i don't think that...
BY: on 2003-09-05 1:52 PM
u will gain any advantage over any of the positions. IF I AM CORRECT IN THINKING that your mtb is set up the same way as mine, whichever of the two positions i use, my body is at least 45deg from the horizontal. i am like a flat-nosed semi. i don't gain much advantage from either postion and still be comfortable.
i am not sure if its easy to retro-fit some aerobars onto a mtb and still be able to use them if u upgrade to a tri bike, but (i feel) u need them to gain any real aerodynamic advantage.
with the aero bars, i say u can get about 20-30deg from the horizontal - a BIG differance. u almost have to get your fore-arms and upper-arms close to 90deg to get low. this is uncomfortable with my setup as i have no elbow support AND I KNOW that my fore-arm and upper arm are about 180deg on either position on my mtb.
good luck on that tri next sunday, we r already looking forward to your race report!
Edited by Ron 2003-09-10 1:17 PM