General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Fink and 80-20 training Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2021-12-03 4:30 PM


Subject: Fink and 80-20 training
Hello All,
A few of questions:

I do a dynamic warm up for 10 min before every run. Skip, high knees, butt kickers. I keep this "warm up" in Z2 by walking if my HR hits Z3.
#1. Should this be done in a different way?

I want to follow Finks Iron Fit plan. I do not see it following the 80% Z2, 20% Z4-5 recommendations I've been given, nor is there any strength workouts.
#2. How to best incorporate? Should I pick one session per event and perform as HIIT, or just tack on the HIIT at the end. Example Base-Week 1 Tues is a 30min Z2 run. I could run 30 min Z2 then do a 6min sprint workout session. Or use 6 min of the run as HIIT. Or do entire workout doing sprints and let the other three workouts(1hr30min total) be at Z2? Currently I'm doing 16x 40s@2min once a week.

I entered the entire training program in Excel, but would love to add them to my Garmin workouts/Training calendar. But the creation process on either Connect or the mobile app is tedious.
#3. Is there a bulk upload/edit for Connect?

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