- Time: 30m
- 10min RPE 3, 10min RPE 7-8, 10min RPE 3
- Time: 30m
- 30 minutes continuous very, very easy at RPE 3.
- Time: 45m
- 45min at RPE 3. Stretch well afterwards. In case you skipped the last sentence: stretch well afterwards.
- Time: 45m
- Technique. Focus on technique during the easy 50s, don't lose it on the build and hard legs.
- 10 x 200 (50 Easy, 50 Build, 50 Easy, 50Hard)
- 150 easy cooldown
- Time: 45m
- 45min, RPE 3 mostly but throw in a 2-3 1 minute accelerations after getting a good warm up in.
Day 141
Day 142
Comments and Definitions
Our A races used a 2-week taper and now we are effectively tapering for 1 week since this is otherwise a recovery week. So far there doesn't seem to be a standard way for all athetes to perform the tapering process so your own log notes will help you tremendously.
Day 143
Day 144
Day 145