- Time: 45m
- 45 minutes
- wu: 10 minute RPE3
- main: 25 minutes RPE 7
- cd: 10 minutes RPE 3
- Time: 30m
- Form
- wu: 250 continuous.
- main: 200, 2x100, 200, 2 x 100, 200, long intervals at RPE4, short at RPE 7-8
- cd: 150 easy
- Time: 30m
- 30 minutes, ladder
- 10:00 RPE 3
- 10:00 RPE 7
- 10:00 RPE 3
- Time: 40m
- 40 minutes at RPE 3 with strides.
- Time: 1h 00m
- 60 minutes at RPE 3-4.
- Time: 45m
- Open water if possible.
- Continuous swim. 1st 200m at RPE 9-10, then settle into race pace.
- Time: 45m
- 45 minutes tempo
- wu: 15 RPE3
- main: 3 x (7t,2r). 7t is RPE7-8, 2r at RPE 2.
- cd: a few minutes easy. The workout should finish close to the hard intervals and not the normal 15min cool down.
Day 169
Day 170

Comments and Definitions
Our first week of tapering will look almost identical to the taper of Week 16 before your first A Race except the intensity will be a bit higher without adding any hours or workouts. If you feel it's too much, then simply follow the original intensities from Week 16.

Day 171

Day 172

Day 173
Day 174

Comments and Definitions
Swim-Bike Brick

Day 175