tri-bike questions from a tall guy (6'5")
BY: on 2003-08-28 11:03 AM
Hi everyone,
While I will save my introduction for the de-lurking page, I should describe myself as someone looking to get into tri's and is in need of a bike. I have an ok MTB
(Schwinn Moad 3
), but loathe the idea of racing that with slicks. I also anticipate racing to keep in shape, so I would prefer to skip a road bike and get a tri-bike. Naturally I want to keep costs low, so a used or
) a clearance bike is my best choice. My wife plans on joining me on the quest, too.
Based on the research I have done
(which I enjoy
), I can tell I need a large frame
(61-63cm as far as I can guess
) for the tri-bike. I know those numbers mean different things for different manufacturers, too. So, I guess my question is: Should I try to just buy a used bike complete or can you actually save money and buy a used frame and then components? It seems that the latter would be more of a hassle and not save much money. Is that correct? Also, are those frame sizes correct? I hope so since I haven't seen anything higher than 63cm!! Finally, what's the best way to hunt down used frames/tri-bikes?
(rhymes with Chief
RE: tri-bike questions from a tall guy (6'5")
BY: on 2003-08-28 1:03 PM
I think that it is important that you be evaluated, by a bike shop that is familiar with tri-bikes. You may very well need the size frame you think, but on the other hand your body make up might justify that you need a different size. My bike shop moved me up a size larger than I thought I needed because my torso is longer than the average persons. The next size up gave me a little more comfort in the aero position. I don't work for a bike shop and don't own one, but a good qualified bike shop can tell you if you are right or wrong about frame size and it could help you save some money and be more comfortable. Finding a used frame your size may require some patience on your part. Worst case scenario is to ride your mountain bike until you find the perfect bike.
Still Tri’n
Edited by Michael 2003-08-28 1:04 PM