"Pet Supplies Plus" Doggie Dash & Walk - 2006 - RunOther

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Reading, Pennsylvania
United States
Breakaway Sports
66F / 19C
Total Time = 31m 41s
Overall Rank = 10/11
Age Group = MRUN/41-60lbDog
Age Group Rank = 3/4
Pre-race routine:

Drove out to Reading at a nice time of the morning. 1.5 hour drive, but the race started at 9:30, so leaving the house by 7:00 gave us plenty of time to get there. Met up with my friends Mike and Cathy and their dog Maximus. Clean up Trixie's poop - yep, right at the registration table. Good thing there were a couple of poop-pick-up-bags in the swag bag. Dig around in the goody bag - there was a pile of dog treats, race shirts for human and dog, even a frisbee. Since she's a dog and doesn't know about race shirt etiquette, I put her shirt on and she wore it for most of the day.
Event warmup:

Walk around with Trixie and met some new dogs. Very relaxed atmosphere with Bob Marley playing on the PA system.
  • 31m 41s
  • 2 miles
  • 15m 50s  min/mile

The race started uphill and went that way until just past the first mile. It was funny to see everyone lined up with their dogs at the start of the race. The race director started us off with a bull horn squawk that made all the dogs want to scatter :) Trixie was definitely a little confused by the mass start so I kept her pretty close until we got clear of everyone. OK, until everyone was clear of us - 'cause we were certainly bringing up the rear of the pack. We were able to keep the people ahead of us in sight for most of the race, so that prompted Trixie to keep pulling to from being completely dropped. She's so cute when she runs because she tucks her ears back like she's getting some sort of aero advantage out of it. We ended up walking maybe a third to half of the first mile because my sorry butt just wasn't into the hill thing this morning, but we ran the second mile and a good bit of the first, so I'm happy with that. I only ended up turning my right ankle twice, so the race was fairly injury free as far as trail runs go for me. There was a Westy that got a ride from it's human during most of the second mile, which was against the rules, but other than that, not much in the way of Ben Hurr fighting/racing/cheating as might be expected with 40 or so dogs on the course at once. I would guess that there was at least 75 other human/dog pairs that walked the course after the runners were started. The communal doggy water stops/aid stations were a nice touch and Trixie took advantage of both of them during the race. After we finished, I saw a couple more runners come in after us. Come to think of it, this is the first running race where I didn't come in Dead Farking Last! Well, unless you count the three eight year old girls that I beat at the Pumpkin Chase two years ago. I guess I must have had a good pacer today :)
What would you do differently?:

Well, the greyhounds were obviously on EPO and I'd put money on that mastiff being juiced up on something... So, I guess Trixie and I need to start a regimen of hGH if we want to shoot for second place next year - KIDDING!!
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, split a bagel and a couple cups of water with Trixie and looked at the results. OMG! There were only four male runners with dogs in Trixie's weight class, and one came in after me... WOOHOO - HARDWARE!! Trixie got a nice little trophy with a dog on it :) During the awards ceremony, she fell off the front of the podium and got her leg hung up on her leash and from the front side of the podium it looked like she was peeing on it... What is it that they say about working with kids and animals?

After doing this race today, I'm thinking it might be fun to organise a dog/human aquathlon. Half mile swim followed by a 2 mile run? Hmm...

What limited your ability to perform faster:

You mean aside from me being slow, fat and tired? Um, nothing.

Event comments:

Very fun race and it was for a great cause - the Animal Rescue League of Berks County. Trixie and I will certainly do this again next year.

Last updated: 2006-08-01 12:00 AM
00:31:41 | 02 miles | 15m 50s  min/mile
Age Group: 3/4
Overall: 10/11
Performance: Good
Course: Fairly hilly trail run. Rolling by Reading area standards, but hilly compared to the Harrisburg area. Awards went to the top three pairs for male and female runners within four dog weight classes, plus overall male and female runners.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4