General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym? Rss Feed  
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2010-12-31 9:40 PM

Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
A previous poster brought up the fact that people at their gym were using the hot tub, sauna, steam room in the nude. This was mentioned in a negative way, like this is bad practice.
Most of the guys at my gym do most of this in the nude. Some will wear a swimsuit, but not the majority. Perhaps it's because the sauna, hot tub and steam room are in the same room as the showers; and most people go from one to the other.
So what is everyone's opinion? If you just finished lifting, running, or spinning, do you need to change into a swimsuit before hitting the hot tub, then take it back off to shower?

2010-12-31 9:52 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
I work part time at an LA Fitness in our area. I can't speak for the hot tub since we have a community hot-tub out by the pool that both sexes use as opposed to a private one where the showers are located. But the usual for the sauna is that people are in or at least sitting on a towel. It is pretty weird/rare for me to be walking through the gym and just to see nude dudes in the sauna. 

I mean, if your gym is decent then that sauna gets cleaned and scrubbed 5+ times a week so it isn't a big deal (on a sanitation level). Still kinda weird..

Edited by rjhall 2010-12-31 9:59 PM
2010-12-31 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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portland oregon
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
Please use a towel wrapped around your waist when not in the shower or dressing.  It puts something between you and the man-a** that was just sitting where you are about to sit.

Edited by danjstark 2010-12-31 9:54 PM
2010-12-31 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
At LTF the steam is the respective locker rooms.  In spite of this, there are still signs directing members to use a towel or swimsuit.  Haven't run into anyone not using a least a towel to cover the twig & berries.
2010-12-31 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
This is a problem for me as I really don't like to get into the hot tub without a suit.  Don't know why, but it just feels wrong.  My hangup, I guess.  So I only use the hot tub on swimming days.  Other days I might use the steam room with a towel around me.  Seems that most of my fellow gym members don't have any hangups at all with the nudity issue.
2010-12-31 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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White Oak, Texas
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
Yep put on a suit.  and the hot tub forget it I may be a fat old man but..... no way I'm getting in that thing..

2010-12-31 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3270578

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
danjstark - 2010-12-31 10:53 PM Please use a towel wrapped around your waist when not in the shower or dressing.  It puts something between you and the man-a** that was just sitting where you are about to sit.

x2.  After all, you are not in your own home, where at least you know whether the last person who sat there had an appropriate degree of hygiene in the anal-care department, not to mention freedom from whatever assorted skin conditions. Or to put it another way, do you wear flip-flops or sandals when you use the shower or walk to the pool?  I do - I have gotten athlete's foot when I was careless.  I could do without getting a case of athlete's butt, if you know what I mean.
2010-12-31 11:15 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?

My gym sounds like the same setup as yours - the adult men's locker room has a large rectangular space with the showers at one end, the four hot tubs in the middle, and the sauna and steam rooms at the other end.  You are supposed to shower before using either the hot tubs, sauna, or steam room, and use a towel in the latter two.  People are generally naked in the hot tub and follow the towel rule otherwise.  Very civilized.

There is a public hot tub out by the family recreational pool, usually crowded with kids and parents.  That's the only hot tub kids can use because the adult locker rooms don't allow anyone under 16.  Thank God.

2011-01-01 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3270564

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
My gym has a sign that says swim suits required. We also have private shower stalls. On a side note I use to own a camp ground that had a pool. Every year I had to get certified to operate the pool. Take it from someone who has seen the data and read the studies. NEVER get into a public hot tub. I remember the instructors every year telling us that they would never get in one. No matter what chemicals they use, with that many bodies in and out, none of them are truly sanitized, its the heat that makes the funky grow. But yall enjoy.
2011-01-01 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
Jelly rolls are not cute. Cover up!
2011-01-01 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3271786

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Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
bdye101 - 2011-01-01 6:46 PM... NEVER get into a public hot tub. ....

I have no doubt that there's lots of bacteria happily living in a hot tub.  But, I don't see a lot of people dying of cholera because of it.  I wouldn't go in with an open wound, or drink it.  So, what exactly happens to you if you go into one of these bacteria laden cesspools?   In my personal experience... nothing.

Also- my $0.02 on nudity in a locker room.  Who the heck cares?  It's a locker room.  It's the place where you are supposed to be naked.  (that said, I'm all for laying a towel down in a sauna). 

2011-01-01 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
I wear a suit in the hot tub.  In a sauna or steam room, I usually have a towel wrapped around me. 
2011-01-02 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3270564

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
The old guys at my gym will prop their leg up on anything while they talk to you. I swear it is so bad that a think couple of them would bring their own step stool if they could get away with it.

2011-01-02 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3272116

Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
I belong to a Y and it is required to wear atleast a bathing suit in suana area and steam room.
2011-01-02 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3270564

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Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
Finally, a thread with some good content.

2011-01-02 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
I have mixed opinions regarding a suit in the sauna.  I guess, it really doesn't make much of a difference if you wear one or not; but it feels better to be sitting in the tub knowing some other guy has something on.  Steam rooms definitely deserve a towel.  What drives be over the edge is when i see guys blow drying their junk.  Look, just use a towel or air dry if necessary.  The other day at Lifetime, a guy was shaving his face and propped up his junk up on the sink for the extra support he apparently needed.  Way over the line on that one!

2011-01-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Zürich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
you have too many problems about this in US. here in Switzerland, all saunas or steam baths are mixed, women and men together and strictly naked. what's the problem?
2011-01-02 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3272679

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
Plissken74 - 2011-01-02 4:06 PM you have too many problems about this in US. here in Switzerland, all saunas or steam baths are mixed, women and men together and strictly naked. what's the problem?

Where'd I put the number to my travel agent?
2011-01-02 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
I am actually not a big fan of public hot tubs......the ick factor is just too high for me.
I don't mind the sauna , but I do not frequent a facility that has one.

Now having said that, today I DID happen to go to a nice university sports center. It has a dry sauna.
Did I use it?
Ummm.......well there were two naked women in there.
I don't have a problem with that at all.. But I did not want to disturb was leaning right over the other one giving her a back rub.  So I left them to it..............
2011-01-02 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3270564

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Midwest City, Oklahoma
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
I dont have a problem with it in a sauna or steam room but in a hot tub it would be weird to be in there with other dudes naked
2011-01-02 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3272771

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
aquagirl - 2011-01-02 4:13 PM
Now having said that, today I DID happen to go to a nice university sports center. It has a dry sauna.
Did I use it?
Ummm.......well there were two naked women in there.
I don't have a problem with that at all.. But I did not want to disturb was leaning right over the other one giving her a back rub.  So I left them to it..............

Pics or it never happened Innocent

2011-01-02 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3272771

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
aquagirl - 2011-01-02 2:13 PM I am actually not a big fan of public hot tubs......the ick factor is just too high for me.
I don't mind the sauna , but I do not frequent a facility that has one.

Now having said that, today I DID happen to go to a nice university sports center. It has a dry sauna.
Did I use it?
Ummm.......well there were two naked women in there.
I don't have a problem with that at all.. But I did not want to disturb was leaning right over the other one giving her a back rub.  So I left them to it..............

well, you can't stop your story there.

2011-01-04 4:28 AM
in reply to: #3272679

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Niddatal, Germany
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
Plissken74 - 2011-01-02 10:06 PM you have too many problems about this in US. here in Switzerland, all saunas or steam baths are mixed, women and men together and strictly naked. what's the problem?

+1 for Germany.

I don't understand all these modesty issues. It's a freakin' sauna, of course people will be naked. If someone so abhors the view of a human body, maybe he should stay out of sports.
2011-01-04 4:30 AM
in reply to: #3270564

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
How about PDAs?  (Public Displays of Affection), i.e. people interlocking arms facing each other in the jacuzzi, rubbing each other's hair and back, etc?

And I belong to three gyms.  One of them is mixed, no nudity.  The other is separate, saw my first nudie today.
2011-01-04 5:59 AM
in reply to: #3275855

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Hot Tub, Sauna Nudity at the Gym?
RGos - 2011-01-04 5:28 AM
Plissken74 - 2011-01-02 10:06 PM you have too many problems about this in US. here in Switzerland, all saunas or steam baths are mixed, women and men together and strictly naked. what's the problem?

+1 for Germany.

I don't understand all these modesty issues. It's a freakin' sauna, of course people will be naked. If someone so abhors the view of a human body, maybe he should stay out of sports.

First of all, we are talking about AMERICAN bodies, not German bodies.  And, at least at my gym, most of them are not something to look forward to seeing naked.

Second, at least at my gym again, people go straight into the sauna or jacuzzi without so much as a quick rinse beforehand.  I really don't care to find out whether or not someone has good hygiene habits by the bacterial or fungal infections their bare bottoms and genitalia leave behind. Bring a towel and use it. I also am not a big fan of being on the lower set of benches while some dude dangles himself right at my neck on the upper set.
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