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Holiday Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Pomona, California
United States
Motiv Running
60F / 16C
Total Time = 2h 10m 11s
Overall Rank = 983/4924
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 47/99
Pre-race routine:

Woke up and got out of bed at 5:20am. Gulped my dosage of Kion Aminos and Kion Flex and got hydration bottles ready with Infinit. Dressed up and wore extra layers due to it being in the low 50s before the race start. Took a dump at 6am, hehehe.

After that I made a toastie and ate it with half a banana and apple sauce. Packed all my stuff and verified I had everything needed for the race.

Event warmup:

Got the the Gate 9 at almost 7 and there was a long line of cars but it was moving along smoothly. I made my way to bib pickup but forgot my ID so I walked back. Good thing I remembered after a few minutes but then I didn't need my ID for my bib, hehe.

Phil spotted me and we got out of our extra layers and gave our gear bags to the gear check at about 7:40am.

I ate my Clif Bar after that and did my dynamic warmup routine at 7:50am. I couldn't find the 2:20 pacer I wanted to run with as my plan was to stick with that pacer and negative split if I'm feeling good at the half way point. I decided to seed behind the 2:15 pacer and just hang back.
  • 2h 10m 11s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 56s  min/mile

I started my pace at my current marathon fitness pace at 10:40/mi and my HR was spot on at mid to high Z2. At around mile 2 the 2:20 pacer caught me and started catching up to the 2:15 pacer which I thought was odd. I kept them in sight while keeping my pace and effort in check. As the miles went on to 3 and 6 my HR was climbing to Z3 and Z4 due to the hills but I was still feeling okay. The Yasso 400s and 800s and hill intervals I've been doing helped.

As I caught up to the the 2:20 pacer we chatted a bit and learned it was her first time pacing and advised her to slow it down because the runners relying on her will get discouraged. At almost mile 6.5 I said my good byes to her and took off to find the 2:10 pacer. The hills started feeling pretty challenging but I did not cramp and kept my pace and effort in check at my half marathon pace. Arms pumping up the hills helped lots too. :) The hill before mile 10 marker was a bitch, hehehe. The hills after that weren't so bad. My watch was lapping me at about 0.05 miles before each mile marker to this point and a bit more so at the mile 12 one. At that point it was go all in pace.

I finally saw the 2:10 pacer at about half a mile to go and upped my effort to catch her and hopefully beat her to the finish line and I did! Yay!!!

Felt tiny blister forming on ball of left foot to the right but it wasn't too bad. I just felt it there. Might need to be more generous in applying NewSkin there.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I planned to pace myself at current marathon fitness pace and build from there depending on how I was feeling.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around and stretched. Drank water and ate a banana before getting a 5-minute massage. I requested they focus on my calves and lower back. Got another water bottle and drank a Michelob Ultra with Phil before going home. Drank Endurox R4 as I was driving home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not resting for an awesome race day effort. Ran 25 miles this week leading to race day. :P

Event comments:

Very organized race. Lotsa energetic volunteers, challenging course but not so challenging to hate it and never return. Nice massage and free beer after finishing. :)

Last updated: 2018-12-09 12:00 AM
02:10:11 | 13.1 miles | 09m 56s  min/mile
Age Group: 47/99
Overall: 99/4924
Performance: Good
6.3 miles at between marathon and half marathon pace, after that half marathon to fast finish. Z3: 29:21 Z4: 45:17 Z5: 47:55
Course: Paved, hilly, with some nice long stretches of flat.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2018-12-10 9:54 AM

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: Holiday Half Marathon
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Holiday Half Marathon Rss Feed  

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