Subject: USA Triathlon / Endurance Planet partner in podcasting!Some of you had posted recently that Endurance Planet was shutting down. Well, it's been purchased and improved. and are partnering on the new podcasts. Essentially, a "newscast/podcast" is now appearing every week on Athlete profiles and in-depth stories will appear daily on beginning March 5th. Check out the 1st newscast/podcast: How did this come about? I've been a radio newsman for 15 years but my PASSION has been running marathons, ultramarathons, and competiting in countless triathlons. This was the perfect fit. I've been on for a few years. In addition my colleague/co-owner/longtime competitor Tucker Kelsey a.ka. Speedball is a beginner tri guy who will be updating the site and adding his own unique brand of wit to it. Beginner Triathlete is a great community of athletes and your input on this evolving venture is much-appreciated. Thanks!! Kevin Patrick |