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2007-03-01 9:44 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Newbie Training advice
Hi all,

Tried to post earlier, but my browser must have eaten it

First off, I am a complete newbie to tri's. I swam competitively in high school (short distances) so I am not worried about finishing my swims. I just finished my 2nd marathon, so I am not too worried about finishing the run. I like biking and have a decent road bike and am putting in miles now to get faster and build up my endurance on the bike. My problem is my training.

I am using Friel's Triathlete's Training Bible and have created a plan through Jun (my planned HIM) with weekly times (i.e. 10 hrs next week, 10.5 the week after, etc) including all step-back/recovery weeks as well. Now I am trying to put that into a plan like I am used to for running. 3@9:30, LSD 10@11:10, etc. How do I convert hours into specific paced work-outs?

I am just worried that if I train based on time, I won't get my mileage and speed where I want them in time for my HIM. I like being able to go out for a run or ride and know what pace-range I should be in.

Also, it seems that my running mileage will be dropping as I get more biking in. Is that ok or should I plan on trying to at least maintain my running miles?

Any advice, suggestions are welcome.


2007-03-01 10:14 PM
in reply to: #708503

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Subject: RE: Newbie Training advice

sandert - 2007-03-01 9:44 PMNow I am trying to put that into a plan like I am used to for running. 3@9:30, LSD 10@11:10, etc. How do I convert hours into specific paced work-outs?

You'll find different opinions, but I prefer training for time. You would only have to worry about pace in terms of total hours of running if you were concerned about distance. What you would do with a plan like what you build following the TTB is run at a specific intensity for a specific time, and the distance falls where it falls. You worry about pace only in terms of intensity. So according to the table in the book, if you run a 21 minute 5k, your Zone 2 pace is estimated to fall between 8:15 and 9:20. In a 10 hour training week, during base training I run at a zone 2 pace for about 2.5 to 3 hours. So, I divide that into 3 or 4 workouts: One short 20 minute transition run after my long bike, 1 or 2 intermediate distance runs, and one long run... all based on that volume of 3 hours. Speed will come when you get into that Build phase, and you start adding some more interval work with higher intensity.

I am just worried that if I train based on time, I won't get my mileage and speed where I want them in time for my HIM. I like being able to go out for a run or ride and know what pace-range I should be in. Also, it seems that my running mileage will be dropping as I get more biking in. Is that ok or should I plan on trying to at least maintain my running miles? Any advice, suggestions are welcome. Thanks Stephen

It's a hard idea to wrap your head around at first, but IMO training for time is the way to go. Once you do it for a while it becomes a lot easier. When I was finishing my long runs last season, I could suck it up for "16 minutes" more readily than I could for "2 more miles". It's mental training, but it matters. If you want to know for sure what pace range you should be in, do some testing to find your lactate threshold heart rate. Your heart rate zones will be established as a percentage of that number. Even then though, remember it's just a number. Perceived exertion counts too, and sometimes I go strickly by that when exvironmental factors bump my heart rate up.

Like I said I built my training plan using the TTB also. It's complete out through late June. If you want to look it over to compare what you are doing shoot me a PM with your email and I'll send it to you as a pdf file. Good luck.

2007-03-01 11:58 PM
in reply to: #708503

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Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: Newbie Training advice
I've had the TTB since I started training almost 2 1/2 years ago. I'm just now to the point that I understand what I'm doing enough to make up my own plan. I think Bill would probably agree with me.

My advice (and remember what you're paying for it) would be to use one of the 1/2 IM plans here on the site. They give excellent workouts, follow Friel's concept of periodization with recovery weeks, and relieve you from having to stress out over what to do. If you want to modify them to fit your individual needs and limiters, you can do that, too. I used Scott Herrick's 1/2 IM plan from here and at the end of my first season, did my first 1/2 in 5:38. I'd say it worked pretty well for me!
2007-03-02 11:17 AM
in reply to: #708560

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Subject: RE: Newbie Training advice

dgunthert - 2007-03-01 11:58 PM I've had the TTB since I started training almost 2 1/2 years ago. I'm just now to the point that I understand what I'm doing enough to make up my own plan. I think Bill would probably agree with me. My advice (and remember what you're paying for it) would be to use one of the 1/2 IM plans here on the site. They give excellent workouts, follow Friel's concept of periodization with recovery weeks, and relieve you from having to stress out over what to do. If you want to modify them to fit your individual needs and limiters, you can do that, too. I used Scott Herrick's 1/2 IM plan from here and at the end of my first season, did my first 1/2 in 5:38. I'd say it worked pretty well for me!

Absolutely agree. It did take me a few years of exposure to training concepts before I began to get the TTB. Dennis makes a good point about the plans here. I made my plan because I enjoy doing so. I like the planning almost as much as I like training. But my first two seasons, I had a coach.

There are good coaches here on BT as well if that's something you are interested. And like I said originally, if you do decide to stick with the TTB feel free to fire away with questions. Good luck.

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