- Time: 45m
- 45 minutes
- 30min at RPE 3, 15min at RPE 7
- Time: 30m
- Form
- wu: 250 continuous.
- main: 200, 2x100, 200, 2 x 100, 200, long intervals at RPE4, short at RPE 7-8
- cd: 150 easy
- Time: 1h 15m
- 60 minutes
- 6 x (7t, 3r) 7t in high gear/low cadence RPE 6 (as in seated hill climb). 3r in small chainring, easy spinning at RPE 3.
- cd: 15min
- Time: 40m
- 40 minutes at RPE 3 with 6 x 20seconds strides during run.
- Time: 1h 00m
- 20 x 100 EBEH (25easy, 25build, 25easy, 25 hard).
- Try extra, extra hard to think about form during the first 75 then try even harder to hold that form for the last 25--think about how you're going to hold that form on race day with hundreds of people invading your 'lane' while trying to swim hard.
- Time: 2h 00m
- 120 minutes at RPE 3-4.
- Time: 45m
- Open water if possible.
- Continuous swim. 1st 200m at RPE 9-10, then settle into race pace. Recall any mental notes regarding your form from yesterday
- Time: 1h 15m
- 75minutes tempo
- wu/cd: 20 RPE3-4
- main: 5 x (5t,2r) 5t at RPE 5 (just below lactate threshold), 2r at RPE 2
Day 127
Day 128
Comments and Definitions
This is the first week of taper for the first A race. Lots of workouts, but low volume. With the reduced volume, watch your calorie intake as well.
Day 129
Day 130
Day 131
Day 132
Comments and Definitions
Swim-Bike Brick Setup and transition as if it were race day
Day 133