- Time: 1h 30m
- 90 minutes with hills. Solid effort ranging from RPE 3 to RPE 7.
- Time: 45m
- Race-specific
- wu: 2 x 150, swim, back
- main: 2 x 600 both RPE 5-7
- cd: 2 x 125 easy
- Time: 30m
- 30 minutes in full aero position. RPE 3-4.
- Time: 30m
- Speed day
- wu: 3 x 200 - swim, kick, pull
- main: 16 x 50 odds RPE 4, evens RPE 8-9
- cd: 150 easy
- Time: 1h 30m
- 90min tempo. 20wu/wd, 2 x (20t, 5e), 20t at RPE 7.
- Time: 2h 30m
- 2.5 hour bike. Keep RPE 3-4. Use race clothes if possible. Use race equipment.
- Time: 20m
- 20 minute recovery run after the bike at RPE 2.
Day 127
Day 128

Comments and Definitions
Continuing our intensity this week. Lots of work, but also lots of rest... Key session is Thursday's bike.

Day 129


Day 130

Day 131
Day 132