- Time: 1h 05m
- WU: 10'
- MS: 25x1' seated Big Gear - with 1' recovery.
- CD: 5'
- Time: 1h 00m
- WU: 10'
- MS: 5x5' at LT w/3' recovery.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- WU: 400 Warmup
- MS: 12x50 on 1:30 ez/FAST
- 300 pull
- 12x25 on 1:00
- 200 loosen
- Time: 1h 08m
- WU: 10'
- MS: 5' hard (at LT), 3' easy (zone 2). Do this 6x.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 40m
- Easy run warmup for 15-20' - Drills are to be done on a soft surface; even grass or packed dirt for example - Concentrate on exaggerated good form in each of the exercises as opposed to speed. - Drill distance is generally 50-60m - Recovery is an easy jog/walk back, not a run. Sample Workout:
- 1. High knees
- 2. Butt kicks
- 3. Skipping
- 4. Karaoke/grapvines 1-2x each direction for 50-60yards
- 5. High knee>>happy feet 2-3x 50 yards - go from high knees to very fast cadence and back to high knees
- 6. Strides These bring it all together. Fast, but smooth running for 80-100m. Keep the distance such that you are running notably fast, but you maintain form and good running sensations throughout.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2300.00 yards
- WU: 300 & then 4x50 catch up stroke on 20"rest.
- MS: 8x50, 4x100, 2x200, all on 20" rest. Hold T-Pace - 5".
- Then 4x100 kick, on 15" rest.
- CD: 200
- Time: 3h 00m
- 2-3.5 hour ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. After 30' warm up, you will bring your cadence up to 100 rpms for 30", and do this every 3:00 - use the last 10-15' of your ride as cool down.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 12x100 @T-pace - 5". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Run 75' on a flat to rolling course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 - keep it easy to low medium effort except for middle section where you do 3 x (3' slightly over LT/5K pace, 3' very easy). Think about form and running pretty.
- Concentrate on keeping turnover high, don't overstride - run efficiently. This run can be from 75-90' long depending on fitness level.
Day 57
Day 58
Day 59
'Pull' Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Day 60
Day 61
CUD – Catch Up Drill - Push off the wall with both arms extended in front of you touching each other. Start with the right arm and take a full stroke, coming to rest in the forward position, before the left arm starts its pull. Repeat this all the way to the other side of the pool. Keep a strong kick going and focus on the pull portion of the stroke. Kick (Regular) - Kickboard Kick or Kick on Back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 62
Day 63
'Pretty' Running - Lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.