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Article title Date published
Decline Bench Press - Dumbbell (853%) 2006-06-25
Strength Training Plan for the Off-Season (365%) 2006-03-05
Sit-Up-Decline Bench (340%) 2006-06-21
Bench Press - Dumbbell, Palms Facing-In (310%) 2006-06-25
Incline Bench Press - Barbell Medium Grip (303%) 2006-06-25
Bench Press - Dumbbell (302%) 2006-06-25
Incline Bench Press - Dumbbell (287%) 2006-06-25
Incline Bench Press-Barbell Wide Grip (270%) 2006-06-25
Bench Press-Wide Grip (268%) 2006-06-24
Bench Press-Barbell Medium Grip (268%) 2006-06-25
Science of Fuel (264%) 2017-03-31
Push-Up - Feet Elevated (252%) 2006-06-26
Functional Strength Training for the Modern Triathlete: Part 2 (250%) 2012-05-22
“Man, you are such a hoss chick!” (248%) 2005-05-30
Going Slow! - Putting the Halt On Tri Life to Live Life (239%) 2005-04-17
Member Question: Strengthening for Maintenance (239%) 2005-09-03
The Strength Matrix II: Graphing and Analyzing Your Set Data (239%) 2006-07-26
January Triathlon Training Chat with Coach Kevin Konczak (229%) 2007-03-22
Trying Barbell Hip Thrusts for More Power on the Bike (226%) 2022-02-03
Weight Training: What if One is Time Constrained? (219%) 2006-03-05
Member Case Study: Swimming Shoulder Pain (219%) 2007-04-11
Marathon Training: Add These Strength Workouts (211%) 2017-09-30
Weight Training for Mass (210%) 2004-09-02
Don’t Let a Cramp Stop You Short! (198%) 2018-02-28
Member Question: Upper Body Strength for Swimming. (186%) 2005-07-05