60 minutes mostly even paced ride. Do some 60 second accelarations (same as running strides) every 8 minutes, settle back into RPE 3 otherwise.
Comments and Definitions
This week's focus is the run. Be careful to stretch well after all sessions and warm up and down competely--we don't want any injuries to creep up.
Also the 2 intense workouts this week: the run session on Tuesday and the run session on Friday.
If you currently are having any problems with run injuries, eliminate sessions completely or reduce the time of some sessions and reduce efforts of all to RPE 2-3.
This week, take a look at your bike's maintenance condition. We have a big bike week coming up so do any needed upkeep this week.
This week's focus is the run. Be careful to stretch well after all sessions and warm up and down competely--we don't want any injuries to creep up. Also the 2 intense workouts this week: the run session on Tuesday and the run session on Friday. If you currently are having any problems with run injuries, eliminate sessions completely or reduce the time of some sessions and reduce efforts of all to RPE 2-3. This week, take a look at your bike's maintenance condition. We have a big bike week coming up so do any needed upkeep this week.