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2006-08-07 5:54 PM

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: Running stairs
What is the opinion on running stairs in relation to Tri Training?

I have not done it yet, but am considering doing some in prep for some hikes at the end of the month.

2006-08-07 7:23 PM
in reply to: #504780

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Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Running stairs
My completely uninformed opinion is that it wouldn't be much different from doing hill workouts and would probably be beneficial provided you have a decent base to work with. Otherwise, you are probably better off spending your time building up your base endurance.
2006-08-07 10:17 PM
in reply to: #504780

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Running stairs
Dont think it would help your tri training, but I have thought of doing stairs to change up my running routine. Would definitely build muscle mass in your legs. We used to do them for football and they burned!!
2006-08-08 1:55 AM
in reply to: #504780

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Subject: RE: Running stairs
I think a good stair running workout is really beneficial for me.  It builds leg muscle, which is helpful as long as you don't get too big.  It can dramatically improve your endurance and cardiovascular fitness, and it really breaks up a tedious run program.  I'm not a pro or anything but I would say do them, but don't do them all of the time.  They are a good change of pace.
2006-08-08 6:30 AM
in reply to: #504780

Subject: RE: Running stairs
I do some training on a large stairway that leads of the side of a hill where I live (Jacobs Ladder in Perth, Aust) )and found that if I do each individual step by the time I reach the top (43metres) my legs feel exactly like they do at the bike/run transition which makes for excellent training 'cause once at the top you can keep on running.
2006-08-08 7:35 PM
in reply to: #504780

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Running stairs
I did stair WALKING once a week at the University of Pittsburgh, 36 stories, about 500 vertical feet, started with one, and worked up to 3 sets with about 5 minutes rest between. Each set took about 9 minutes. I walked in an effort to keep my HR in a somewhat aerobic goal was to build STRENGTH in my legs.

As a result, I had HUGE improvements in both running and biking up hills during the season. It will definately benefit you and is a great workout. One a week seemed sufficient for me. I plan to start again in September and continue into March .

2006-08-08 7:40 PM
in reply to: #506016

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Running stairs
AdventureBear - 2006-08-08 8:35 PM

I did stair WALKING once a week at the University of Pittsburgh, 36 stories, about 500 vertical feet, started with one, and worked up to 3 sets with about 5 minutes rest between. Each set took about 9 minutes.

You did the Cathedral of Learning! I used to call it the Pitt Phallus.

I like stair running from time to time, as a change from speedwork or hill repeats. Feels good -- if you were to ask me on any given day if I'd like to run stairs for 30 minutes or do a 13 mile run, I'd go with the stairs.
2006-08-08 9:14 PM
in reply to: #504780

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2006-08-09 8:27 AM
in reply to: #506105

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Running stairs
JeepFleeb - 2006-08-08 8:14 PM

I love stair running! It's a great low impact way to build your cardio fitness and strengthen your legs. Plus it's something different than running my usual trail over and over. I'm trying to get in the habit of doing at least an hour of stairs each week.

After going out and doing that today, I think I could get into it and may also try to make it a weekly occurence. I was unfocused and just sort of winging it while watching some of the other people out there. Red Rocks is such a great venue. Just seeing the sunrise was worth it today.
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