- Time: 50m
- Distance: 5.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 1.5 miles
- MS: Then run 8x400 at 5k pace, no faster with a 200 recovery at an easy jog
- CD: Easy cool down to finish up.
- Time: 45m
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 16.00 miles
- WU: 4 mile warm up
- MS: 10 miles at Sprint race pace!
- CD: Easy 2 mile cool down when you are done.
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1750.00 yards
- WU: 50 swim, 50 kick, 100 swim, 50 kick,
- MS: 200 drills,
- 50 swim fast.
- 5 x 100 very fast (30”).
- 50 kick easy.
- 5 x 100 very fast (30”).
- CD: 200 easy swim.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1349]Drills[/url]
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 20.00 miles
- Ride 20 miles toeday. If you feel up to it, ride hard for middle 12 miles or so.
- Distance: 2.00 miles
- 2 miles off the bike as fast as you can!
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 5.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 2 miles
- MS: Then over next 2 miles, run 5x30" pick-ups--starting one about every 3'.
- CD: Then 1 mile cool down.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1355]Pick-Ups[/url]
Day 36
Day 37


Day 38

Day 39
Day 40

Day 41


Day 42

Week 6: Start and continue a monthly or every 2 month counseling session. I know, I know…”I don’t need counseling…I am fully aware of myself.” This may be true but all too often I notice that even if we are aware of our problems and shortcomings, we don’t know how to truly AFFECT CHANGE. And don’t even think that counseling is a sign of weakness or ‘disease’. It’s not. It’s a way of enacting change where you otherwise have a hard time doing. Or just don’t know how. Counseling also acts as a necessary pressure relief valve if you are a person that keeps your feelings to yourself. Counseling has been invaluable for me, first to be very introspective of myself, my feelings and ‘what makes me truly happy.’ We need to focus on the daily events that will put us to sleep with a satisfying smile on our face. We want to go to sleep knowing that the day has been ‘lived to its fullest’ and not just living today to prepare for tomorrow, repeat, with little satisfaction. Second, counseling on a regular basis (monthly) will make sure we don’t fall into our old bad habits that we have tried hard to correct. Are there seemingly hopeless situations that make you generally unhappy, angry or depressed and drain all of your mental energies? Counseling will allow you to: Remove yourself from the situation, change it or accept it totally (Tolle). This sounds easy but from personal experience, it’s not. Once you can apply one of these three principles to an unhappy situation, then and only then you can be truly liberated. READING ASSIGNMENT: The Power of Now – Echart Tolle Read the first two chapters to get familiar with the concepts and how the author speaks, then start the book over again and it will be a lot easier reading. Try to read this book without any outside distractions. If you are a person that is dealing with undesirable situations that are mentally draining or that make you unhappy or angry, this book will be invaluable.