General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner Rss Feed  
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2014-03-03 6:19 AM

No excuses!
Subject: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
So on to March we go, a few days late my apologies. So set a goal for this month. We weigh in on Wednesdays, motivate each other, and push ourselves to be in better shape for the upcoming Spring (should it ever arrive in some parts)

So who's on board this month?

2014-03-03 9:55 AM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'm in. Been out sick. So my start weight will be Wednesday.

My goal for the month is to get healthy again and weight goal of under 145 by the end of the month.
2014-03-03 10:12 AM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I've been out for a couple of months, but I'd like to join back in again. Basically, this month is really do or die for me. I need to start seeing the scale move down if I ever expect to fit into my wetsuit in time for my first race of the season in May and I also have an upcoming vacation next month and I need to be bikini ready! Not entirely sure what my official start weight is for the month, but I've been fluctuating in the 134-137 lately. I'd like to see 130 by the end of the month, since that would really tell me that the scale was actually moving and it's not just a shift due to water weight.
2014-03-03 10:35 AM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
ok kids, I am in.

Weighed in this morning at 212. So that is down 6 pounds in the past 5 weeks. I guess that is solid. Goal this week is stick to my silly keto plan. Going to try to stay in ketosis until March 14, then carb up that weekend. See how that goes. This Friday is going to be a real bi-atch as I have the fam coming over to celebrate my daughters birthday. Think we will stick to just serving them dessert. Wish me luck.

Keep lifting heaving and swimming and I hope things work out.

2014-03-03 12:00 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Cloverdale, BC
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner

I'm in!  I finished February at 193.8 lbs.  My goal for March is 185 lbs.  

2014-03-03 1:26 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'm in!

My start weight for March is 189.8 lbs. My goal for March is 184 lbs. My other goals for March include tracking WW pts (this is the only way I've found to eat a reasonable amount of food. My brain needs to be re-trained on portion sizes and feeling full). I'm also planning to work up to running 6 miles this month in preparation for a half marathon in May that I went ahead and signed up for.

Keep up the good work, everybody! It's inspiring to see your success!

2014-03-03 1:35 PM
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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'm IN! (Can't believe I just wrote that) The pressure is now on! No more excuses!! Here's to March!!
Start weight 130.8 this am... 125 is my goal for end of March.

Edited by Francie 2014-03-03 1:37 PM
2014-03-03 2:07 PM
in reply to: Francie

Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
222.6 this morning. Goal: 210 by 30MAR.
2014-03-03 4:20 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
March is my month.I weighed in at 217. This week I would love to post on Wednesday 215, but know that I will expect gains the following week. I am running the LA Marathon. This will be my first marathon. I will celebrate, but I need to keep at shortly after this completion. my goal is to do a Olympic Triathlon, by end of May.

I identify with this guy, and will be following him on FB and Twitter.,I am a Clydesdale at 217, but I wonder if I can get down to below 200. I have been trying to do that for two years. I have come to the conclusion I am doing it wrong. I have dedicated this year to eating cleaner, with a choice being made each month to change something. This actually started last year, I first stopped drinking Soda. Then tried to eat one Veggie meal a week. Then start having smoothies for breakfast. Each month it is something new. It usually, takes a couple of tries to make it a habit, but I see a difference. Maybe not so much in my weight, but in my general health. My responses to activities that used to wipe me out. I am usually asking for round 2.

With all of that said and that this weekend I plan to run LA, I am struggling for what change to make in March. What choices ARE you making? Any ideas, how can I get out of the Clydesdale category and start possibly achieving bigger goals.

MFP: zaidnohj

2014-03-03 5:49 PM
in reply to: #4958399

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I really need in on this. This morning I weighed in at 188.something. At my lowest l've been 172. feeling very far from that these days. My ultimate goal would be near 150. For March, I'd like to be back under 180.
2014-03-03 10:25 PM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'm in... this will motivate me to stay on track. I've been going backwards lately.

Today's weight: 149

Goal for end of March: 144

2014-03-04 7:40 AM
in reply to: jennifer_runs

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
Back in!

Finished February at 236.5, but then had a great day with my wife and bumped back up I'm sure

Goal for March is 230

Good Luck everyone!
2014-03-04 9:22 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner

I'm in.  Had a fantastic start to last month then two weeks of poor, poor nutrition.

I'll post my starting weight tomorrow - A bit nervous to see it!


2014-03-04 2:49 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'm back. I ended the year 2013 with pretty good progress, then packed on the pounds over the holidays.

My starting weight today March 4: 170.5

My end of March goal: 165

My end of April goal: 160

My end of May goal: 155

My big weaknesses are red wine, sugar, chocolate, white rice, white noodles, biscuits and gravy and corned beef hash. (I don't indulge in the biscuits and gravy and corned beef hash on a regular basis, but our cafeteria at work serves it and I got it twice last month.) With all of the cold weather we've been having in the mid atlantic, I've been craving comfort foods.

My goal is to stick to 1200 cals. a day and exercise 4 x week. So far, I've been exercising at least 2 x week and cutting back on the indulgences. I'm using MFP to track calories. So far I'm up to 1108 today.
2014-03-05 9:00 AM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Fort Walton Beach
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'd love to join in. I just saw this today, so I will weigh in tonight.

I'll be 50 this year and have noticed that my body composition is changing quite a bit and it is harder to take of weight. So I think that seeing other's succeed and having come accountability will be a good thing. I just finished the first marathon I have run in quite a few years on Saturday. I'd like to drop a few more pounds before the next race which is a 1/2 marathon on March 29th.

Lori in Fl.
2014-03-05 9:05 AM
in reply to: ultramike

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Cloverdale, BC
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner

2/28:  193.8

3/05: 193.4

I'm off to an okay start.  At least the scale is moving in the right direction.  



MFP: mikeolund 

2014-03-05 9:57 AM
in reply to: ultramike

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New user
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner

3/5 -- 186.4 down 2 lbs from the beginning of the month.

2014-03-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
3/5/2014: 217

Well This weekend is it, I run my first Marathon.
2014-03-05 10:52 AM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
Originally posted by johndiaz00

3/5/2014: 217

Well This weekend is it, I run my first Marathon.

Good Luck, looking forward to hearing how it goes!

Missed my weigh in this morning, I will post tomorrow.
2014-03-05 3:55 PM
in reply to: missyw2you

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, California
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner

I'm new to this group and am in.


Current weight  - 150

Goal by end of March  -146


I am going the Paleo route and see if that will help with my plateau.


2014-03-05 4:24 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
147 now, but that's not really two pounds lost....

2014-03-05 4:39 PM
in reply to: jennifer_runs

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner

I'm at the point where leaning up is getting difficult, and hopefully this will keep me accountable.

Current weight - 158 

Target weight for end of March - 155

It doesn't seem like a lot, but I've been oscillating between 157-159 for a while now. 

2014-03-05 9:00 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
I'm in for March!

Starting weight: 108 lbs
Goal for end of the month: 106 lbs

I'm going to start doing weights for the first time, so this might be difficult to attain because of the buildup of lactic acid and whatever else it is that people talk about what happens to your body/weight when you start heavy lifting. We shall see! This month is Lent, so I've given up cheese and desserts. (The cheese is going to be especially hard for me because pizza is my weakness.) I also just joined XSport Fitness yesterday, so I'm really excited to get more exercise in than I have the rest of the year.

Lots of support and cheers for all of you!

P.S. I'm 5'2", which is why I'm still trying to lose the last few pounds. I don't have an eating disorder or anything like that!
2014-03-06 7:28 AM
in reply to: Carolyn24

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
1/31 - 190.2
2/05 - 187.6
2/12 - 187.8
2/19 - 183.8
2/26 - 185.0
2/28 - 184.8
3/06 - 184.6

Not to bad considering the past weekend.  Celebrated that birthday with lots of microbrew and overeating.  Had a 5 mile race but that's not much to burn the calories that I consumed!

Back on track this week already, the next challenge will be that I will be in Florida from the 23rd to the 31st.  Both a work conference and a small vacation.  I have two 13+ mile runs in the schedule for then, I just need to make sure to keep them!

Goal for the end of this month - hit 181!

Good luck everyone!

2014-03-06 10:41 AM
in reply to: Justin86

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Team Skinny March 2014....Let the Madness begin on getting leaner
3/6/14 - 149.4

Well forgot to weigh in yesterday. Hopefully getting back to working out after this sickness will help!
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