10/20/07 Really Fun Ridley Run 10 K - Run10k

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Media, Pennsylvania
United States
Trimax Endurance Sports
Total Time = 1h 38m 33s
Overall Rank = 26/26
Age Group = F30-39
Age Group Rank = 1/1
Pre-race routine:

Given my history of driving in Philadelphia suburbs, one of my main concerns for this race was getting lost on the way there. Wanting to build some cushion in before a 7:30am race time, I left my house shortly after 6.

But... when I got to the race site a few minutes after 7am, there were only two cars in the lot. And no-one around. Where was everyone? Had they left already? Had I come on the wrong day? Certain I'd followed the signs scrupulously and was definitely in the right parking area at Ridley Creek State Park, I got out of my car and approached the picnic tables covered with stuff... including flyers advertising the 9:00am race start. Two hours early. Nice.
Event warmup:

Met RD's John and Lauren and some of the other participants, then went for a little jog, < half mile, along the adjacent bike trail. That was good, it felt fine to stretch a bit and take off my second layer after that.

About 15 minutes before the race, I ate my first gel. At the pre-race meeting, RD John pointed out the orange cone before the finish line where 10K racers should turn around to go out for their second lap. But, he announced, anyone who felt like they'd had enough after one lap could just finish and get a 5K time instead. I tried to pretend that wasn't an option.
  • 1h 38m 33s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 15m 52s  min/mile

There were fewer than 50 participants for the 5K and the 10K combined. Pretty confident I'd be dead last for this one, I started near the back. Only one woman ended up behind me, too politely it seems. I finally told her to let me know when she wanted to pass, and about a minute later she did. After that it was just me and the trail.

You could count all of the practice trail runs I'd done before today on your fingers, and all of the HILLY trail runs I'd ever attempted on, well, one finger. Plus, a big storm the night before had soaked the ground and the leaf cover. So I picked my way along pretty cautiously between the tree roots and rocks and over fallen logs, especially on the first loop. It went fine: I never lost my footing and gradually gained confidence. My strategy was to walk the steepest bits and run the rest. That worked well.

It seemed a long time until the aid station, which was where the trail crossed a wider trail around miles 1 & 2. RD Lauren was there cheering me on by name (benefit of small races) as I grabbed my water and continued on down the trail. Soon after that I started passing a few people going the other way, but assumed that this portion of the course must just be an out-and-back. Kept following the trail, finally scrabbled up a huge hill to... a parking lot. No more trail markers.

Hmm. I stood bemused for a few seconds until I saw Backpacker Dude coming along. He was a little bearded man with an enormous pack and a walking stick. He acknowledged having seen some of the red arrows around, yes... At this point, I was pretty sure I'd gone off track. When Backpacker Dude pointed out an arrow behind me going the other way, I turned around and went with it. First I tried to kinda "run with the brakes on" down that big hill, but when I realized that Backpacker Guy was actually gaining on me I took his advice and walked it. Jogged back along the trail towards the aid station, the whole way fretting that I'd somehow shorted the course. Ate my second gel before the aid station and told Lauren I'd gotten lost. She was dumbfounded, "didn't you follow the big red arrows?" Well I really thought I had...

Well, still racing, no time to chat, finished my water and kept running, this time along another way back to the start/finish.

Sure there were a few times in there my calves were yelling at me, stuff like that, and the fleeting thought of finishing after the first loop did cross my mind. But as I approached the finish area, I forced myself to ignore that big blue "FINISH" sign and the clock that already said 51-something and keep my eye on the orange turnaround cone instead. orange cone... orange cone... orange cone...

The timing guy from Pretzel City Sports saw me coming and hollered, "5K or 10K?" Head down, eyes on the cone, I said, "ten," and turned around. He shouted at my back: "I'll be waiting right here for you! As long as it takes!" As the last-placed person by far, I found that encouraging.

The second lap went along more smoothly than the first, 'cause see, now I had some experience with trail running. At the aid station I promised to look harder for the signs this time... and pretty soon it was super obvious where I had gone wrong. I must have been looking directly at my feet in order to miss it: two huge red arrows pointing DIRECTLY up a the side of a hill. After a slow, laborious climb, I skirted along the edge of the parking lot where I'd been lost earlier. At that point it became clear that I hadn't SHORTED the course at all, had gone quite a bit longer "my" way, but without the steep incline all at once. Same way back as before, so from here on out all was familiar territory, and fun.

Last pass by the aid station, assured Lauren I'd gotten it right this time.

BEST PART: Insofar as possible, I picked up the pace during the last flattish stretch to the finish. Timer Guy and the few folks still hanging around cheered me over the line, then Timer Guy roared: "YOU JUST WON FIRST PLACE IN YOUR AGE GROUP!" He had actually known all along, ever since I made the decision to turn around and do the whole 10, and was obviously very excited to tell me.

Well of course the "real" awards ceremony was long over, but I recovered from the shock and very happily accepted my First Place F 30-39 Beer Glass.
And maybe cried just a little.

What would you do differently?:

Carry a third gel.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around a little, ate some pretzels and sample-sized protein bars, and chatted with John & Lauren while they cleaned up.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of trail run experience.

Event comments:

This run is part of a fall trail run series put on by Trimax Endurance. The course was a good mix of challenging ups and downs with occasional smooth bits. Despite the small and friendly feel of the event, Lauren and John did everything needed to put on a great, professionally-run race. I think this was the first year for this race -- it deserves to grow.

Last updated: 2007-10-13 12:00 AM
01:38:33 | 06.21 miles | 15m 52s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/1
Overall: 26/26
Course: Nice mix of fairly-flat stretches and lots of challenging ups and downs. Tree roots. Rocks. Wet leaves. Fallen trees. Fun!
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 5