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2010-04-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2777459

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Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
Patrick E - 2010-04-08 12:30 PM
Rogillio - 2010-04-08 12:50 PM My front wheel. 

It was not actually on race day but the day before.  I drove 2 hrs to a race the day before a race and was unloading my bike at the hotel and realized I had taken the front wheel off my bike to get it to in the back of our Yukon and forgot to load the wheel in the car.


This one made me laugh out loud, if only because I'm certain I'll do something like this one day.  Did you have to drive back or was someone able to help you out?

I called my dear wife, ", I really need to see you!  Can you start driving towards Chatanooga while I start driving towards home, I forgot to kiss you goodbye when I left.  Oh and uh....can you bring my front wheel with you?"


2010-04-08 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2777218

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Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day

I have forgotten the usual, goggles, race belt and nutrition.  My husband wins in our house, we got unpacked at the hotel around 9pm the night before the race when he realized he didn't bring any running shoes.  Stores were all closed, so he wore my brother in law's shoes that are about a size too big.  Thank goodness my brother in law packs extra or Paul would had a 'crocs' run!

2010-04-08 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2777609

Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
I called my dear wife, ", I really need to see you!  Can you start driving towards Chatanooga while I start driving towards home, I forgot to kiss you goodbye when I left.  Oh and uh....can you bring my front wheel with you?"


LOL well played!
2010-04-08 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2777524

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
JohnAgs3 - 2010-04-08 10:43 AM I shouldnt have read this thread....these are my nightmares. I literally have nightmares like this.

I had a dream I got to the race and forgot my bike.
2010-04-08 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2777524

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Extreme Veteran
Jenison , MI
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
JohnAgs3 - 2010-04-08 12:43 PM

I shouldnt have read this thread....these are my nightmares. I literally have nightmares like this.

While training for my first HIM I did too. Woke up many mornings all stressed out.
2010-04-08 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2777235

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Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
Running_in_NC - 2010-04-08 11:34 AM

My helmet.  It was an out of town race and I went up the night before.  I was getting my race stuff organized the night before the race, in the hotel room, when I realized I didn't have a helmet.  My husband and I ran right out and searched for a store that sells helmets.  Luckily, we were able to find a Dick's Sporting Goods still open.  It made for a late and stressful night, but at least I had a helmet for the race! Undecided

This happened to a guy at a race I was at last year.  Unfortunately, the only thing open when he realized he didn't have a helmet was Walmart.  He did the race wearing a denim Hannah Montana helmet.

2010-04-08 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2777218

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day

Well I sorta forgot something, in a sense.

I made it to the training ride, we rode, we had fun, and we loaded up to leave. At the time, I stored my bike inside the back seat of my truck. I took the wheel off, placed it against the side of the truck, loaded the bike, and climbed in.

See? I forgot that wheel that's leaning against my truck.

I backed up and proceeded to run over my wheel - pancaking it. I honestly looked like someone just shot my dog, while my riding partners snickered.

As for race day, I forgot my sunglasses. Simple, but the glare on the road, even for 15mi was terrible! And the wind coming downhill made me squint my eyes, which in turn made me ride my brakes!

2010-04-08 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2777850

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
KeriKadi - 2010-04-08 3:26 PM
Running_in_NC - 2010-04-08 11:34 AM

My helmet.  It was an out of town race and I went up the night before.  I was getting my race stuff organized the night before the race, in the hotel room, when I realized I didn't have a helmet.  My husband and I ran right out and searched for a store that sells helmets.  Luckily, we were able to find a Dick's Sporting Goods still open.  It made for a late and stressful night, but at least I had a helmet for the race! Undecided

This happened to a guy at a race I was at last year.  Unfortunately, the only thing open when he realized he didn't have a helmet was Walmart.  He did the race wearing a denim Hannah Montana helmet.

Well, how about you hunt your hotel room for your helmet and can't find it, stop at Walmart on the way to the race to buy another, then discover your first one was there all along in a different duffle bag!  At least I have a spare helmet now...

Forgot a race belt once and bought a new one at the expo.

And yes, ya'll are going to give me nightmares.  My first Tri of the season is this Saturday...
2010-04-08 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2777218

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Extreme Veteran
Philly Outsider
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
I'm still 10 weeks from my first race, but am inspired to make a thorough checklist right now!
2010-04-08 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2777923

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
Apotheosis - 2010-04-08 12:49 PM I'm still 10 weeks from my first race, but am inspired to make a thorough checklist right now!

2010-04-08 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2777903

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
maria40nc - 2010-04-08 3:42 PM
Forgot a race belt once and bought a new one at the expo.

I did that once too. The biggest thing I forgot wasn't forgetting to bring something, it was forgetting where I was going. One race morning I set out to drive to the site. I was driving along the route I usually take to work everyday. At one major highway intersection I went east (towards work) instead of north (towards the race). I realzied about 3 miles later and f-bombed all over the place. I looked over at my darling wife, apologized, and told her I was just going to yell eff for a bit. It cost me about 20 minutes and the parking lot was crowded when I got there, but I was still early anyway.

2010-04-08 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2777218

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day

Me?  I meticulously packed my wetsuit, bike shoes, running shoes, socks, etc. into my backpack in the hotel the night before my first OLY.  Get to the race site, unload the bike, helmet, pump, race packet, and there's NO BACKPACK!!  Luckily, the hotel was only 2 miles from the race and my wife was going back to pick up the boys (we let them sleep in). 

2010-04-08 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2777218

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
Goggles.  Luckily the local Tri store had a booth and I could buy new ones - they leaked, but better than nothing.
2010-04-08 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2777218

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Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
My last race to qualify for the National Team I forgot my bike shoes. That sucked. It's now the running joke amongst my family, "hey where are you shoes?" I was so pissed at myself but now it's kinda funny.
2010-04-08 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2778090

Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day

This wasn't me, but at my first HIM, I stood next to a lady at the start who said she'd left her wetsuit and bike shoes in someone's car & didn't have them.

Said she already had her Kona spot, so she'd just do the race as a training day.  She swam without the wetsuit and rode in running shoes (on top of clipless pedals).  And she was still really fast!

2010-04-08 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2777850

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
KeriKadi - 2010-04-08 3:26 PM
This happened to a guy at a race I was at last year.  Unfortunately, the only thing open when he realized he didn't have a helmet was Walmart.  He did the race wearing a denim Hannah Montana helmet.

lol on this one. And it fit?

My second race, someone must have forgotten their helmet...and uh, just decided to take someone else's in T1. A guy was running around T1 yelling "someone stole my helmet! someone stole my helmet!" like a madman. He finally just jumped on his bike and went anyway...and proceeded to have an official say "you are DQ'd sir". He screamed something unpleasant back.

I felt soooo bad for this guy. Not only did someone steal your helmet, you were DQ'd and probably had a crappy race because of it. Not a good day on course.

I think if I were him, I probably would have just scrapped the race and waited patiently at T2 entrance. Probably can narrow down pretty quickly who took it.

Edited by JohnAgs3 2010-04-08 4:25 PM

2010-04-08 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2777357

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2010-04-08 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2777218

Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day

Left the wetsuit in the car at Pleasant Prairie 2 years ago.  This is a race where you are bused in from the parking lot so I had no option to go get it.  Fortunately, the water was warm and it was only a sprint so I said, to hell with it, and went without.  Still did fairly well.

I do seem to remember reading on here a while ago someone basically forgot everything except the bike at his house.  Bag.  Shoes.  Wetsuit.  Belt.  The works.  So he went back home and went out on an anger ride as penance.

2010-04-08 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2777826

Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
fsr402 - 2010-04-08 1:20 PM
JohnAgs3 - 2010-04-08 12:43 PM I shouldnt have read this thread....these are my nightmares. I literally have nightmares like this.
While training for my first HIM I did too. Woke up many mornings all stressed out.

Good to know I'm not alone.  My first HIM is in June, and I've had three of these so far.
2010-04-09 12:20 AM
in reply to: #2777218

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
I forgot my fuel belt at a race that didn't provide cups for fluid at aid stations  ( green race).

I recall being at a race setting up transition and hearing the announcer asking if anyone had an extra bike a racer could use. Amazingly someone had an extra bike for the needy racer.
2010-04-09 12:54 AM
in reply to: #2777218

Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
I forgot my wetsuit for my first race.  'Twas cold and I sunk.

2010-04-09 1:53 AM
in reply to: #2779055

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
jezzieswims - 2010-04-08 11:20 PM
I recall being at a race setting up transition and hearing the announcer asking if anyone had an extra bike a racer could use. Amazingly someone had an extra bike for the needy racer.

I actually DO take two bikes to all my races, I'm terrified of something happening to one of my bikes.  I take two of just about everything though out of paranoia... shoes, bikes, helmets, race belts, wetsuits, gloves, socks, even extra clothing (as if I might leave the house without my pants on or something).

So if you do forget something and I'm at the race, just find me or have them make an announcement   I figure it makes me breath easier knowing if I forget something I probably have another and I'm willing to lend any of it out to others.
2010-04-09 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2779093

Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
3 years ago I forgot my running shoes.  First time I got a ride to a big local event with another triathlete.  Had everything packed of course but since I wasn't driving I decided that morning to wear my sandals and left my sneakers sitting under my BP.  I freaked when I was setting up in transition and called my wife.  She was going to be coming down any way with the kids but not until after the bike started.  So I woke her up and told her to bring them and to wait along the west side of transition by the tree well before T2 exit and to drop them over the fence when they saw me.  I was so relieved when I saw them falling to the ground.
2010-04-09 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2777218

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
Forgot race belt with number attached at the hotel. Wife (gf at the time), drove back to pick it up, came back, and had a volunteer take it and put it in the transition area!
2010-04-09 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2777218

Subject: RE: Worst thing you ever forgot on race day
I forgot what time zone the race was in. I got in late the night before the race and set up in a camping area about a mile from the race location and never checked the local time. The next morning I strolled down to the starting area thinking I had an hour to spare only to realize that the race was about to start. I had to scramble to get ready to make my wave. In my haste I forgot to put my water bottles on my bike and didn't notice it until I was half way through the bike segment.

It was an OLY distance and a very warm day so I sufferred for my mistake. I never made that mistake again. I have a checklist to make sure I don't forget anthing I need for the race.
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