Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Pain on outside of the leg Rss Feed  
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2018-10-27 2:03 AM

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Subject: Pain on outside of the leg
I did a set of 30 reps for upper abs and a set of 20 reps for lower abs and after that, while I was trying to do a circuit superset for the whole abdomen, I started feeling pain in my left leg. It felt like the muscle in my leg is stretched completely and will get injured any second. SO. I had to stop and as I stood up, the pain was not so prominent but I can still feel it a bit. What probably could be the reason for this pain?

2018-10-30 8:25 AM
in reply to: PaulHudson

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Pain on outside of the leg

It might help to be a little more specific about the location of the pain.

2018-11-20 2:14 AM
in reply to: briderdt

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Subject: RE: Pain on outside of the leg
Thank you for the time Champion I also researched the muscle and the precise location of my discomfort and I found out it was a muscle called vastus lateralis that was in trouble and now I'm working to get it recovered and probably ill be fit by the end of November.
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Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Pain on outside of the leg Rss Feed