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2006-01-28 2:45 PM

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Edited by oneword 2006-01-28 2:48 PM

2006-01-28 3:38 PM
in reply to: #333906

Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
First of all, for what it's worth, I have never been able to master the flip turn, and I've been swimming since I was 5. I personally prefer to not do flip turns, as that extra breath at the end of the pool does me a world of good. So.. my advice (and I'm sure others will differ from me on this) is to stop worrying about flip turns: you have years to master that skill, if you choose to.

Secondly, going to the pool less than a dozen times in a year will not improve your stroke. You must do it.. often. Twice a week, three if you can. The more you swim, the more comfortable you will become in the water. The more comfortable you get, the more in tune with your stroke you'll get. See where I'm going with this?

I know you mention that you can't afford it, but coaching is really worth it. Even if you only go for one session. There's always master's groups, or adult stroke improvement courses. Bucking up a bit at the start to get help with your stroke will take you leaps and bounds from where you are right now.

Good luck with it. Trust me - you're not the only person on this site who struggles with swimming... and you won't be the last. Chin up - and stop hitting your head against the wall!

Edited by Vaiza 2006-01-28 3:39 PM
2006-01-28 3:42 PM
in reply to: #333906

Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Have you seen this thread . You are not alone and the problems you're having with the swim are common. Stick with it.

I can't comment on the TI stuff because I haven't seen any more than what's on the TI website. I've been reading a book by Emmett Hines called Fitness Swimming, and I like it so far. Terry Laughlin of TI is quoted with one of the endorsements on the back of the book. You can also get a sampling of Hines' writing style in the articles on this site . Good luck.
2006-01-28 4:05 PM
in reply to: #333906

Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
I sincerely doubt you're the worlds worst swimmer, but I hear you. I couldn't swim AT ALL in September 2004. Had never swam a single lap in a pool. First time out I swam 4 laps and was pooped. Built up to 1000 yds in 23:07. Failrly slow. Took a TI (total immersion) class in October 2004. 2 days later swam 1000 yd in 18:07. Have since bettered it to 16 flat. I;m 6'2" 200lbs with 11% bodyfat. I remeber quite vivdly before my workshop that my toes would occasionly hit the bottom of the pool. So I too had a tendancy to sink. TI has worked wonders for me. Last several times in the pool I swam 2 miles straight just for kicks. Stopped only because I was bored. Stick with it. Try to get into the pool 2 -3 times per week. SPend time on the drills in the beginning and forget about the stopwatch. It works. Start with the book.
2006-01-28 4:31 PM
in reply to: #333906

Delafield, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
I would try to find someway to get some instruction on what needs fixing with your technique. I was never a good swimmer and tried to teach my self the proper technique last year. In my races I looked (and felt) like someone that was taught by a guy who didn't know what he was doing. This fall I decided to take a master swim class (at a very reasonable price) and it made a HUGE difference. I had problems with my arms, my kick and my head. I started with lots of drills (which at the time I thought were stupid) which taught me the proper way to swim without sinking and working against myself. My instructor told me I needed to relax and that I looked like a robot in the pool. Two months later it doesn't even feel like the same sport. My techique is so much better and my confidence is way up. Someone in my class told me today that they noticed how much I have improved and she said she though maybe I didn't know how to swim before I took the class. I guess she was trying to be nice. Bottom line: you have learn the proper way to do it, put the time in and, yes, relax. It will come. I thought there was no hope for me and it turns out there was.
2006-01-28 6:49 PM
in reply to: #333906

Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Well, I can't give you any advice, I just wanted to say that you are not the worst swimmer in the world because I am So you might be able to compete for the second worst
Last summer when I did a 1/2 IM it took me just over an hour. If I wasn't the last out of the water, I must have been 2nd or 3 rd to last, I didn't really want to look back to find out. And I had to use the volunteers on kayaks like 8 times to take a break. The worst part of it all, is that I am not a good rider either, I am ok, and am much better when I have somebody to chase or ride with. Well since I was probably the last out of the water I came to an empty transition area and only saw like 2 or 3 other riders during bike course. (Well, actulally I saw some elites too, when they flew by me on their second lap while I was on my first). It was very lonely three and 1/2 hours

2006-01-28 7:15 PM
in reply to: #333999

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2006-01-28 7:27 PM
in reply to: #333906

Wife, Mother, Friend.
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...

Central Mississippi?  What's that race? When?  I have family there and may be able to come out.....  


Keep at it.  It will come. 

2006-01-28 9:24 PM
in reply to: #333906

Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Everyone has offered you lots of encouragement and so do I. But, let me give you at least one piece of technical advice that is working for me. I have heavy legs and so do you. You can get rid of that problem instantly for now by using a pull buoy between your thighs. It will hold your legs up so you can concentrate on your stroke. You will almost double your speed once those heavy legs are on top of the water and not hanging down. Do this for awhile until you have a good stroke down pat and then start working on the heavy legs problem. Make sure you follow the TI advice on body position "press the buoy" to assist in keeping the legs up. Then start doing the side position drills that have you swimming from each side with the body almost vertical in the water. You will be kicking effectively in this position but your legs aren't sinking like they were when you were swimming flat. When all is said and done, the only thing that is going to allow you to go faster is a kick that can keep the legs up and you are probably only going to get that by rotating your hips from side to side, so you are almost vertical with each stroke. I am no coach, but this is working for me. I am one of those people that go backwards when I use a kickboard! Good luck and remember that most of us have no natural talent in this sport. We have to work everybit as hard, if not harder as those with supersize lungs and natural physical ability. To me the rewards are worth it. There are very, very few people in this world that can complete a sprint triathlon and most don't have the guts to even try.
2006-01-29 12:15 AM
in reply to: #334010

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2006-01-29 1:21 AM
in reply to: #333906

Extreme Veteran
fort collins
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
If all us non swimmers lived closer together we could start a sinking swim team. Swimming by far is the hardest sport to concore. I have done many activities in my life but none of those have taken as long to get good at. I started last summer stopped foor awhile and started again about a month ago. 50 yards is still my max and that kills me. I am unable to do a tri cause of the swim.

Stay motivated!
check the library to see if they have TI dvd!
I think $4 x3 practices a week get expensive. Comunity pool.

And remember you are doing a lot better then some of us.

2006-01-29 3:08 AM
in reply to: #333906

Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...

In my first tri, I swam 400m in 30 minutes and I wasn't even last.  So no, there are many slower swimmers.  Fortunately, for me, I've gotten my 100m to about 1.75min which took about 10 months.  So there's also hope for you

That said, if I were you, I would get some lessons.  Doesn't have to be expensive and doesn't have to be TI, possibly the Y.  You just need a coach to evaluate and tell you what you are doing wrong from the get go.  Right now, you are just doing whatever and obviously it's not working. 

Since I am cheap and didn't want to spend money on coaches or books, my tri friend and I video taped each other several times at the pool, analyzed strokes with the free videos on the net, and somehow, that just worked for us. 

You also need to stick to the drills but I think until you get some expert guidance, it may not help because you might be even doing the drills wrong. 

2006-01-29 6:45 AM
in reply to: #333906

Joplin, Missouri
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...

Others have posted a great deal of great advice.  You mentioned you have a Y; maybe there's a swim instructor there who can help you out.  I know ours gives lessons to kids- maybe you could snag a few private lessons.  That shouldn't be too expensive (??)

The pull buoy are great trainers to help you float your your lower half and teach you what it feels all starts in the hips.  my swim coach used to yell "KEEP THOSE HIPS UP...KEEP THOSE HIPS UP!!!".  So, the focal point is not keep your legs up but concentrating on your hips.

Good luck & keep us posted!!

2006-01-29 8:41 AM
in reply to: #333906

Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Some things that may help:
Private lessons perhaps with the aquatic director, or better yet finding a masters swim team. These are the people that will tell you which drills you should be doing and they will show you how to do them correctly (important for not developing bad habits). The only drill you might want to try on your own is the balance drill (it's in the TI book). That will help with the sinking legs - at least it helped me. As others have mentioned there is alot in the threads for swimming technique and well worth searching. It does sound like you will need to spend more time swimming at least 2 days a week - after you have been given some direction from a coach or veteran swimmer. Keep at it, swimming is the hardest of the three for most of us, it sure was for me. 4 years ago I couldn't swim more than two laps and today I usually feel good about my swim leg. Good Luck in that race!!
2006-01-29 9:40 AM
in reply to: #333906

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
A story from my first tri, to help you feel better:

It was a 450m pool swim, so you could hang on to the edge if you needed to. I was seeded in almost the exact middle of the group. One of the first people to get in was a huge, muscular man. He sank, except for his face. He then proceeded to dog paddle. The whole way. I actually passed him during my own swim, and I started almost 8 minutes after him. My mother was watching him the whole time, because she was convinced he was going to drown. Dog paddle, can you believe it? Halfway through, he hopped up out of the pool, sat on the edge, and took a breather. But he finished. Not just the swim leg, but the whole race. I noticed him while on my second bike loop, chugging away on what appeared to be a miniature cruiser. Very funny looking. Never saw him on the run, but my mother (who obviously had some sort of crush) said he was very slow, but never ever stopped. Yes he was incredibly slow in all three disciplines. Did it matter? No. He was still an inspiration, because he gave it his best shot, and he finished. He also made my mother's day, completing the entire race (400m/7mi/1.7mi) in three hours, all in his swim brief.
2006-01-29 10:20 AM
in reply to: #333906

Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...

If you're the world's worst swimmer then what I'm I?  Chopped Liver that can't swim?  I feel like I've made great progress over the last few months and my 1000 yard time isn't far off from your current time.  Not to mention flip turns.  You're able to do flip turns and you're caling yourself the worlds worst swimmer?  I beg to differ.

If I had your attitude I would have given up months ago.


2006-01-29 10:45 AM
in reply to: #333906

Hollywood, CA
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
i can barely swim a length freestyle without stopping....i win haha

but ill be ready for the sprint in june!

you can do it.
2006-01-29 11:06 AM
in reply to: #333906

Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Another quick note here. When I was first getting started swimming, just over a year ago, I found a lot of good information in these articles and links to a lot more info under the swim and triathlon categories on this page . I did a lot of free online research, and kept trying different things in the pool. I eventually took some adult group lessons at the local Y, very inexpensive too, and that little bit of educated feedback helped tremendously as well.
2006-01-29 12:13 PM
in reply to: #333906

Tuscaloosa, AL
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
You know, if you would wear socks on dry land it might help your swim times.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
2006-01-29 12:42 PM
in reply to: #334224

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Last month was the first time I've been in the pool training in 14 years, and even then I only did one season of swimming.

Now after a month and a half of going twice a week I swam my race distance of 2,200 yards continuously this past Friday. All I've done is read every thread on swimming and listen to the people who have been swimming for years and/or have done the TI program. Then the next workout I will work on my problem areas without really worrying about speed. That will come with time I know.

I dislike the pool as much as any other non-fish, but know that if I do not get in there and do my time (properly) that no matter how fast I ride or run I'm going to get my azz kicked in events. So stick with it!
2006-01-29 1:00 PM
in reply to: #334224

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2006-01-29 1:02 PM
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2006-01-29 9:35 PM
in reply to: #333906

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Being not so good at something... can be very frustrating.

Some people just have talent... and others... like us need to practice, practice, practice to get better. And... even then, we only end up mediocre.

I say "we"... because I am including ME!

It sounds like you really do need to swim more... to try to get *OK* at swimming. And, only focus on getting from point A to point B... do not worry about flip turns. If you do a tri in a pool or open water, you won't get to do them. So, stop hitting your head against the wall. *smile*

Now for the encouragement... the swimming portion is so minor in a tri. Sure, you can be the slowest swimmer out there... but if you are a great cyclists... or a really fast runner... you get all that time back.

In my sprint tri's I typically come in 2nd and 4th, in the swim, in my age group. But overall, I fell in the middle of the pack (for my age group). My cycling is decent... but both times... I couldn't run the entire 5K (I did pace a 11-12 minute mile with side cramps and a walk/run... imagine if I could RUN!).

Point of the story... do what you can to feel like you can come out of the water feeling good enough to kick butt on the bike and the run.

Finally, you need to THINK POSITIVE and VISUALIZE yourself swimming a straight line and feeling good. You can't let the swim get into your head.

2006-01-30 8:48 AM
in reply to: #333906

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
Do open turns for now. You need a certain amount of momentum (read speed) to get them right (I don't do flip turns very well so I don't do them very often). That will come as you get better.

Sign up for some adult lessons. Most Y's offer adult lessons, and the instructor should be able to get you well along your way for a pretty nominal investment. They should also be able to introduce you to proper form for a number of strokes, not just front crawl. The sooner you learn some proper strokes, the easier it will be to stop the inefficient habits. (If you plow forward, swimming twice a week with your current form, you'll find it very difficult to stop doing some of those things later.)

Hang in there.

2006-01-30 8:51 AM
in reply to: #333906

Los Gatos, CA
Subject: RE: I may be the world's worst swimmer...
oneword - 2006-01-28 12:45 PM

Can I get a little love and encouragement here?  

Read my tag line and reflect on that for a moment.....
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