General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training! Rss Feed  
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2019-05-15 9:34 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!

Good morning BT!

6:00 AM - 45-minute bike trainer work out at  60-80% FTP

Have a great day!

Edited by BlueBoy26 2019-05-15 9:34 AM

2019-05-15 11:43 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!
I woke up at 6 am... wow for me!
Did some small miles on the bike in the beautiful sunny weather.

Have a great day!
2019-05-15 1:02 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!
1600m in the pool.

Good Times!!
2019-05-15 1:58 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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South Florida
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!

3000 yds at 5:30am with masters.   Then a short and weenie few upper body and plank exercises - Tabatas.  I just don't love strength training but totally need to add it in as a regular thing.  .   Happy Hump Day

2019-05-15 4:59 PM
in reply to: Mimir98

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!
No early morning workouts here, since I am currently an unemployed slacker. 1800 yards of swimming at about 11:15 AM (I'm not really THAT lazy--was up at 6:45!), followed by 42 minutes of running in early afternoon. Finally starting to feel a bit more like myself when running--quads did not complain for once!

If I do find a job for next year (teacher--that means next school year), it's going to take some getting used to those 4:30 AM alarms again!
2019-05-16 8:08 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!
Was so psyched for a blue sky bike ride with my women's riding club - and of course a cold rain came in. Ah, unpredictable Vermont weather!! We rode through it, and it thankfully never got to pouring rain status. 14 miles of hilly Vermont goodness.

2019-05-16 9:28 AM
in reply to: GreenMtnLabbit

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!

Originally posted by GreenMtnLabbit Was so psyched for a blue sky bike ride with my women's riding club - and of course a cold rain came in. Ah, unpredictable Vermont weather!! We rode through it, and it thankfully never got to pouring rain status. 14 miles of hilly Vermont goodness.


I have been watching the 10-day weather forecast and it is still showing rain all across the state for race day on Saturday.  I have had rain in the forecast for three of the last five races I have done.  One of the races got a fair amount of rain and in 51 deg F I was freezing on the bike.  Especially for the 6 miles down the mountain where I was going 35-45 mph.  The other races had rain leading up to the race and after the race but was fine during the race.  I am hoping that if we have bad weather for the race that I will be able to adjust tot he conditions better than most.  I always love it when I am sitting at the finish line wondering if the race conditions will affect as much as me to hear people come in and say that wind, or that heat, or those hills, or that rain were more than they could handle and that they will never do a race in those conditions again.  That is music to my ears because I know that I probably placed a lot high that day than I would have on an ideal weather day.  All that training in whatever weather we are having that day pays off.  :-)

2019-05-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: 05.15.2019 Wondrous Wednesday Training!
Originally posted by BlueBoy26
I always love it when I am sitting at the finish line wondering if the race conditions will affect as much as me to hear people come in and say that wind, or that heat, or those hills, or that rain were more than they could handle and that they will never do a race in those conditions again.  That is music to my ears because I know that I probably placed a lot high that day than I would have on an ideal weather day.  All that training in whatever weather we are having that day pays off.  :-)

Agreed, I feel a little glee when I hear people worrying about the elevation changes or weather changes. I ride and run year round (you know, when not being lazy) and it's really hard to go anywhere around here without steep hills or long climbs. I hope it makes me tough!
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