knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-13 11:14 PM
Hello everybody,
I'm not sure if this message will be delivered in the appropriate forum, but I am a beginning triathlete. Two months ago after running in a 1/2 marathon, I began to develop a pain on the inside of my right knee. Subsequent, I took two months off running in an attempt to heal my knee. During this time, I focused exclusively on my swimming which didn't hurt my knee. Upon my return to running, I ran just 10 minutes on the treadmill at 5mph, but quickly realized that my knee pain still existed. I have since stopped running. At this point, I am quite frustrated. What do I do? My knee doesn't hurt when I walk, or climb up and down stairs. Only when I run. Should I wait another few months before trying running again? Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations about how to cure my right inside knee pain? Thanks. -
RE: knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-13 11:44 PM
First off, welcome to BT. Knee injuries suck! Have you had it checked? If it's still going on after 2 months of swimming, there's a possibility of a bigger problem than rest can deal with.
Ice, ibuprofen, etc - but you probably already knew that.
Good luck!
RE: knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-14 5:05 AM
I am experiencing the same problem. My pain is just below the knee cap on the inside of my right leg. I have been to the doctor and he said nothing was torn and doesn't know why I was experiencing the pain. I am going to take the winter off from running and focus stretching and strength. I think it is almost like a tendinitis but of what I don't know. The doctor was no help, he said to run through it. I may try switching shoes next spring and see if that helps.
Mike -
RE: knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-14 7:35 AM
Rowdy .. could be fluid in the knee .. sounds similiar to some injuries we have in our soccer team ... RICE is the best thing for that I think .. but a bugger to treat. -
RE: knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-14 7:30 PM
It sounds to me that you have either
1) a muscular imbalance between your hamstrings and your quads which is causing your knee to not track properly. This can feel like a painful rubbing on the inside of the knee about where the knee meets the tibia, leaving it sore. With one muscle, usually the hamstring, being stronger, it pulls the knee ever so slightly when you run. This is fixed by going to a Physical therapist and getting some exercise to bring the opposing muscle back up to strength. It may also be a gait problem in which you need to go to a specialty running store and be matched up with the correct shoes for your feet.
2) Some form of degenerative joint problem like osteoarthristis which means there is not enough joint lube and cartilage to keep things nice, cushy and moving along correctly. Usually this is best dealt with by cross training more, pool running, running on trails and treadmills (say no to concrete sidewalks, goodbye to asphalt roads) and try 1500 mg of glucosomine, which slows joint damage.
And really, if this persists you need to see a doc. Good luck to you. -
RE: knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-16 1:16 PM
Thanks for the replies. I decided to see a sports orthopedic about my knee injury. I'm seeing him this week. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated, particularly the individual who replied and is having the same problem as myself. Best of luck. -
RE: knee injury
BY: Guest on 2004-11-18 12:02 PM
I just got back from seeing the sports orthopedic...and my diagnosis is.....a bruised knee. Apparantely, the bones on the inside of my leg, next to the knee cap, are brused. The doctor thinks this happened during my 1/2 marathon run. I was told to not run or do any activity that aggravates it for at least 2 months. He told me that an injury like this takes a while to heal. So, back to the pool for more laps.