prior to the race ... but it did leave me very sore for a few days  
2013-05-15 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4742520

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

Thanks everyone...Now I have...

Well, it's a strange old game, you learn it slow

One step forward and it's back to go

You're standing on the throttle, you're standing on the brakes

In the groove till you make a mistake

Sometimes you're the windshield

Sometimes you're the bug

Sometimes it all comes together, baby

Sometimes you're a fool in love

Sometimes you're the Louisville slugger

Sometimes you're the ball

Sometimes it all comes together, baby

Sometimes you're gonna lose it all, groove it, groove it, groove it

...stuck in my head.  Smile

2013-05-15 12:28 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

Just little bugs.

Trying to come up with a clever statement about Honey Stinger products... Smile

2013-05-15 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers
I was on a ride this last year with my boss and he had a bee go up his nose, stung him and then he swallowed it somehow. He wasn't feeling good after that.
2013-05-15 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

I breathed in a beetle once. I was coughing like crazy but I couldn't get it back up. I think it was gripping inside my lung with his little beetle feet. After a while the feeling went away, but I don't know what happened to the bug. Maybe it broke up and got absorbed?

We need a doctor to reply on this.

2013-05-15 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4742520

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Mouth Breathers

One sign of anaerobic threshold is not being able to comfortably breathe through the nose only.  So anyone out there training at or above AT is definitely a mouth breather!

I had a bee fly down my throat in college.  I felt like it was starting to swell up so a coworker drove me to the university medical center.  By the time we got there if felt mostly okay.  When they looked down my throat they saw a little red mark but no stinger.  Guess I swallowed him before he got me.

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