Sunmart Texas Trail Endurance Run - Run

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Huntsville, Texas
United States
Roger Soler's Sports
Total Time = 00m
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

I actually got the best nights sleep I have ever gotten before a race. Woke up, had a bagel with PB and an Amino Vital and headed out the door with Aaron. I would be lying if I said I wasnt nervous, because I was a wee bit freaked out about the long week ahead followed by finals.
Event warmup:

Did not really warm up, just got a little food and a cup of coffee and walked around checking out the start area and trying to stay warm.
  • 00m
  • 50 miles
  •  min/mile

Yeah...keep reading :) So I meet up with some runners I know at the start, a couple of guys that have don WS100, one of them has even done the grand slam. I was really nervous, and then it started and I was finally calming down. I started off slow, because I have never done 50 miles before...40 is my distance record as of yet. The aid stations were so fully stocked I can see how runners gain weight at this race. I would love tell you more about the run, but it was over is why: About 8 miles into the race, I was running with the overall 3rd place female and we were running a comfortable pace. I know it was only a little over an hour into the race, but I was amazed at how good I felt. Running the trails is so much easier than cement, and I was keeping a conservative pace that felt like I could keep all day. My goal time was 8 hours, and I was thinking at this point that I could do sub 8 if I was still feeling this good halfway through. Then, WHAM!!! Murhpys Law shows up. You know what I am talking about, prepare for every conceivable mis-hap and the one thing you never think will happen does happen. I was running on a relatively flat stretch on the trail and there was a lot of leaf litter. Appearantly, a clever little tree root was hiding under some leafs and I caught it with my left foot, rolled my ankle like it was made from silly putty, heard a little "pop" sound and a shockwave of pain shot up the left side of my body. I knew immedeately it was bad...real bad because it my ankle swelled to the size of a tennes ball in seconds. I looked at it, realizing I had over 40 miles to go to the finish and thought...I can walk this off, I will tape it at the aid station...duct tape fixes all! Only problem...about 2 miles to the next aid station. So I hobbled in what I would say is the most pain I have ever felt. Numerous other runners past including friends and offered to send back help. I refused becuase I knew if help came that meant it was over. One runner even stopped to offer to help shoulder me to the aid station, but I let him go on without me...just nice to know these are the kind of people running ultras. About a mile and half...and over an hour later, yeah...killer pace, some EMTs showed up on 4-wheelers.
I said "you guys here for me?"
EMT "yup"
ME "Can you wrap this?" showing my ankle with the shoe still on
EMT "I dont think so man, we need to get that checked out"
ME "Are you sure you cant just wrap it"
EMT "take off your shoe and let me look at it"
ME "FUCK" as I remove my shoe and it swells bigger, about a softball now
EMT "Damn, you need x-rays brother"
ME "Its cool, I will just walk on it"
EMT "Yeah, right, its over man, you need to get on the 4-wheeler."

Well, it was officially over at this point. I was super pissed. I rolled across the finish line just as my parents arrive to display there mortified faces as I come across...I yelled I was ok. As I crossed the finish line I looked up at the 50mi finish sign and almost cried (though the leg hurt...I rarely cry from pain...its got to be BAD, but not finishing this race was devastating at the moment). This is my first real running injury ever, and my first DNF, I knew the weeks ahead would be in a sign of good humor, I turned around on the 4-wheeler, put both arms up and yelled "FIRST PLACE!" Everyone cheered for me, it was funny.
The medics put some Ice on it and wrapped it and called the Huntsville hospital so they were waiting for me and surprisingly it only took an hour to get in and out of the ER...very impressive. The ER doc was a moron and told me to consult an orthopedic surgeon after poking at my leg a bit...they always have to poke it a few times to make you squirm...those bastards! . I went back to the race, watched (a bit jealously) as Aaron crossed the finish and I clapped for him...with my crutches! So I got through finals and got evaluated by Dr. Brotherton, the guys who works on the TCU athletes and has worked on several pro and semi-pro runners before. Turns out my ankle is not broken...its my tibia...the larger of the 2 shin bones. He told me most people would have broken there ankle with a fall like mine and that the reason my tibia broke is because my ligamnent was strong enough to avoid tearing, but in order to not tear, it basically yanked the very bottom of my tibia damn near clean off. It is a small break, but it is big enough to put me out. Doc says, 6-8 weeks no running and in a fracture boot and some crtuch time and about 4-6 weeks rehab and told me I should stay off the trails for about 6 months to rebuild ankle stability. Then he told me to lose the crutches as soon as I felt up to it. I was offered pain killers, but refused becasue I want to feel it if I mess it up more. When the doc was done, I got up, grabbed my crutches in one hand and walked out..more liek a hobble, but no crutches to help. My doctor laughed and, you must like pain, you will be fine. I have walked on my leg everyday since it happened. It hurts like hell, I barely get any sleep...but risks like these are all a part of the game and all you can do is smile, laugh, and hobble on! I guess in Gods great plan it was not my time to be an ultra-runner. But dont worry...I will be back...faster, and stronger than before. I have had a lot of sitting around time this week and have already written out my rehab training plan and my training plan for my next 50, and the WS100 for 2008 (assuming I make the lottery!) It has been a week since this happened and I have already been able to hit the gym 2 times for upper body, and have not used the crutches in 3 days. 6-8 weeks my ass...see you at the races...soon!

What would you do differently?:

How about...lets see...not break my fucking leg...hmmm....sounds like a good start!
Post race
Warm down:

Sitting on the back of a 4-wheeler shiverng my ass wasnt cold until I got on that thing.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Uhh...Trees...those damn trees are alwyas out to get me. Everytime I turn around, there one is..staring at me, waiting for just the right moment to take me out! You know, its funny if you think about it, if you know me, I a huge tree huggin hippie environmentalist. After all of the wonderful things I have done for trees and this is how they repay me...where is my Chainsaw!

Event comments:

So remember ladies and gentlmen...when you are out doing you last minute holiday shopping, and the clerk says paper, or your civic duty to help bring down the evil opression brought on by the trees and ask for paper! (just kidding, recycle or you will go to hell...can you tell I have WAY TOO much time to just sit here!) HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL! and HAPPY TRAINING!

Last updated: 2005-09-03 12:00 AM
00:00:00 | 50 miles |  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Course: The course was beautiful, the weather was amazing, and the race organization and volunteers were exceptional...especially the medical staff who I got to know really on!
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]