- Time: 1h 00m
- Easy pedaling on mixed terrain, overall effort still low. Warm up and cooldown 10:00 in low ring, spinning easy. Use big ring for middle 40.
- Time: 30m
- Easy pace. RPE 3
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1650.00 yards
- Race-specific
- wu: 250 easy
- 5 x 50, odds are 100%, evens recovery. 10sec rest between
- main: 3 x 400, 1 is RPE 3, 2 is RPE4, 3 is RPE 5
- cd: 200 easy
- Time: 1h 00m
- 60 minute long run, easy pace. Strides begin at the 40 minute mark. Just like Monday, go for 20 seconds, then return to normal pace. Repeat every 5 minutes until run is finished. Stretch well!
- Time: 45m
- Solid 45 minutes at RPE3. Middle 30 minutes on aero bars if you have them, but keep easy effort. Notice if the position is comfortable to hold and if you can output the same speed for the same effort as when out of the bars.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1450.00 yards
- wu: 300 continuous. slowly increasing pace each 100
- main: 20 x 50, odds at RPE 4, evens at RPE 9!
- cd: 150 easy, hold form
- Time: 1h 30m
- Long bike
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Week Goals This week we introduce Neuro Speed….training the body to move fast and efficient while not stressing the body. We'll do this on the run through strides. Strides are short efforts of running fast by slowly accelerating allowing fast, quick footstrikes and an efficient form on the upper body. These strides only last 20-30 seconds but are not run "hard." By slowly accelerating from normal run pace to near top speed, but over a very short time, you should not feel at all fatigued but your body will begin to neurologically know what it feels like to be swift--think cheetah!