- Time: 2h 00m
- 120 minutes, hills. Find some hills if possible
- Complete stretch of legs and lower back afterwards.
- Time: 45m
- wu: 500
- main: 15 x 100, RPE 4-5, concentrate on smooth and efficient rather than all-out speed
- cd: 500
- Time: 45m
- Very easy run today, constant at RPE 2-3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- This swim should be the next workout you do after yesterday's swim. Since it's low impact, I like to do these sessions back to back to help keep technique fresh…
- Long day
- wu: 200 continuous
- main: 1 x 2500 at RPE 4 (alternate 1 x 1700)
- cd: 4 x 50, each slower than last
- Time: 1h 30m
- 90 minues easy spinning of RPE 3.
- Time: 1h 30m
- 60 minutes with strides every 10 minutes. Finish run then add 5 more 20second strides back to back before stretching. Remember, strides should be easy speed effort. Stop if your legs are feeling exhausted.
- Time: 1h 00m
- 60 minute recovery…RPE 3-5.
- Time: 2h 40m
- Try to get this ride a couple hours after breakfast in the morning. Figure out what feels good for pre-ride nutrition and hydration. Make notes in your log to refer back to later when preparing for race morning.
- 80minutes out-80 minutes back. Try to ride each leg in approximtelky the same time. Keep any pacing issues in mind for what will happen race day.
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Comments and Definitions
OFF -- enjoy!
Day 35
How is your general nutrition and body composition? Think of an extra 20 pounds on your frame as doing your IM race carrying a backpack with 2 bowling balls inside. It's easy to make adjustments this early…just don't wait until a month before racing.