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2007-06-28 9:48 AM


Subject: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Hi All,

I am very new to this sport. I started training over the winter to get my endurance up and have now started to train full on (basically six days a week... 2 swim, 2 run, 2 bike... plus a full body weight training session so I don't loose a lot of muscle mass... lol, and beach volleyball twice a week).

Anyway, I was reviewing the posted times for the Vancouver Triathlon (Olympic Distance) which is the triathlon I am running in September. I am a little concerned that my times are way to slow. Since this is my first Triathlon, my goal is only to complete the course, but I don't want to be last.

So, I guess what I am asking is this... what kind of time should I expect as a beginner... or rather, what was your first Tri time. Secondly, so you think my times (posted below) will cause me to finish very last. I have posted my current training times below (though I expect they will improve a bit between now and race day).

Swim 1.5K (in the pool) - 48 minutes
Bike 39K (Bike machine time... no idea what my time is like on the road yet) - 1hr 35 minutes
Run 10K - 49 minutes

Thanks in advance,

2007-06-28 9:59 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

Relax and sit back a second ......

What is it you are trying to accomplish by doing a tri?  Sounds like you are doing it as a lifestyle change and for your health and fitness, which is the best reason and how everyone gets started!

Now, as far as times go ....... as long as you continue to put in your training and know that you can complete the distance, what do the times and your placing mean???  Nothing more than a benchmark to work from and improve upon!  Whatever time you put up that day will be a PR (personal record), remember that!  If you can sit back at the end of the race and honestly tell yourself that you put out he best effort that you could on that day, then times don't mean sh-t.  you will have tried your best and should feel proud of your accomplishment.

The old adage is DFL > DNF > DNS.  That is Dead Frickin' Last beats Did Not Finish beats Did Not Start.

Edited by Daremo 2007-06-28 10:02 AM
2007-06-28 10:05 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Extreme Veteran
Leander, Texas
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

You won't be last if your "real" numbers are close to that, particularly if there are a lot of other beginners doing this race. One question, though . . . are these numbers taken from individual sessions of swimming, biking, and running, or are they taken from a day when you did all three in succession (like you'll do at the race)? When you combine them, you can expect to go a little slower than you would in a solo session.

The swim is a little slow, but you won't lose THAT much time to everyone else, even if it ends up being the slowest swim in the triathlon.

You can expect your bike time to be slower than what you estimate on a trainer or stationary bike. Hills and road conditions will change your expected times.

Your run is pretty good, especially for a beginner. Just remember that after swimming a mile and biking 24 miles, your legs and cardiovascular system will be more taxed, and you probably won't be able to maintain REALLY strong running for the entire 6.2 miles.

Lastly, I'd say this. Why does it matter if you come in last? Somebody has to. Even if you do, it's still a huge accomplishment to finish a triathlon. Besides, the last place finisher usually gets a pretty darn big round of applause from the crowd that remains. It's inspiring. Don't worry about finishing last . . . concentrate on just finishing!

Good luck!
2007-06-28 10:07 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Pulled up last year's results. Allowing 8 minutes for transition would give you a total time of 3:20, which would put you 250th out of 269 finishers, 47 minutes ahead of "very last." Of course these are your training times, your race times will be much faster, especially after three more months of training.
2007-06-28 10:20 AM
in reply to: #864185

Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
My 1st Oly tri.

Last out of the water
Last off the bike
Last in the run

Overall - Last

Better to be last than to be nothing.
(BTW, I got a 1st in age group hat despite being DFL)

My 2nd Oly

Last out of the water (by 12 minutes)
3rd to last off the bike
3rd to last in the run

Overall - 3rd to last.

The swim was gawdawful

3rd Oly

Not last in swim, bike or run

Finished 113 out of 137 finishers.

In this race 152 had signed up but a lot dropped in the swim.

Moral: If you won't risk the first race, how will you know what to work on for the next?

2007-06-28 10:33 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

Does the race have swim and/or bike and/or race cutoff times? 
Are you in jeopardy of not making one of these if they exist? 

What would happen if you finish last?
Will a plague decend upon the lands? (Not that you can link to your finish)
Will you lose your job?  (No)
Will you lose a sponsorship?  (No)
Will your family stop loving you?  (No)
The finish line crowd will cheer for you! 

What's the concern? 

2007-06-28 10:36 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
You're training consistently, with 3 months to go -- that's the key. Just keep it simple, put in the miles, and get out on the road with a bike.

You'll be fine. Enjoy the race and decide where you want to go from there.

And since you ask, here are the results from my first tri:

Good luck!
2007-06-28 10:38 AM
in reply to: #864185


Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Hi All,

Thanks for the advice so far. To answer a few questions that were asked above:

Regarding the times I posted... these were individual sessions. I also expect them to drop off a bit.

As for the running component, my best 10K time ever is 42 minutes (5 years ago)... but I have been running for years and am not worried so much about falling off too much even after the other two events (though I have hip problems so that is a concern... but I have always had hip problems and just manage to tough it out).

Anyway, does anybody have any tips for improving my swim time. When i swim now, I do two sessions... one straight swim for distance where I am swimming comfortably and not gasping for breath... the other session I do sprints (after a warm up of course) of 100 meters... usually 10 to 15 sprints followed by a cool down. I have gotten a bit faster in the last few weeks since adding the sprints, but if any of you have some tips for additional exercises, that would be great. In particular, kicking exercises as the kicking part of my swim is really really weak 9and I get foot cramps if I kick too hard).

Thanks again,
2007-06-28 12:03 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Spring (Houston), TX
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
WHEN you finish, you won't be last because some won't finish at all.

Go for it and have fun!!
2007-06-28 12:14 PM
in reply to: #864185

Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Among the last is a great place to be. Everyone is super supportive and nice, and there's a real sense of "We're all torturing ourselves together here."

Regarding your swim and kick.... I have always learned that in a triathlon it is better to use your upper body strength more in the swim, and save your legs for the rest of the race. So it's good not to kick too hard. You just want to try to kick from the hip instead of the knee, and keep your feet pointed, not flexed. I don't know of many other kicking drills besides using the good old kickboard to work on your kicking form. I am not really that fast myself, but I've been swimming with a Masters' group and it has helped a lot, especially with form.

I also read somewhere that as you near the end of the swim, you can start kicking hard to get the blood flowing back to your legs, so they won't be as wobbly and weird getting out of the water.
2007-06-28 12:17 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

What are you worried about, that someone will laugh? It won't be another athlete thats for sure, and if you're worried about someone on the other side of the fence, or a co-worker laughing, then I suggest you read Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the arena"

2007-06-28 12:18 PM
in reply to: #864185

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
I have several ideas to work on the kick drills. First of all, remember your kick comes from the hips. Most strong runners waste energy by kicking from the knees.

I have been working with a swim coach and using the web site for several months. Both have a drill with 6 or 8 kicks flip and hold. When I started with the coach last fall I hated this drill, couldn't do it to please him for anything. Now it's a no brainer. Start on one side with the bottom arm extended and top arm along the up side. Kick for 6 or 8 times and pull using the up arm to rotate onto the other side. Keep doing this the length of the pool. The breath comes just before the 'flip" to the other side. Head should rest on the extended arm with eyes toward the far end of the pool.

A drill I learned in the past week that helps with both kicking and rotation is to start on your side kick for 6, rotate to the abdomen for another 6 kicks , then to the other side. Flippers are helpful but not necessary to do this drill down the length of the pool for a few laps. Again, breathing comes only on the side positions. also teaches a vertical kicking drill. For this you need a pool with a pretty deep end. Cross the arms at chest level and kick, again you can rotate from the hips in a circle if your so inclined.

If you feel as though you aren't moving very fast or far on kicking drills try to widen the kick (again from the hips), it helps.

Hope this helps,
2007-06-28 12:49 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Did my first sprint distance triathlon about a month ago, and was feeling a bit bummed about my time afterwards (2hr, 9 min). Lots of people said, "hey you finished", and "hey, you didn't finish last", which was nice. The best comment, however, came from the woman who runs the gym at work....her comment, "Think about the fact that you just exercised for 2 hours and 9 minutes, that's pretty amazing".

2007-06-28 1:03 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
I wouldn't worry too much about finishing last - and if you do, that gives you a goal to work on - finishing 2nd to last

2007-06-28 1:11 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
I think for the rest of my life I will smile when threads like this pop up. Why? Because I had the SAME fear before my first sprint triathlon.

And guess what? I was LUCKY enough to finish last. Lucky enough, you say? Yes, lucky enough. For 2 hours and 15 minutes (and 1 second) I gave everything I had and proved that I had what it takes.

The next weekend, I shaved nearly 28 minutes off of my time. I avoided last place by a full four minutes. A week from Saturday I will complete another sprint triathlon and my only goal is to do better than the time before.

The triathlon community is extremely supportive, even the super competitive AG'ers and such. I remember that the overall winner of my first race came over to say that he was proud of ME for my accomplishment. I boggled, because he had just WON the race. Crazy, eh?

The fact that you are doing a triathlon means you have already avoided last place. Last place is everyone who doesn't try a tri.

2007-06-28 3:32 PM
in reply to: #864667

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
I've got to second what everyone has already written.

I was afraid I'd come in last at my first sprint tri last summer. I'm a middle aged, overweight gal who used to be an athlete (weren't we all!).
I thought I'd care, but I enjoyed biking and running by myself - no pressure! Came in third from last.

The next race four weeks later would have meant us in the back would be running in the dark (race series held at 6pm). that kept all the slow ones away, but me. I was determined to go for a personal best. The race director told me he'd pull me if I was too slow as he would not be responsible for me running in the dark.
I told him he set the time not me and that I was running with or without his support.

Realized that I forgot to get my ankle chip during the swim. I'm the slowest swimmer anyway and just gave up at that point. when I dragged myself out of the lake the director was there and I told him what happened. He yelled at me to go change and that he would get me the timing chip. He strapped it to my ankle and yelled at me to go, go, go. I guess once he saw my determination he was very supportive.
That said, as I came around the bend on the run, another volunteer who was giving me encouragement on the bike part was waiting for me in a pick up truck. He was afraid he'd missed me I was so far behind everyone. He put on his blinkers and rode behind me till the finish. I felt like a burden, but took the support.
The director made sure the timer guy waited for me and people cheered when he said I cut 10 min. off my last time (PB 1:44).
My kids (7 & 8.5) felt embarrassed for me coming in last, but got to see the others cheer for me.
It was glorious!
This year I'm going for an oly distance and my dream is a 70.3 around my 50th birthday (in two years!)

You are going for YOUR personal best!

2007-06-28 3:35 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
2007-06-28 4:16 PM
in reply to: #864185

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

At my first Oly, I came in last by about half an hour.  Seriously.  I had a lot of trouble on the bike course especially. 

But, there were about 10 cheering BTers along with the race director and the photographer waiting for me at the finish line.  And I did much better at my second Olympic Distance race.

Moral #1:  DFL isn't fatal.

Moral #2:  BTers are awesome.

Now on to a bigger question:  are you training on a "real" bike too?  The very bike you will use for the race?  If not, start SOON, please.  My biggest problem at that first Olympic was that I didn't have enough experience with that bike on hills -- didn't have the timing down for shifting, and dropped my chain TWICE.  Even though I'd practiced hills on my hybrid, I had only had a road bike for about a month at that point.  Got much better with practice later.

So, Moral #3:  Ride some hills on the bike you will race. 

Good luck!

2007-06-28 4:32 PM
in reply to: #864185


Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Sadly, the bike I will be using is a friends bike. I have a moutain bike which I train on (which is slower and a lot heavier). unfortunately I do not have the money to shell out for a new (or even used) bike. My friends bike is a pretty decent bike that he has used for his tri's. I will be riding it a couple of times before the race, but not many.

On the plus side, living in the suburbs of Greater Vancouver, BC means that there is no such thing as a flat ride. Tons of hills mostly at steep grades.
2007-06-28 4:44 PM
in reply to: #864185

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Anyone who completes the Tri is not last, but a huge winner. If anything, you have out"last"ed the race!!
2007-06-28 7:07 PM
in reply to: #864185

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
I had a miserable time with my bike on my sprint tri earlier this month. It was pouring so I rode a bit slower to stay safe. My goal was to finish the race in one piece (it was my first tri). I was on a hybrid which is slower anyway. My chain fell off about 2 miles into the ride and I had to stop to fix it. Got passed by nearly everyone. I bought a road bike last weekend, with a month left to my next race and another race the following month. I've been out on the new bike a few short rides this week and am planning on a moderate ride tomorrow (length depends on how long my butt can endure the seat and my daughter wants to ride with me)

All that beng said, focus train to your weakest area and keep training good mechanics with everything else. Finishing is the goal, who cares the place (other than the elites)? Get out on your friends bike as many times as possible--pre ride the course on it if you can just to familiarize yourself wih the bike handling and the course itself.

Good luck!

2007-06-28 9:49 PM
in reply to: #865061

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
I hope there will be BTers at the Lake George Tri in September to cheer for me when I come in last!!!
2007-06-29 6:35 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Portland, ME
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

The slackers that are still in bed nursing a hangover when you cross the finish line came in last. No one comes in last in a tri!

Also, last place get the biggest cheers from the crowd. Bask in the will probably be your only time to get so much attention at the finish line.

Edited by Jackemy 2007-06-29 6:38 AM
2007-06-29 8:56 AM
in reply to: #864185

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last

Ok, I'll say it.... coming in last would suck!  All your hard work and efforts, time and money invested, friends or family watching you be the last one across the finish line.  What a thing (pride) to have to swallow.

It is a very humbling thought that I've had to admit might actually happen in my first race 3 weeks from now.  I am not the fastest swimmer, biker, or runner.  When I started training, I expected to have a finish in the top 50%.  I've had to face reality since then.  The reality being that there are people better then me and that finishing is truely the goal this year.  Next year I'll work on times.

I feel better about myself, my body, my health and I love setting my goals and going for them and maybe even reaching a few.  This is a unique thing.  Enjoy it. 

I bet the last person gets a bigger cheer and reception then the person who is 527th out of 800.


2007-06-29 9:36 AM
in reply to: #864185

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: First Triathlon... I little worried about finishing last
Finishing last in a triathlon is better than not attempting a triathlon.  In the end whether you finish first, MOP, or last - you can all say you completed the tri.  Go out there and have fun.    Edit - your training times are quite good - you will do fine.

Edited by CalgaryRunner 2007-06-29 9:37 AM
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