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2010-06-20 10:46 PM


Las Vegas
Subject: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI
I am buying my first bike to start training of course for my first Tri and I'm sure both these bikes are above my capabilities right now but I'm looking at buying one of these bikes. I've tried reading other threads and it really seems like a preference thing mostly. The only difference in the price is that the SRAM is $100 more. Is it worth is and should I even care being a first time rider. Most have told me to get a cheaper bike to start with but I know I'd be wanting to upgrade six months from now, especially because I already want too. 
The other dilema is Tri vs road. The whole reason I'm buying a bike is to  train and accomplish tri's with the ultimate goal of competing the Tempe Ironman Nov 2011. I know, LMAO, but at least I'll give it my all and see what happens. I've heard half of it is heart and motivation. My training partner has completed one ironman before so atleast I'll have someone to help me. If you want to give me advice on tri vs road I'll be happy to take it.
Last question, tri gear vs bicycle bids/shorts, what's really the difference? Do you just race with the tri gear and then on long rides that are just for training, accomplish those in bike shorts?

Thanks for taking the time to answer a first timers questions!!! I'm driving my wife crazy staying up all day and night reading and researching to increase my knowledge on this great sport.

2010-06-21 1:03 AM
in reply to: #2933328

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI

My two cents.  For a new Triathlete the decision over the type of bike really comes down to how much money you are comfortable throwing down on a new hobby.  Despite all the articles, posts, ads, the differences between bikes and parts really don't make a bit of difference unless you are a professional competitor or consistent AG winner.  Its about YOUR strength and endurance (its not the bike, its the motor).  So, I'd read articles about peoples experiences and likes/dislikes about certain bike manufacturers, but it really comes down to money you spend and your personnel feel for the bike.  (Find a bike shop that'll let you get on a bike and ride it around to get the feel).  I did my first year on a mountain bike.  Just wanted to get a feel for the race, not trying to win my AG then.  Eventually I got tired of being passed by everyone so I got a cheap road-bike and swapped the handlebars.  That was fine for a while until I couldn't resist the siren song of getting a Tri bike.  Finally upgraded and now trying to resist upgrading again to the latest super-whammo-dyne carbon warp drive mega bike.  There is a great deal of pressure, so try to stick to a budget that you won't regret later and worry less about this part vs that part.
2. Road vs Tri.  There is a difference.  If financially it is even, I'd go with Tri.  If for no other reason than you'll be asking yourself the question over and over again in the future and will drive yourself nuts.  Get the Tri now.
3. Road shorts vs Tri shorts.  Main difference is the thickness of the pad.  Biker stuff is ususally padded more.  Tri stuff designed to be smaller pad-hence won't absorb water and feel like you have a diaper butt after you come out of the swim portion.  Also easier to run in.  Tri gear is designed to dry out faster, usually, and I think fits tighter so it won't chafe during a run.  No reason not to have some Bike shorts when you are just biking, but recommend getting Tri-stuff for BRICKs and races.

2010-06-21 1:35 AM
in reply to: #2933328

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Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI

Agree with a lot of above. 

As far as which bike you are going to purchase, just make sure it fits well.  Have you tried other brands.  Not every brand is a good fit for everyone.  If you are going to spend a lot of money on a bike, make sure it's the ideal bike for you.  The two bikes you are looking at are more than entry level, and the quality of the frame/components may be good enough so that you don't want to upgrade...but if you find the bike doesn't fit you well, you still may end up wanting another bike in 6 months.

As fars as road vs. tri, do you plan to limit yourself to triathlons and time trials for races.  Because you can't use a tri bike in road races or crits.  As far as training, do you plan to ride solo most of the time...or with a tri group.  Because some cycling groups only allow road bikes in their pace lines.  I'm guessing the Kestrel's you are looking at are about $3500.  You could use that $3500 and get a very good quality road AND tri bike...especially if you look used.  Not saying that's what you should do...but it something to consider.

As far as shorts, you want to do triathlons and brick workouts in tri shorts.  Using bike shorts will have the pad soaked in water and will likely cause chaffing on the run.  For training, it's personal preferance.  Personally, my most comfortable pair of shorts are a pair of desoto tri shorts I recently bought.  I use them for my tri races and all my training long rides as they are more comfortable than any of my bike shorts(even though the pad is much smaller).  But if varies by brand too...I haven't tried to many brands of bike shorts, so maybe I just haven't found my brand yet.  I will say most expensive pair of bike shorts (Pearl Izumi PRO) is my least favorite and am thinking about throwing them away.

2010-06-21 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2933328


Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI
Guys thanks for taking the time to answer. I am looking at getting a used bike and am trying to get a few friends to help me find one. Its so exciting but overwhelming! I just want to start riding.

So I definitely will buy some tri-shorts and bike shorts for the tng rides.

For the bike my friend told me because I live in Vegas and most my races will be west coast, she recommended getting a road bike because a tri bike is very difficult to ride on mtns. So for my first I guess I'll get the road and then go from there. I guess I can always put aero bars on the rb too.

Thanks again!
2010-06-22 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2935716

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Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI
TOGAF16 - 2010-06-21 9:27 PM Guys thanks for taking the time to answer. I am looking at getting a used bike and am trying to get a few friends to help me find one. Its so exciting but overwhelming! I just want to start riding.

So I definitely will buy some tri-shorts and bike shorts for the tng rides.

For the bike my friend told me because I live in Vegas and most my races will be west coast, she recommended getting a road bike because a tri bike is very difficult to ride on mtns. So for my first I guess I'll get the road and then go from there. I guess I can always put aero bars on the rb too.

Thanks again!

A road bike is a fine way to go.  It gives you flexibility that a tri bike doesn't (particularly when it comes to group rides, which I like a lot).  Given that you live in Vegas I would think that the Craigslist there would be chock full of used equipment.

For the record I have  Kestrel Talon road bike (with aerobars) and it works really well for me.  I liked your initial choice. ;-)
2010-06-22 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2936246

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI
  1. I think the SRAM components are worth the extra $100.
  2. No matter what you buy (road or tri), get tri shorts.   I ride with them all of the time now, and I have several different styles of bikes.  You get used to the thinner padding, and you'll need them for any race (esp Ironman!).
  3. Road v. tri:  I bought a road bike first, loved it, and still use it.   Based on your desires, though, I would suggest just going with the tri bike.  Why not?  You can still ride it whereever you want.  You could always pick up a road bike if you think doing group rides, fun rides, etc, are in your future.  Spend the big money on the tri bike, since that's your main goal.

2010-06-22 11:04 PM
in reply to: #2933328


Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI

So many good inputs.... I think I'll get a pair of each shorts first and then buy from there. For the bike I have been convinced to get the road bike. I am either getting a 06 Trek 5.2 Montare with Dura Ace and upgraded wheels and all or a 10 Kestrel Talon +SRAM Red with upgraded wheels as well. I wanted to go cheap at first but like everything else as I educate myself I want something that is going to satisfy me for a long time. Much like my wife I guess. LOL

Thanks for the words! I love this website and the fact that so many veterans take the time to encourage and help us newbies!

2010-06-23 1:10 AM
in reply to: #2937957

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Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI
TOGAF16 - 2010-06-22 7:04 PM

So many good inputs.... I think I'll get a pair of each shorts first and then buy from there. For the bike I have been convinced to get the road bike. I am either getting a 06 Trek 5.2 Montare with Dura Ace and upgraded wheels and all or a 10 Kestrel Talon +SRAM Red with upgraded wheels as well. I wanted to go cheap at first but like everything else as I educate myself I want something that is going to satisfy me for a long time. Much like my wife I guess. LOL

Thanks for the words! I love this website and the fact that so many veterans take the time to encourage and help us newbies!

Don't tell your wife this...because she'll never let you buy another bike for the rest of your life.
2010-06-23 1:29 AM
in reply to: #2937957

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Palm Springs, California
Subject: RE: Kestrel Talon SRAM Red vs Kestrel Talon SL TRI
The nice thing about the Talon is it has a low head tube, so you can clip on aero bars and have nearly all of the aerodynamic advantages of a fully TT set-up. I won my last AG bike split by quite a bit on my Talon roady with aerobars and a TT saddle in the forward position. For a new, serious triathlete, it's hard to beat a bike that's both a great road bike and doubles as a solid time trial rocket.
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