Hammer Nutrition Hammer Gel review

  • Price Paid:$1.25
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 1 years
  • # of logged workouts:

"After several bad performances where I just lost focus, and suffered through. I decided to do some research and find product(s) that works. I've found it with Hammer Nutrition. Great taste, good value and AWSOME results."jeffnboise


Not the easist package to open on the 'go'.


Their website is chock full of nutrition information. Plus-if you have a question, they are are more than happy to reply back.


I haven't bonked since I started using their products.

NO SUGARS! You don't get that roller coaster, sugar rush. Also, all their products can be mixed together to make your own 'semi-custom' formulas.

Petty, but it seems stickier on you fingers and harder to wipe off with a sweaty singlet.

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Buyers clubHammer Gel
  • 1 people use
  • 0 workouts logged
  • 36.51 miles / 3.25 hours logged