- Time: 1h 00m
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest ‘score?’ (Ex: 43 strokes + 45” = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 8 x 100 (10”) moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20”) moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS3815
- BACK3815
- BACK3815
- LEGS3815
- LEGS3815
- CORE100
- CORE100
- Time: 1h 10m
- WU: 10'
- MS: Then 12x400 at 10k race pace. A pacing only workout - no concern for speed. RI: 1'.
- CD: 10'
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 15x100 @T-pace - 5". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 25m
- WU: 15' warm up - nice smooth spinning
- MS: Then shift into a the big chain ring and into a gear that allows you to spin at about 65-70 RPMs. You will spin 4x10 minutes in this gear - HR should be mid-high Z2 - recovery will be 5' easy between sets - you will probably see HR drift into Z3 - keep the cadence up - this is where you build strength.
- CD: 10' cool down.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Keep heart rate in zones 1-3 on a rolling course. 'PROUD' form. Allow heart rate to gradually rise to zone 3 as pace builds, but don't force it up.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- WU: 400 swim then 10x50, Sprint first 1/2 lap, on 15s rest.
- MS: 10x100 on 20s rest. First 25 is hard, then 75 cruise.
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS3815
- BACK3815
- BACK3815
- LEGS3815
- LEGS3815
- CORE000
- CORE000
- Time: 2h 00m
- 2:00 ride on a flat to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 50m
- Breakthrough: Tempo. Complete a long warm-up building heart rate to zone 4. Then run 20 minutes continuous at heart rate 4-5a zones. Flat course. Relax and listen to breathing. Cooldown for 10'.
- Time: 3h 00m
- Breakthrough: After a long warmup and in the middle of your ride, on about a 2% hill or into a headwind, do 4-5 x 3 minutes at Z5 with (3 minute recoveries on time trial bike. 90+ rpm. Smooth pedaling. Long cool down.
- Time: 25m
- Run 25' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
Day 50
Day 51

Comments and Definitions
'Pull' Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats. Kick (Regular) - Kickboard Kick or Kick on Back with hands over head, fingers locked.


Comments and Definitions
Sets: 2-3
Reps: 8-15
Speed: Fast
Recovery: 3'-5'
Day 52


Day 53


Day 54


Day 55


Day 56


Off Day!