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2011-10-27 4:38 PM

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, Minnesota
Subject: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

I am running my 5th standalone half marathon this Saturday, but I don't have enough consistent data to determine my time goal or what pace group to start out with.

My best half marathon is 2:06:14.   I would say that the conditions will be most similar to this race:  cool weather, not a challenging course, consistent running months leading up to race.   My next best is 2:16:44, though, so I am not consistent at this distance.

I have a few other factors at play:

1. I have not ran more than 10 miles at a pop in a long time.  I had a great 10 mile race on 10/2 but then missed two long runs due to illness.  Prior to that no 11+ mile runs since a half marathon in January.

2.  I've been sick.  In addition to losing the long runs, I haven't been running much the last two weeks and I am still not 100%. 

3.  A  good factor,  the course is really downhill.   After mile 3 the elevation is a steady decline.

4.  Also good, despite lacking longer runs, I've run more miles in the last few months than ever prior to a half.   September was a record over 80 miles.  (I am up to 45 today.)  Longs are painfully accurate.

During my 10/2 race I was able to run very easily on the flats at 9:12ish pace.  That was a very challenging course with rollers and two major hills, but I ended up with 9:26 pace on the Garmin average.

Is something between 2:00 and 2:05 possible for me?  Am I dreaming?  2:00 flat would be a 9:09.  But it IS downhill...  If I did better than that I'd give up half marathons entirely and call it good.

I was going to run with the 10:00 pace group for miles 1-3, but now I am wondering if I should go with the 9:00.  That's really my biggest dilemma right now.   I am worried I will struggle after mile 10 and and would a conservative mile 1-3 make the difference?  Or since the hardest part of the course will be miles 1-3, should I use the group to help me stay on top of the pace?


Edited by BikerGrrrl 2011-10-27 4:39 PM

2011-10-27 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3741358

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

I have no advice on the pace group but I will make a wild guess of 2:04:33.  Good luck!

Are you wearing a costume? 

2011-10-27 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3741358

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

go with the 9's and drop back if you have to, I find it easier to slow than speed up.  Sometime the challenge of others is all you need.  I need a pace group for mine this weekend!  Its a tri relay so I hope I can latch onto someone's heels and they will drag me to my PR!

Good luck!!


2011-10-27 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3741524

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

Thanks guys, two answers I wanted to hear


Of course I am wearing a costume! Maybe I should haven't mentioned that   

2011-10-27 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3741358

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Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

when you say you're running much more than ever before any much more are you running now compared to your HM PR?

I wouldn't be overly concerned with your lack of long runs.  IMO, overall mileage paints a much better picture.

2011-10-27 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3741358

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

Let's see.  We'll start with 2:06 (I'll give you the 14s).

1.  No recent long runs.  Plus 5 minutes. (2:11)

2.  Sick and little training recently.  Plus 5 more.  (2:16)

3.  Downhill course.  Minus 5.  (2:11)

4.  More overall volume recently.  Minus 5.  (2:06)

So there you go, a PB 2:06!

My strategy in HM is to go out strong and try to hold on.  That's the longest distance at which I'd adopt that strategy (and only in standalone HM, not in a HIM).  So I agree with the others -- go out strong and try to hold on.   But maybe going out at 9:00/mile isn't the best plan.  That's nearly 10s/mile faster than your dream goal of 2:00.  Don't underestimate how significant 10s/mile is.  For many people, at this distance, that's the difference between 'comfortably hard' and 'blowing up'.  I really think your best bet is to forget the pace groups and pace yourself at something more like 9:30/mile.  If you feel great at mile 8 or so, pick it up a bit.

2011-10-27 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3741358

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
Go in between the two pace groups.  Best of both worlds.
2011-10-27 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3741547

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

I always want to try a pace group, but this is always my dilemma...    Probably smartest to start at the backside of the 9 group and not expect to hold on for long.   I totally agree that 10 second/mile is a lot, even for me running so very many seconds in any given mile.

For the last PR I was probably maxed at 65 miles/month

Last month I ran 80. 

Of course I probably weigh 10 lbs more...  Is that another -5? 

A week ago I was thinking I'd be happy to do 2:10 for a 2nd place PR.  Then I got thinking...

2011-10-27 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3741358

Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
I'll be the dreamer of the group and root for a 1:59:59 finishing time. Smile
2011-10-27 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3741685

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

jawgee - 2011-10-27 10:19 PM I'll be the dreamer of the group and root for a 1:59:59 finishing time. Smile

You'll be the first to know if that miracle happens!  You never know, the course may be mismeasured.

2011-10-28 5:50 AM
in reply to: #3741358

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Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

I'd go with the advice from "Experior".  I am also doing a half tomorrow, and my question is very much like yours.  Originally this race was going to be run at a training pace and my goal race was going to be Nov. 20.  However, due to a recent fairly severe flare-up of PF, I'm gonna run it like I stole it tomorrow and then back off and try to get this PF under control.  So it's doubtful that I will get to run the Nov. 20 HM.  My previous best time is 1:58:59.  My most recent best time is 2:04 on the same course.  Conditions are different this time.  Last time it was full sun and 80 degrees (3pm race), but tomorrow the high is 53, overcast with possible rain showers.  So, I'm gonna give it my all and try to beat 1:59.  I think I will go out at 9:30s and after mile 3 try to keep picking up the pace.  I'd love to be able to race the last 3.1.  So we'll see.  Good luck and I can't wait to see your race report!


2011-10-28 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3741358

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
I prefer to just watch the mile markers and adjust my pace at each mile.  Since I usually go out fast, my strategy would be to shoot for 18min for the 2-mile marker, then settle into a groove and play it mile by bile based on how you feel.  With a PR just over 2hrs, I don't think it would be unreasonable to shoot for a sub-2hr race with good conditions. 
2011-10-28 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3741358

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Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
What was your strategy when you ran your PR?

Depending on good you feel (i.e. no lingering effects from being sick), I think you can probably get around your PR time.

I'm going with 2:06 - 2:08.
2011-10-28 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3741848

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

Scout7 - 2011-10-28 7:34 AM What was your strategy when you ran your PR? Depending on good you feel (i.e. no lingering effects from being sick), I think you can probably get around your PR time. I'm going with 2:06 - 2:08.

My strategy then was the same as always, run what feels good (challenging but not hard) and see what happens.  That's about the only race where it's worked out, even I was surprised.   As I mentioned, my half marathons usually don't go that well.  Although the other "bad" races were all in hot weather, or hotter than normal (destination races where I ran in 50+ warmer temps than training).    This race will have "perfect" weather.

I do still have some coughing and will have to run with a small water, so I hope the cooler temps don't kick up a coughing fit.


So... it sounds like I don't need to necessarily hold way back in the early miles but definitely not go out at my best pace. 

2011-10-28 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3741358

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

Is the downhill steep or gradual? It makes a big difference. The steeper the decline, the more impact there is on the body. If you're not used to running long on steep descents it can cause you to go much slower than most would think.

My wife ran a 10 miler at about the same time you recently did. In a subsequent downhill HM she could only manage a 2:07. She also runs more mileage than you in training, but she is older.

My guess is 2:05:45. I don't see enough overall volume, long runs, or recent race results to indicate you're capable of pushing a faster pace. Properly trained, I think you can go well under 2 hours. You've got to do the work to get the results.

2011-10-28 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3741949

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
Donskiman - 2011-10-28 8:31 AM

Is the downhill steep or gradual? It makes a big difference. The steeper the decline, the more impact there is on the body. If you're not used to running long on steep descents it can cause you to go much slower than most would think.

My wife ran a 10 miler at about the same time you recently did. In a subsequent downhill HM she could only manage a 2:07. She also runs more mileage than you in training, but she is older.

My guess is 2:05:45. I don't see enough overall volume, long runs, or recent race results to indicate you're capable of pushing a faster pace. Properly trained, I think you can go well under 2 hours. You've got to do the work to get the results.

It's gradual.  I run parts of the course often and I would describe that it just has the feeling of "wow, I am really good today" and not "wow, I am running downhill."

I agree - I need more miles and need to lose weight before I can go much faster.  

2011-10-28 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3741358

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Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

Funny, I'm in nearly the same quandary as you.  We should probably just run together tomorrow.  This is only my 2nd half (standalone).  My first was a last minute thing, and my longest run prior to it had been a little over 8 miles.  I finished in 2:17.  This time I've got more running in, the TC 10 Mile at a 9:17 average (without an empty tank at the finish line), and other longer distance training runs.  But then again, I also did my first 70.3 last weekend.

My first plan was to go out with the 2:05 group (9:33 miles).  But now I'm considering starting with the 2:00 group (9:10 miles) and seeing what happens.  Depending on what your final goal is, you can look at it like I did.  First off, it's a fun race and we'll be wearing costumes.  Secondly, it's my last half until maybe January (Polar Dash edit: this is only a 10k), so maybe pushing it will be ok.  Thirdly, if I start out with the 2:05 group and feel really good at mile 6 or 7, there's no way I can up the pace and finish at 2:00 or less.  So why not just start with the 2:00 group.  If I feel good I'll stay with them, if I feel not-so-good, I'll fall back and maybe end up with the 2:05 group.  If I feel really good by mile 11 or 12, maybe I'll crank it up and finish for sure under 2:00.

Bottom line, I think starting with the 2:00 pace group gives more options, and over a HM distance course, worse case scenario we can't keep up, but probably won't blow up.

Edited by Climbinggonzo 2011-10-28 8:58 AM
2011-10-28 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3741989

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

Andy!  Crap - I didn't realize there was a 2:05 group.   Duh.  

(p.s. my tank was totally empty after the TC10)

Well, then I think I will put myself right in front of that group.  My biggest worry was getting stuck in the mob and I was planning to break away from them at the 5 mile water stop.

I'll be looking for you - I don't think you'll be hard to find   I know I can run the 9:10 pace for a while, but I am not sure about that long of a while.  What a picture we'll make!

I am dying to see how it goes for you.  As you know, I think that running a hm after a 70.3 is kind of nutty, so I am very interested in your results. 

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2011-10-28 8:50 AM
2011-10-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3741358

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
Two things I generally don't trust during running races:

1. Pace groups. Pacers have different strategies and varying abilities to execute well. YMMV
2. Garmin paces. I use them for training, but at a race, just hit LAP at every mile marker and check if I'm on my goal pace.

When I look into my (imaginary) mystical goldfish bowl, I see you running 9:30-9:40 every mile until mile 11, then you dig deep those last two miles, hitting 9:00-9:10/mi and throw down a 2:05:xx at the finish line.
2011-10-28 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3742117

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

yeats - 2011-10-28 9:41 AM Two things I generally don't trust during running races: 1. Pace groups. Pacers have different strategies and varying abilities to execute well. YMMV 2. Garmin paces. I use them for training, but at a race, just hit LAP at every mile marker and check if I'm on my goal pace. When I look into my (imaginary) mystical goldfish bowl, I see you running 9:30-9:40 every mile until mile 11, then you dig deep those last two miles, hitting 9:00-9:10/mi and throw down a 2:05:xx at the finish line.

True dat!  I have the autolap set up and I look down when I hear it beep.

On the prediction, you might be right.  Fortunately with my autolap I can tell you if so.    I actually think I'll go closer to the early 9s in the first mile, race excitement and all.

2011-10-28 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3742124

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
BikerGrrrl - 2011-10-28 10:43 AM

yeats - 2011-10-28 9:41 AM Two things I generally don't trust during running races: 1. Pace groups. Pacers have different strategies and varying abilities to execute well. YMMV 2. Garmin paces. I use them for training, but at a race, just hit LAP at every mile marker and check if I'm on my goal pace. When I look into my (imaginary) mystical goldfish bowl, I see you running 9:30-9:40 every mile until mile 11, then you dig deep those last two miles, hitting 9:00-9:10/mi and throw down a 2:05:xx at the finish line.

True dat!  I have the autolap set up and I look down when I hear it beep.

On the prediction, you might be right.  Fortunately with my autolap I can tell you if so.    I actually think I'll go closer to the early 9s in the first mile, race excitement and all.

I guess my point about the Garmin is that on race day you should turn a several hundred dollar watch into a $20 watch. By setting autolap, you're trusting the Garmin to accurately measure distance and give you a time for what it determines to be 'one mile', and this is what I'm arguing against.

Since no one runs perfect tangents, most of us run a course long. So you'll likely run a mile -- according to your Garmin -- before the Mile 1 marker actually comes up, and you might think, 'hey check out my time!' when your course time is actually slower. But if you manually press lap at every marker and that little box comes up telling you your time for that lap, it tends to be much more accurate to your final, recorded race time and pace.

2011-10-28 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3742184

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?

I see your point.   Your follow-up reminded me I did just that at my last race - hit lap when I saw the mile marker.   

Although I think that knowing my time over a rough mile, whether the distance is based on Garmin's opinion or the race's, is useful enough.    I am using it as gauge and not actually trying to figure out when I will get to the end.   I'll end up running .1 extra or so, which isn't a big difference.  I am not fine tuning my pace by seconds.

The hard part is when I hit 13.1 and I am still not at the finish.  But at least I know in my heart that I ran 13.1 in a certain time, even if it's not official.

2011-10-28 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3741358

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2011-10-28 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3742767

, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Predict my half marathon time/which pace group?
FoggyGoggles - 2011-10-28 3:06 PM
BikerGrrrl - 2011-10-27 4:38 PM....

5. Foggy is running with the 1:45 pace group and I could tie a rope to him.


#5 seems to be a good option.

Cute.    If only!   Despite all those muscles, I don't think you're strong enough to pull me that far.

2011-10-29 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3742876

, Minnesota
Subject: Results

First, the prize goes to Experior.   Scout also had an accurate guess, but I liked Experior's methodology was good and he was more specific.

I ran...  2:06:41 (13.2 miles)

A frustratingly 27 seconds slower than my best, BUT it makes that other 2:06 seem more reasonable and beatable.  I am sure if I had trained better for this event (and not an "addon" and being sick), I can surely PR it.

I struggled a lot in the last 5 miles and really struggled in the last 3.  They snuck in a HUGE hill around mile 11 at a bad time and it zapped everyone.  But overall this was a pretty darn fast course. 

And I learned a lesson, Yeats was right.  Pace groups suck.  The 2:05 group finished ahead of my friend who ran a 2:04.   I shouldn't have tried to keep up with them and I ran too fast too many times.

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