- Time: 1h 00m
- Road or trainer, like last week this is all small chainring work, low effort.
- Time: 30m
- Easy pace, RPE 3
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- wu: 5 x 50 continuous, odds are breathe every side, evens bilateral.
- main: 2 x 500, 1 is RPE4, 2 is RPE 6
- cd: 250 easy
- Time: 1h 00m
- Long run again, easy pace.
- Time: 45m
- wu: 10:00 at RPE 2-3
- main: 4 x ( 5:00 at RPE 3-4 with last30 seconds fast spin at RPE4, 2:00 at RPE 2)
- cd: 7:00 work down to RPE3 then RPE2 to finish
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- wu: 300 continuous. concentrate on form weaknesses.
- main: 10 x 100 descend 1-5 and 5-10
- cd: 200 continuous, alternate 50kick, 50 swim)
- Time: 1h 30m
- Long bike. Try to find couple hills to throw in but keep climbing efforts low as possible.
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Week Goals You'll notice about the same schedule as last week. During this Prep period, the goal is consistent training and by keeping the schedule identical you'll find what works best for you to incorporate training into your weekly schedule. Everything from knowing the hours for open lanes at the pool to having a bag already packed with clothes, water and fruit to get through that after work run are necessary to keep consistent. The goal isn't to bore you into watching Springer episodes instead of training, but rather to give some time to get your personal schedule worked out.