- Time: 1h 30m
- 90min. RPE 3-4 on the flats and allow yourself some out of the saddle work of RPE 7-8 on the hills.
- Time: 30m
- Speed day
- wu: 400 continuous. last 50 in each 100 is kick
- main: 9 x 100 EBEH (each 100 = 25Easy, 25Build, 25Easy, 25 Hard)
- cd: 6 x 25, each slower than last
- Time: 30m
- 30min aerobic test. For those of you using heart monitors, here's a way to roughly determine your lactate threshold for running.
- Do a 30min time trial and record your average HR over the last 20minutes. For future runs, this heart rate should match about your perceived effort of RPE7. This pace will also change depending on your fitness level.
- Time: 30m
- Speed day
- wu: 200 swim, 200kick, 200pull
- main: 16 x 50, descend 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16
- cd: 200 easy
- Time: 30m
- 30min easy run.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Long day
- wu: 300 swim, 300 kick
- main: 1 x 2300, RPE 4 (alternate 1 x 1500)
- cd: 4 x 50, each slower than last
- Time: 1h 00m
- 60 minutes easy alternating every 10 minutes from big ring to small.
- Time: 45m
- 45 minutes easy running.
- Time: 30m
- 30 minutes nonstop at RPE 5. This should be a hard effort but only hard enough where you can maintain the pace for the whole 30 minutes.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Race-specific
- wu: 4 x 75, last 25 in each is backstroke.
- main: 4 x 750, all at RPE 4-5
- cd: 3 x 50 easy (swim, kick, swim)
Day 36
Day 37


Day 38


Day 39


Day 40



Day 41

Comments and Definitions
Reverse tri order, back to back if you can schedule it...


Day 42

Here in Base 2 we will have "theme" weeks where a single sport will be focused on. Now in Week 21 we're focusing on the swim with reduced time spend on the roads. Tip: If you find yourself travelling, check out the Swimmer's Guide Online at: www.swimmersguide.com to find a pool almost anywhere in the civilized world.