Start in big ring, easiest gear. Spend 3' in each gear gradually working your way to hardest gear (total 27').
Leaving it in big ring, hardest gear, do a 10' TT. Go small ring, middle gear for 5' spinning smoothly.
Go back to big ring, hardest gear, and do another 10' TT.
Gradually work your back to your easiest gear by 1' for cool-down.
Comments and Definitions
Pull - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
T-Pace = swim test time / the number of 100 you swam. If you swam 20:00 for 1,000 yards, then your T-Pace would equal 20:00/10 for a T-Pace of 2:00 per 100.
TT = Time Trial
Pull - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats. Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked. T-Pace = swim test time / the number of 100 you swam. If you swam 20:00 for 1,000 yards, then your T-Pace would equal 20:00/10 for a T-Pace of 2:00 per 100. TT = Time Trial