1-3 hour ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
Comments and Definitions
T-Pace = swim test time / the number of 100 you swam. If you swam 20:00 for 1,000 yards, then your T-Pace would equal 20:00/10 for a T-Pace of 2:00 per 100.
Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Time: 1h 30m
Run 90' on a flat to rolling course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 except for 5 x 1' bursts in middle of run at around 10K pace, take at least 2' between each burst and try to return to original pace.
Think about form and running pretty. Concentrate on keeping turnover high, don't overstride - run efficiently.
This run can be from 75-90' long depending on fitness level.
Time: 45m
Distance: 2200.00 yards
WU: 400 swim
10x50, goal is T-Pace - do these on 10" rest. 10x50, goal is T-Pace -3 seconds, rest is 15". 10x50, Sprint 25, easy 25 - 15" rest.
T-Pace = swim test time / the number of 100 you swam. If you swam 20:00 for 1,000 yards, then your T-Pace would equal 20:00/10 for a T-Pace of 2:00 per 100. Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.