Westchester, New York United States Westchester Medical Center 72F / 22C Overcast
Total Time =
1h 31m 20s
Overall Rank =
Age Group =
Age Group Rank =
Protein shake with strawberries and cream about 2 hours before the start
Easy jog/walk about 3/4 mile
This is a guess because no splits were provided and I can't read my stupid watch without my stupid reading glasses. Started a little too slow.
Warm up a little more.
This is also a guess. The transition area was grass, and there has been a lot of rain, so I was worried about my cleats getting clogged with mud, but I had no trouble clipping in.
I forgot my bike computer at home, so I had no idea how fast I was going. I am very pleased with my performance. I got passed by a few people on the downhills because I am still not confident going fast, but I passed a lot of people going up hills, which was a lot of fun. One guy on a really nice bike (I admit I was jealous)whizzed by me going down hill, but I caught him and blew by him like he was standing still on the big hill. Even though I am pretty slow, and a BOPer, it's still a race and fun to pass people, right?
Not forget my bike computer at home
Also a guess.
Legs felt pretty good coming off the bike; only a little stiffness in calves.
Got passed by a few people, but I also passed a few. I felt very strong in the last half mile. With about a tenth of a mile to go I was catching up to a guy and he looked back at me, and I don't think he wanted me to pass him, but I picked up my pace, passed him and he wasn't able to keep up with me, so that was fun.
Post race
Walked around and drank lots of water.
I need to train more.
This is only my third multi sport race. I have done one sprint tri, and one other duathlon. This is the first time that I felt like I was racing, so I had a a lot of fun.