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2004-05-31 10:42 PM


Subject: Motion Sickness
Hi everyone! I'm a new user and a first time triathlete. I have been a runner up until now so the swim and the biking are definitely a new challenge for me. The one concern I have though is that I seem to be feeling some motion sickness after my swim. It's bareable, but I wonder if others have experienced this and if so what you've done to adjust. I'm also wondering if anyone can tell me what a decent first time triathlete time might look like for a half mile swim? It's weird because I'm so used to running that I am even having a hard time switching my mind set to the new terminologies. Thanks for your help everyone and I'm so excited to be a part of the land of the triathletes :-)

2004-05-31 11:01 PM
in reply to: #28310

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Motion Sickness
Are your ears plugged at all after your swims? Or do you feel like you have water in them still? If this is the case, it might be what is causing you to feel motion sick. Try wearing ear plugs when you swim and see if it helps. Good luck.
2004-05-31 11:09 PM
in reply to: #28312


Subject: RE: Motion Sickness
Well, I bought the silicone ear plugs, but I was having a hard time figuring out if it was helping me or annoying me. I eventually took them out. I'll try again and see if that helps. Thanks for the advice.
2004-05-31 11:15 PM
in reply to: #28310

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Motion Sickness
Yeah, the ear plugs take a little getting used to but I like them now. Besides, with your ears plugged, the water sounds like it's rushing past your head faster! Makes you feel like you're going faster! And in my case, every little bit helps! Keep up the good work.
2004-06-01 12:46 AM
in reply to: #28310

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San Diego, CA
Subject: Dramamine...??

This is a real coincidence!!  I was going to post on this subject tonight!!

I don't have any naseua when swimming in a pool, but when I swim in the ocean, the swells/waves have me constantly "bobbing" up and down.  I have a good wetsuit that keeps me prone on the top of the water, there's just a lot of chop on some days.

I wear my earplugs all the time - they help preventing water in the ears, but don't seem to be a factor for the nasuea.

QUESTION:  Does anyone take dramamine before swimming in the ocean? Are there any issues with taking it prior to exercising?

As an aside, I get dizzy just looking at a merry-go-round, so this is not too surprising to me that I am feeling this effect.  This has been a life long case of being predisposed to dizziness, but I am in perfect health (as far as I know).


2004-06-01 9:17 AM
in reply to: #28321

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Dramamine...??
My dad suffered from dizzyness and motion sickness all his life. He recently found that a food allergy (something in bread) was the cause and has been free of symptoms for a couple of years. Don't wait until you are 60+ years old to look into it!

2004-06-01 9:26 AM
in reply to: #28321

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Dramamine...??
I would talk to your doctor about Dramamine before using it. Also, do some test runs in a pool with others around in case you have a reaction to it, wouldn't want to have a reaction to a med in open water by yourself, yikes.
2004-06-01 10:49 PM
in reply to: #28321


Subject: RE: Dramamine...??
Interesting that you mentioned dramamine because I was considering that also. I am the same way in that I've had problems with motion sickness all of my life. The hardest part about it is once it comes on, it's really hard to shake. I haven't tried the open water swim yet, but I'm hoping it is okay. Thanks for the advice everyone!
2004-06-01 11:09 PM
in reply to: #28310

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: Motion Sickness
I get nauseus on the swim too, but hadn't associated it with motion sickness. I thought it was because I was swallowing too much bleach-water. It's worse on long swims, but doesn't come on until after I get out of the water (I always do morning swims on an empty stomach). It goes away if I sit for a while then get something into my stomach. I'm going to have to work on it if I'm going to be able to go straight into a bike segment, haven't tried that brick yet.
2004-06-01 11:19 PM
in reply to: #28310

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Motion Sickness
There is also another motion sickness medication that went over the counter not too long ago - Meclazine.  But, Meclazine and Dramamine have the side effect of feeling tired!  I agree with JayC - do some trial runs with it!
2004-06-02 1:18 PM
in reply to: #28567


Subject: RE: Motion Sickness
I hear you Redhead. I'm a bit worried about that myself. I did try a run after my swim the other day and it wasn't too bad, but when I had finished them both, I was gagging from an upset stomach. I only hope I get through the entire race before it hits me. I'm just striving toward completion.

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