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Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2013-06-08 4:41 AM

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Subject: FBI: Wife tried to frame husband for ricin letters

Y'know, I do believe there are more socially acceptable ways of saying I don't want to be married to you any more and getting a divorce finalized.

2013-06-08 8:33 AM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: FBI: Wife tried to frame husband for ricin letters
Wow.  All that "creativity" and six kids.  Woah nelly.
2013-06-08 9:04 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: FBI: Wife tried to frame husband for ricin letters
Originally posted by switch

Wow.  All that "creativity" and six kids.  Woah nelly.

Yeah, nothing says "go away" like trying to frame someone for terroristic acts.

When a restraining order just won't do.

2013-06-10 6:44 AM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: FBI: Wife tried to frame husband for ricin letters
It's kind of interesting. When the story was the letters were towards the anti-gun group and probably written by someone pro-gun-rights, this was all over the news.

When it became about a wife trying to frame an estranged husband, *POOF* it's gone from the news.

2013-06-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: FBI: Wife tried to frame husband for ricin letters

Yeah, well journalists love nothing more than the crazy gun nut. 

Nut job ex wife? Meh, next!

Wait, is she crazy gun nut? Oh, no? Next!

2013-06-10 4:03 PM
in reply to: switch

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: FBI: Wife tried to frame husband for ricin letters
What an absolute moron. This definitely qualifies as Stupidest-Criminal level. Sure, call the Feds on yourself. Surely they'll believe you despite all the evidence. Wow, just wow.

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