- Time: 30m
- 10min RPE 3, 10min RPE 7-8, 10min RPE 3.
- Time: 30m
- 30 minutes continuous very, very easy at RPE 3.
- Time: 45m
- 45min at RPE 3. Stretch well afterwards. In case you skipped the last sentence: stretch well afterwards.
- Time: 45m
- Technique.
- Focus on technique during the easy 50s, don't lose it on the build and hard legs.
- 10 x 200 (50 Easy, 50 Build, 50 Easy, 50Hard)
- 150 easy cooldown.
- Time: 1h 00m
- 60min, RPE 3 mostly but throw in 3 x 1 minute accelerations after doing a good warm up.
- Time: 1h 30m
- 90min at RPE 5-7, then run.
- Time: 30m
- 30min at RPE 3-4.
- Time: 45m
- 45min at RPE 4
- Time: 25m
- 25min at RPE 7-8
- Time: 15m
- 15min open water easy...
Day 169
Day 170
Day 171
Day 172
Day 173
Day 174
Day 175
Comments and Definitions
Mini race prep to check out the equipment.
For next week's race, we're still riding on the last peak we built rather than a full taper again. We'll still do some hard sessions as a normal Build week but reduce the hours as a bit of a compromise to get you to race day somewhat fresh.