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2020-12-28 6:43 AM

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Welcome to the 2021 edition of the Manatees. Our motto this year is Dooo Eeeet!!!  We are all mentors and mentees, which sounds like manatees--hence our name. Some iteration of this group has been going on for enough seasons and we've lost track of what season we are in! All experience levels and goals welcome.

We have soon-to-triathletes, multiple-iron finishers, runners, cyclists and swimming specialists. We range from slow to fast, and beginner to veteran, but most of us are somewhere in the middle of all that. Our training philosophies, gear, objectives and methods are similarly varied. We are very committed to health and to each other. We are an extremely supportive and active group. Inactive Manatees make us sad so please post to this forum frequently.

  • Please check in regularly (even to admit you're procrastinating or overwhelmed) and be passionate.
  • Keeping up your training log (metrics) and/or training blog (words) be in BT here on BT and opening it to other group members is mandatory. If your devices do not allow you to post in BT, then post a link to where we can see it (Strava, etc.) in your Dashboard. This helps us all connect through messages such as Inspires and PM's, which some of us do on a regular basis. (If you don't know how, we'll help you). We have members that have been here a while and really know how this site works. We are ready and willing to help you navigate through the wealth of resources found on BT and elsewhere.
  • We use a variety of other tools, including Strava, to encourage, support, and get to know each other better.

We believe the journey is the reward (handy in pandemic times!), and look forward to having you as a fellow traveler and a friend.

As always, any former Manatees are welcome at any time. To join, please respond to this message and include (or later add) your bio.

Please post a brief bio to the thread to introduce or reintroduce yourself by adding information in the format below and/or whatever you'd like to share.

NAME: What you're actually called in the real world.

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Twitter, Strava or whatever name/handle you use from any other social media site if you'd like us to follow along.

STORY: Who you are, why you want to do endurance/multisport, any athletic background

FAMILY STATUS: Family situation (single/partnered/family/pets, especially pets)

CURRENT TRAINING: If/how you have been training so far

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: If any have been chosen or are on the possibilities list.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: What do you hope to get out of this?

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Why do you want to join this group?

2020-12-28 6:45 AM
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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

NAME: Your jmkizer / Janyne

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Strava (, Twitter (@jmkizer).  I'm reluctantly on Facebook ( but trying to get off. 

STORY: I'm 53, married with one dog, Zoe. We live near Raleigh, NC. I’ve worked at NCSU for 23+ years doing computer support. Most of that time has been working for NC State Extension supporting the offices in our 100 counties.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: I currently "outseason" block of training. I've been working with Endurance Nation for coaching/training plans for a little over a year. So far so good!


This is what I have penciled in on the calendar. I'm not sure what will actually happen. In fact, you may recognize this list of events from last year!

Assault on the Carolinas ride in April
IM 70.3 Chattanooga in May
Loudoun 1725 gravel ride in June

Goals -- have fun! One of my goals for this year is to have more fun with training. I'd also like to get a gravel bike this year.

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: I enjoy supporting my Manatee friends! I have learned a lot from past Manatee groups and I hope to learn from this group as well!

Edited by jmkizer 2020-12-28 6:46 AM
2020-12-28 12:24 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Thanks to Janyne for getting us started! 


NAME: Jen Snyder

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: i use pretty well all - except Twitter - either my name or some variation of juniperjen176, and Garmin Connect is jkolstein. 

STORY: Been at it for a long while - started running in my mid 20's (which was mid-2000's) and loved everything about it. Ran a bunch of marathons. Met my future husband in one of the running groups i was in and he was into triathlons so that opened up a whole new world. Learned to swim and took it on. Did most distances up to IM. Now have a couple of kids and a busy life so trying to figure out what sort of triathlete i am in this phase of life. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids who are 3 and 7. We both work full-time. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Hired a coach and am in base training phase with a plan to start HIM build in the new year for IMMT 70.3. It's interesting in pandemic life as the pools here in Toronto are closed and have been since the end of November. So, here's hoping we'll get to a place where i can resume some sort of swim training :S 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Planning IMMT 70.3 deferred from last year (which was supposed to be for my 40th birthday) at the end of June (fingers crossed)

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I love the community - having a group who understands this crazy triathlon life and giving others support and kudos

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Because of above? Just love keeping up with others into tri (endurance sports) as sometimes it feels that not many others really do understand and give some sympathetic nods 

2020-12-28 1:41 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

I can’t believe another year‘s gone by- but I am happy to put this one behind me!

NAME: Ann-Marie sometimes known as Hands by those who’ve been around here for awhile !

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Strava ( . I have a Twitter account, but don’t generally use it and I’m on FB but mainly use it to look at the wire haired pointing Griffon page

STORY: I'm old, mostly single and have one dog, Teddy, the wire haired pointing Griffon. He has his own Strava account as TeddytheGriff ( .  I live in Orlando, FL and work as in house counsel for the Sheriff. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I suffered a fractured patella and blown out bursa in April and since then have been struggling to have motivation to do any training! I haven’t been in the pool since March with the exception of 1x in June. Pools are opened ( hey, this is FL we don’t believe in COVID ), so my only excuse is lack of desire! I’ve kept a minimal bike base and for the last couple  months have sucked it up and been running pretty consistently. This fall I started training with Coach Lindsey Parry ( on-line) and other than the actual training, really like him .

January 4 the plan has me back in the pool and starting tri training. 


Like Janyne, everything on my 2021 calendar are rollovers from 2020. It will be interesting to see how many are an actual go - especially the first half of the year.

Gateway to the Smokies HM in April
IM 70.3 Chattanooga in May
Glacier HM in June

Harvest Half marathon in September


Get back in shape and enjoy all the things!

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: I enjoy supporting my Manatee friends! I have learned a lot from past Manatee groups and I hope to learn from this group as well! ( stolen from Janyne)


2020-12-28 2:18 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Name - cdban66/Chris/DubSix
OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: @cdban on Twitter, @cdban66 on IG and Chris Banting on Facebook.

STORY: I have done tri's in the past, but that has pretty much become a bike riding thing at this point. I have a fixed gear, road bike, hardtail MTB, pub crawler reclaimed off of a neighbor's trash heap, and a recently added gravel bike. I am a board member with our local Off Road Riding group, SCORR. We now own a small camper and drag that around on occasional weekends to ride in different areas.

FAMILY STATUS: I am a 6’3”, 53 yr old male and I've been married for over 33 years. I have 2 girls, ages 30 and 32. My wife, Ann or TW (THE Wonder or Wife), is the most wonderful person a man could have in his life and is now riding an e-assist bike with me in the woods. DD1 was wed late in 2019 and DD2 was married in a small Covid shrunk ceremony in our front yard this past summer. We live in Florida.

CURRENT TRAINING: My primary focus right now is gravel. I enjoy riding mostly with TW, or a couple of guys from SCORR, or alone. PF has sucked the joy out of running for me and I was never really committed to swimming, so my triathlete years are pretty much behind me. Never say never though, I have been thinking about an Xterra event for a few years, but it truly doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon.

2021 RACES: Races?!?! I "participate" in "events" at this point. I need to get through the SCORR event "Piggy's Revenge" in February. And by get through, I mean work on it in the background as a volunteer. We are working on how to put on an event in these "challenging times". After that, I am open to anything that makes me smile and sweat.

2021 GOALS: I just want to stay in shape to be able to take advantage of other opportunities I get to spend time on the bike with friends. Oh yeah, remaining on the positive side of health statistics would be good too. One more thing on the to do list - help Janyne with her gravel bike purchase!

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MANATEE: I am not the fastest, but I am supportive, upbeat, and really do want to be a better rider. I have a pretty good understanding of the mechanics of a bike and am happy to (over)share that knowledge. I have become less involved in online things in general, and BT has not been immune to that. Hopefully, I can pick up my involvement a bit this year.

2020-12-29 6:54 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Welcome back Jen, Ann-Marie, and Chris!

Jen seems to be the most motivated one of us, at least regarding swimming.  Like Ann-Maire, I have not been in the pool since March. Unlike Jen and Ann-Marie, I have no plans to get into the pool again until about this March.

Chris, I am counting on you, Ann and the other Manatees to help with the whole gravel thing! It's worked out really well to bring the Cx bike to WNC with me and pick a trailhead with both single track and forest road do divide and conquer type rides with Kevin.

2020-12-29 7:46 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back Jen, Ann-Marie, and Chris!

Jen seems to be the most motivated one of us, at least regarding swimming.  Like Ann-Maire, I have not been in the pool since March. Unlike Jen and Ann-Marie, I have no plans to get into the pool again until about this March.

Chris, I am counting on you, Ann and the other Manatees to help with the whole gravel thing! It's worked out really well to bring the Cx bike to WNC with me and pick a trailhead with both single track and forest road do divide and conquer type rides with Kevin.

Have you picked out the bike?

2020-12-29 8:02 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back Jen, Ann-Marie, and Chris!

Jen seems to be the most motivated one of us, at least regarding swimming.  Like Ann-Maire, I have not been in the pool since March. Unlike Jen and Ann-Marie, I have no plans to get into the pool again until about this March.

Chris, I am counting on you, Ann and the other Manatees to help with the whole gravel thing! It's worked out really well to bring the Cx bike to WNC with me and pick a trailhead with both single track and forest road do divide and conquer type rides with Kevin.

Have you picked out the bike?

No. I'm sort of stuck on the 1x versus 2x thing.  I know that 1x is the popular choice.  My concern is that several of the rides that I do or wnat to do are long uphills on gravel followed by something on the BRP followed.  In other words, something that can do a long uphill on gravel but not spin on on a pavement.  I regularly run out of gears on the uphill now and that definitely needs to be solved!

I would love to look at gravel bikes but there is not stock. :-(

2020-12-29 8:32 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back Jen, Ann-Marie, and Chris!

Jen seems to be the most motivated one of us, at least regarding swimming.  Like Ann-Maire, I have not been in the pool since March. Unlike Jen and Ann-Marie, I have no plans to get into the pool again until about this March.

Chris, I am counting on you, Ann and the other Manatees to help with the whole gravel thing! It's worked out really well to bring the Cx bike to WNC with me and pick a trailhead with both single track and forest road do divide and conquer type rides with Kevin.

Have you picked out the bike?

No. I'm sort of stuck on the 1x versus 2x thing.  I know that 1x is the popular choice.  My concern is that several of the rides that I do or wnat to do are long uphills on gravel followed by something on the BRP followed.  In other words, something that can do a long uphill on gravel but not spin on on a pavement.  I regularly run out of gears on the uphill now and that definitely needs to be solved!

I would love to look at gravel bikes but there is not stock. :-(

I went 2x. This bike is kind of a quiver killer, if you will. I do a lot on it, road, gravel, fire cut, grass trail, mud, sand and some singletrack. Add to that the fact that the trips to Georgia and WNC could happen this year and hills are not out of the question either. So, here was my "needs" list in no particular order:

  • Hydraulic disc brakes. Using them on my mtb has changed my outlook on braking. Not having them on the CX bike when I rode it in Georgia solidified my thoughts.
  • 2x drive train. This thing needs to go anywhere. Crappy conditions, up hills, chasing the local Gravel Gruppetto, it needs to be flexible.
  • Tire clearance. Wider is better but not always necessary. I may end up with a couple of wheelsets before this bike is done.
  • Multiple rack and bottle options. I may be doing some bike packing and this would be the tool to do it with.
  • Comfort. By the end of the 55 mile Avon Park ride at the beginning of the year, I knew I needed something else if I was going to go long. And since we are eyeing up a 2 day cross Florida gravel ride, comfort will be a necessity.
  • As always, cost factors in as well. So, while carbon would have been nice, I felt that steel was going to provide a better solution in the long run. It is a bit heavier, but if I'm being honest, it would be a whole lot better idea for me to shave a few pounds off of me anyway.

There are a couple of items that may be changed on the bike, first the saddle and then the handlebars. We'll see after a few more rides. 

So, I put that out there as my thought process, which I am sure you have done as well. I ended up with a Jamis Renegade S3, which the bike store found in a warehouse in New Jersey. I would have liked to have ridden one first, but I have ridden a couple of them at demos and at the bike store in the past year +, so I knew what I was getting into. I would say that given your background on bicycles, you would be OK to pick one out and get it shipped. Another option is to stop at every bike store in your hometown, and in your get away town, and ride everything in sight. Get a feel for what you like. And were I you, I would go with the 2x drivetrain. The argument that the 1x gives you less parts to wear out is offset (in my head anyway) by the limitations of the 1x. And yeah, you can tell me about the new Campy 13 cassette, but who has that kind of money? 9 or 10 in the back is just fine. Oh yeah, I wasn't sold on gravel specific groupsets, but I am coming around to them. 

2020-12-29 11:12 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
NAME: Karen

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I'm on Facebook but it's a private account. You can friend request me if you want to see lots of pictures of bike rides and cats.

STORY: I'm a LONG-time runner and swimmer (since age 10?) who stumbled into tri at age 41 after joining a master's swim group with a bunch of triathletes while working overseas in Saigon. (I'm a teacher and spent much of my career in international schools in Asia.) Over the past decade, I've done mainly HIM but also plenty of shorter events. To date just one full IM--Malaysia in 2018. Although at times I've been quite competitive in running and tri, I keep going in the sport because I love the outdoors and swimming/ biking/running through it. I put up with trainers and indoor pools for safety, convenience, and effective workouts--they're not my favorites!

FAMILY STATUS: 51, single, live with Mom (82) and three cats: Shelby, Smudgee, and Tomoko. Basically we are Crazy Cat Ladies.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm not sure what I'm training FOR, but I've been training! Our pool has closed and re-opened several times this year and I've been swimming when I can (OWS in the summer). We're limited to one hour slots and a certain number a month--currently 10. Biking--on the trainer. I was doing the same workout over and over and was starting to bore myself so I decided to go back with my coach on a "maintenance" type plan. Had been doing some outdoor riding until a few weeks ago but between weather (cold, foggy mornings), rising Covid numbers, and the risk of crashing, needing medical attention, and putting myself and Mom at risk, I think I'll keep it inside for a few months. Have been running 2-3X per week, but it's been limited since last spring due to intermittent plantar fasciitis--could really use some podiatrist and PT visits but can't justify the risk right now.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I don't know! I signed up for one event last year (Calgary 70.3 in August) but was forced to switch to another race, which I did (Washington 70.3 in Seattle in Sept.), but then Calgary gave me a deferral and I also have an entry confirmation for that. ???? I will do whichever one actually happens and whichever I'm actually entered in, if either. Would prefer Calgary but guessing I might not be able to get into Canada this summer. Won't do either if I think it's not safe. Also have a deferred entry for Crater Lake Marathon in August--if it actually happened I would probably switch to the half and just do it as a training run. Whatever--to be honest, I don't really expect to race this year beyond maybe a few local events. Too much has to go right for that to happen and so far the country's pandemic response has not given me faith that it will.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: For this year, I hope to stay alive and healthy, develop more resilience for running, and maintain base fitness so I can do more competitive training and racing once there are actual events again. I didn't race at all in 2020 due to tight Covid restrictions here, and only once in 2019 due to injury, so it would be exciting just to complete an event of any distance, even if it ends up being a local sprint or Oly.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I have probably made every mistake it is possible to make in endurance training and racing so can serve as a horrible example of what not to do. I don't know many triathletes in person (Eugene is a big running town but not so much for tri) so it is great to share experiences and laughs with online friends.

Edited by Hot Runner 2020-12-29 11:16 AM
2020-12-29 11:39 AM
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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

NAME: Melanie

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: mpayton15 on Instagram and Twitter, Melanie (Landis) Payton on FB, Melanie Payton on Strava

STORY: I started multisport because of a friend I worked with and stayed because it's fun and a good challenge and reason to keep moving.  I've come to accept that I will never be fast so I try to get the most out of enjoying the location, or friends, or the experience and challenging myself against myself.  I enjoy trail running, kayaking, hiking, am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and am an ice hockey goalie.  I am a 'sturdy girl' (tall and carrying some extra weight) and I am perpetually trying to lose some weight.

FAMILY STATUS: Married and have two senior and dearly loved dogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: A bit sporadic but trying to get some running and biking in weekly.  I'd like to get into a stretching/weightlifting/yoga/whatever routine to help overall fitness and flexibility (of which I have very little, LOL).  Pool?  What's that?  Last time I swam was in Mirror Lake in Lake Placid in Sept.  

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Signed up for Chatt70.3 (from last year) if it is held.  The rest is TBD.  I do work with a coach and plan to officially start with her in Feb until Chatt.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Stay active, enjoy workouts with friends of all speeds and creeds.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I very much enjoy the social aspect, this is a great group of people but I also like getting multisport (or single sport) tips/tricks that are presented along the way.

Edited by melbo55 2020-12-29 11:45 AM

2020-12-29 1:08 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back Jen, Ann-Marie, and Chris!

Jen seems to be the most motivated one of us, at least regarding swimming.  Like Ann-Maire, I have not been in the pool since March. Unlike Jen and Ann-Marie, I have no plans to get into the pool again until about this March.

Chris, I am counting on you, Ann and the other Manatees to help with the whole gravel thing! It's worked out really well to bring the Cx bike to WNC with me and pick a trailhead with both single track and forest road do divide and conquer type rides with Kevin.

Have you picked out the bike?

No. I'm sort of stuck on the 1x versus 2x thing.  I know that 1x is the popular choice.  My concern is that several of the rides that I do or wnat to do are long uphills on gravel followed by something on the BRP followed.  In other words, something that can do a long uphill on gravel but not spin on on a pavement.  I regularly run out of gears on the uphill now and that definitely needs to be solved!

I would love to look at gravel bikes but there is not stock. :-(

i went with the 2x bc the bike shop experts said that was the best for what I wanted the bike to be- gravel , grass, road , flat, hills, mountains. It also cost more but I’m sure that didn’t factor into their advice at all

2020-12-29 4:21 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back Jen, Ann-Marie, and Chris!

Jen seems to be the most motivated one of us, at least regarding swimming.  Like Ann-Maire, I have not been in the pool since March. Unlike Jen and Ann-Marie, I have no plans to get into the pool again until about this March.

Chris, I am counting on you, Ann and the other Manatees to help with the whole gravel thing! It's worked out really well to bring the Cx bike to WNC with me and pick a trailhead with both single track and forest road do divide and conquer type rides with Kevin.

Have you picked out the bike?

No. I'm sort of stuck on the 1x versus 2x thing.  I know that 1x is the popular choice.  My concern is that several of the rides that I do or wnat to do are long uphills on gravel followed by something on the BRP followed.  In other words, something that can do a long uphill on gravel but not spin on on a pavement.  I regularly run out of gears on the uphill now and that definitely needs to be solved!

I would love to look at gravel bikes but there is not stock. :-(

i went with the 2x bc the bike shop experts said that was the best for what I wanted the bike to be- gravel , grass, road , flat, hills, mountains. It also cost more but I’m sure that didn’t factor into their advice at all

2x all the way! I experimented with 1x on my first gravel bike and never did feel like it was the best solution for me.
2020-12-29 4:42 PM
in reply to: abake

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Manatees Doooo Eeeeet!!!!

NAME: Anne Schroll (was Baker for YEARS, then got married in 2018, so really I answer to either last name), age 59.

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Strava

STORY: I did a lot of running in my 40s, never fast but always enjoying the social aspect that our local club offered. I got into triathlon and subsequently found BT, did all distances including IM Florida, but was sidelined with PF. In 2016 I discovered gravel riding. Living in Illinois, I'm within an hour's drive of some amazing back roads and gravel is now my passion.

FAMILY STATUS: Husband Steve, is my partner in riding. DD Erin, age 31. I have 2 wonderful older kitties, Ollie and Latte, and a big planted aquarium with many cute little fish.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just about all the events I signed up for in 2020 were either cancelled or deferred, but we still managed to have a fun year and have a lot of events on the calendar for 2021.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Lots of gravel events are on my BT blog, and the list is evolving and growing. My "A" event is the Steamboat Gravel in August, and my "big scary" event is Ride the Rockies in June. I'm no climber so this will be a toughie.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I've been on BT since 2008 and have watched the site quietly fade as social media grew. But BT fills a niche that Facebook and STrava don't touch, and I love that we are all "long timers" on BT. I don't really have any goals per se, other than the desire to see this group continue.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I don't contribute a lot but I do enjoy reading everyone's posts and seeing what's going on in each other's lives. Now that I will be retired, I'm hoping I'll have more time to keep up with the Manatees.

2020-12-30 6:42 AM
in reply to: abake

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Welcome back, Karen! I like your run goal.  I would like to develop more resilience in running well.  2020 was a tough year for my running.  I really like the way that your phrased that. Resilience.

Welcome back, Melanie and Anne!  We are doing really well getting the thread going, given the fact that it's still in the staging area!  I really hope that I can ride with both of you this year.

2020-12-30 7:11 PM
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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
NAME: Jim/ James Bacarella age 54.

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Strava, Twitter Snapchat and Instagram. Mostly on FB, I use twitter as a newsfeed and check Janyne's book reviews. Since I only have a few followers on Twitter, my kids say I use it to yell into the abyss.

STORY: I was a runner when I was young, but never ran a race until I was 40. Turns out I was using that and coffee to regulate my untreated ADHD. After I was married and started having kids I had a 15 year hiatus from all things exercise. Then came the physical in which I was 30lbs overweight, everything that was supposed to be low was high and everything that was supposed to be high was low. Changed diet, started walking and then running. Then we were driving through town and were stopped by the local triathlon as the athletes were crossing the road to go to T1. I told my wife I want to do that next year, she said ok. I followed with will you teach me how to swim and she said ok. I caught the bug and never looked back.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Michelle for 27 years. She is a great support, social media pr person and best sherpa around. 4 kids D#1 just graduated from Tulane law and moves to Houston on the second. D#2 is first year med school student in Chicago. D#3 senior at Ferris State and starts the MSW program this Summer. S#4 sophomore at Michigan State. Plus 13 year old multipoo named Sparty, that dresses like our oldest or our oldest dresses like him.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to hold a base. I start my build up for IM Tulsa on Saturday.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: IM Tulsa on May 23rd. I think we will have all 4 kids, a boyfriend and several of my cousins at the race. I am really excited about the race. A couple of smaller local races the Paul Bunyan Challenge in July and Sunrise side Festival of Races on September. I would like to do a fall race, but we will see.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Continue conditioning and be prepared for IM Tulsa and whatever else I can put together.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: This is a great forum. It's a place we can talk about our love of multisport without watching the eyes of our spouses, children and close friends glaze over. Everyone involved is a genuinely good person and here to share experiences, support and camaraderie.

Edited by JBacarella 2020-12-30 7:24 PM

2020-12-30 7:21 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Two exciting pieces of news.
My wife was given the COVID Vaccine yesterday and gets the second dose in 3 weeks. I asked her to take one for me, but she wouldn't. She thinks It should be available to me in a couple of weeks, I get to be tier 2 because of my job a a prosecutor. Plus only about half of the people eligible to receive the shot here a taking it.

Second, I puller the trigger on a new bike. It should be delivered in 8-10 weeks. I bought a Pinarello Bolide. It has disk breaks, electronic shifters and it's orange. It will be my first new bike since I was 13 years old.
2020-12-31 5:19 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by JBacarella

Two exciting pieces of news.
My wife was given the COVID Vaccine yesterday and gets the second dose in 3 weeks. I asked her to take one for me, but she wouldn't. She thinks It should be available to me in a couple of weeks, I get to be tier 2 because of my job a a prosecutor. Plus only about half of the people eligible to receive the shot here a taking it.

Second, I puller the trigger on a new bike. It should be delivered in 8-10 weeks. I bought a Pinarello Bolide. It has disk breaks, electronic shifters and it's orange. It will be my first new bike since I was 13 years old.

Congratulations on both your wife receiving the vaccine and the new bike!!!
2020-12-31 7:20 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by JBacarella Two exciting pieces of news. My wife was given the COVID Vaccine yesterday and gets the second dose in 3 weeks. I asked her to take one for me, but she wouldn't. She thinks It should be available to me in a couple of weeks, I get to be tier 2 because of my job a a prosecutor. Plus only about half of the people eligible to receive the shot here a taking it. Second, I puller the trigger on a new bike. It should be delivered in 8-10 weeks. I bought a Pinarello Bolide. It has disk breaks, electronic shifters and it's orange. It will be my first new bike since I was 13 years old.

Welcome back! 

New Bike! Pinarello!  NICE!!!

New Vaccine!

P.S. I thought that NC was bad with 25% of eligible people taking a pass.  50% is not so good, is it?  Did she get the Pfizer or Moderna one?  Any side effects worse than a flu shot in a bad year?  Just curious since goodness knows if I got the Pfizer placebo or the Pfizer vaccine.

2020-12-31 7:26 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Fairfax, VA
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

NAME: Jen Stewart

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Strava (I am in the manatee group), Facebook and Instagram (jenstewey on both)

STORY: I've been doing tris for awhile - over a decade, and probably closer to two.  I grew up as a diver (springboard and platform, not scuba) and then tried soccer in my 20's.  A few of my teammates and I decided to do a triathlon, and I was hooked.  I've done all distances including one IM.  I also enjoy single sport events, esp swimming, and have done the Great Chesapeake Bay swim (4.4mi).  I am a [soon-to-be] Systems Architect in my professional life.  

FAMILY STATUS: Single with 2 rescue dogs who just turned 4. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Since Thanksgiving-ish, I have been really good about getting my workouts in before work in the mornings (I am still in the office full time), and hope to continue that in 2021.  I am not following any plan per-se, but am a member of Team Z and should probably get around to picking a race and plan soon.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: In 2019 I qualified for Team USA in Allmere in the long course aquabike, and short course aquathlon events.  Of course those were postponed due to Covid, so now I am looking at whether those races will happen in 2021 and what international travel will look like (scheduled for September).  I am looking at maybe Williamsburg in the summer, and will find an alternate for the fall if Allmere doesn't happen.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I am not really sure what my current goals are, other than consistency and living the triathlete life.  I need to come up with a few bucket list races.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I don't get to post a lot (posting is blocked from my office, and the phone app isn't great), but love reading everyone's stories and cheering people on with Strava.

2020-12-31 8:34 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella Two exciting pieces of news. My wife was given the COVID Vaccine yesterday and gets the second dose in 3 weeks. I asked her to take one for me, but she wouldn't. She thinks It should be available to me in a couple of weeks, I get to be tier 2 because of my job a a prosecutor. Plus only about half of the people eligible to receive the shot here a taking it. Second, I puller the trigger on a new bike. It should be delivered in 8-10 weeks. I bought a Pinarello Bolide. It has disk breaks, electronic shifters and it's orange. It will be my first new bike since I was 13 years old.

Welcome back! 

New Bike! Pinarello!  NICE!!!

New Vaccine!

P.S. I thought that NC was bad with 25% of eligible people taking a pass.  50% is not so good, is it?  Did she get the Pfizer or Moderna one?  Any side effects worse than a flu shot in a bad year?  Just curious since goodness knows if I got the Pfizer placebo or the Pfizer vaccine.

She got the Moderna vaccine. No side effects other than some arm soreness at the shot location, similar to the flu shot. Just under half of their staff except the COVID, ER, and ICU staff have said they don't want it. She suspects that her medical system is going to make it mandatory, as a condition of their employment, like they do the flu shot.
She had some medical testing a couple of weeks ago and she was talking to about 4 other people in the waiting room. All of the other 4 were people who were at risk and none of them wanted the shot. The worst was the 54 year old male who was dangerously obese, has asthma, wheelchair bound and one leg who was concerned because of birth defects. Michelle told him I don't know about you but I am way past the age of worrying about birth defects. She told him she wasn't worried about getting autism either. smh.

2020-12-31 9:25 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella Two exciting pieces of news. My wife was given the COVID Vaccine yesterday and gets the second dose in 3 weeks. I asked her to take one for me, but she wouldn't. She thinks It should be available to me in a couple of weeks, I get to be tier 2 because of my job a a prosecutor. Plus only about half of the people eligible to receive the shot here a taking it. Second, I puller the trigger on a new bike. It should be delivered in 8-10 weeks. I bought a Pinarello Bolide. It has disk breaks, electronic shifters and it's orange. It will be my first new bike since I was 13 years old.

Welcome back! 

New Bike! Pinarello!  NICE!!!

New Vaccine!

P.S. I thought that NC was bad with 25% of eligible people taking a pass.  50% is not so good, is it?  Did she get the Pfizer or Moderna one?  Any side effects worse than a flu shot in a bad year?  Just curious since goodness knows if I got the Pfizer placebo or the Pfizer vaccine.

She got the Moderna vaccine. No side effects other than some arm soreness at the shot location, similar to the flu shot. Just under half of their staff except the COVID, ER, and ICU staff have said they don't want it. She suspects that her medical system is going to make it mandatory, as a condition of their employment, like they do the flu shot. She had some medical testing a couple of weeks ago and she was talking to about 4 other people in the waiting room. All of the other 4 were people who were at risk and none of them wanted the shot. The worst was the 54 year old male who was dangerously obese, has asthma, wheelchair bound and one leg who was concerned because of birth defects. Michelle told him I don't know about you but I am way past the age of worrying about birth defects. She told him she wasn't worried about getting autism either. smh.

why are people so dumb?! At my agency a survey found 50% would take the vaccine. I doubt we’ll make it mandatory, but wish we would! My sister got the moderna vaccine Monday - she is a pediatrician, lives in Ohio. She said the only side effect was she grew a second head . Ive heard that it is the 2d shot that may cause more people to feel like yuck for 12-24 hrs.  Guess we’ll find out in a few weeks.

Congrats on the new bike Jim. An Orange bike is fast!

2020-12-31 9:37 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by JBacarella Two exciting pieces of news. My wife was given the COVID Vaccine yesterday and gets the second dose in 3 weeks. I asked her to take one for me, but she wouldn't. She thinks It should be available to me in a couple of weeks, I get to be tier 2 because of my job a a prosecutor. Plus only about half of the people eligible to receive the shot here a taking it. Second, I puller the trigger on a new bike. It should be delivered in 8-10 weeks. I bought a Pinarello Bolide. It has disk breaks, electronic shifters and it's orange. It will be my first new bike since I was 13 years old.
These are very exciting pieces of news!!  Yay to wife's vaccination!!  Yay to your first new bike since youth!!  I can't wait to see the pictures (of the bike). 

2020-12-31 9:53 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

So, what are the Manatees' plans for NYE and NYD?  Tonight I'm going to try my hand at a venison pie, homemade crust to boot.  Planning on serving it with a special red wine (a reserve) and maybe sipping on some port later and hopefully being awake to watch the ball drop on a mostly empty Times Square.  Sayonara, 2020!

Tomorrow will be the baking of the traditional PA good luck meal of pork and sauerkraut.  I'll serve it with mashed potatoes and I think I have one bag of my fresh-cut corn left.  Sauerkraut I fermented myself and the potatoes are from my garden.  I'll be sure to get leftovers to a few single/shut-in friends to ensure they have their good luck meals, too.

Wishing all the Manatees and their loved ones a safe, happy, healthy new year!  May 2021 bring relief from the pandemic and a chance to meet/race/ride/run/socialize in person.

2020-12-31 10:18 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by melbo55

So, what are the Manatees' plans for NYE and NYD?  Tonight I'm going to try my hand at a venison pie, homemade crust to boot.  Planning on serving it with a special red wine (a reserve) and maybe sipping on some port later and hopefully being awake to watch the ball drop on a mostly empty Times Square.  Sayonara, 2020!

Tomorrow will be the baking of the traditional PA good luck meal of pork and sauerkraut.  I'll serve it with mashed potatoes and I think I have one bag of my fresh-cut corn left.  Sauerkraut I fermented myself and the potatoes are from my garden.  I'll be sure to get leftovers to a few single/shut-in friends to ensure they have their good luck meals, too.

Wishing all the Manatees and their loved ones a safe, happy, healthy new year!  May 2021 bring relief from the pandemic and a chance to meet/race/ride/run/socialize in person.

This sounds amazing, Melanie!! Sounds like a delicious way to spend the evening and New Year's day! 

I am working this morning (though not accomplishing anything!) and planning to make Oliebollen after supper. For those that don't know, Oliebollen are Dutch donuts basically that are only made at new year's. I am Canadian but all of my ancestry is Dutch (both side of my family came from the Netherlands in the 1950's and my dad was in the womb on the way over, so 7 of the 10 kids in his family were born there) so although i've never been there nor do i speak the language i have strong food ties ... apparently. My hometown has a big Dutch population and supports a Dutch store where my mom picked up some mix for me (i would guess the dough isn't difficult to make from scratch but I like making it even easier!). I kind of like this sort of thing to share with my kids as a connection to ancestry that they'll be more distant from. 

Anyway, also bought myself some prosecco - so i'll have a glass or two and toast to 2021 pushing us closer to being out of this pandemic! 

Happy New Year's Manatees! 

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