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2009-07-24 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2305291

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wwlani - 2009-07-24 7:31 AM We had our car towed for expired registration. We were going through a "conversion" with our DMV systems and when I questioned it was told "it is a courtesy we offer it is not mandatory we send you a renewal". Mind you we had transferred plates and had just bought the car in January (this was September) who would think their registration is expired on a 6 month old car. Cop left my husband, son and I on the side of the road. Had to call someone to come pick us up.

Finally, someone who understands my pain! I am flabergasted that they do this. Why not have you follow them to somewhere safe and then work it out? In my case I was lucky that a good friend took off the next day from work to drive me around for hours and hundreds of miles to resolve things. But the cost to us was staggering! I hope you were not far from assistance on that road-side.

2009-07-24 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2305521

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Lake Norman, NC

DougRob - 2009-07-24 10:14 AM
wwlani - 2009-07-24 7:31 AM We had our car towed for expired registration. We were going through a "conversion" with our DMV systems and when I questioned it was told "it is a courtesy we offer it is not mandatory we send you a renewal". Mind you we had transferred plates and had just bought the car in January (this was September) who would think their registration is expired on a 6 month old car. Cop left my husband, son and I on the side of the road. Had to call someone to come pick us up.

Finally, someone who understands my pain! I am flabergasted that they do this. Why not have you follow them to somewhere safe and then work it out? In my case I was lucky that a good friend took off the next day from work to drive me around for hours and hundreds of miles to resolve things. But the cost to us was staggering! I hope you were not far from assistance on that road-side.

I have some friends who are cops.  What amazes me is how different copes can be.  My friends are all people like you and me.  They understand you and me and would NEVER do something like abandon people on the side of the road to have a car towed for an expired registration.  They feel like their primary job is to help people, not be a PITA to them.  Most cops are actually pretty nice people... sh!tty drivers themselves, but nice people.

And then there are others who once they put on the uniform feel like it's their right and priveledge to be as big of a d!ck as they want to be!  Abandon a family by the side of the road!  And what would have happened if you were all hit by a car or picked up by kidnappers afterwards?  That's UNBELIEVABLE!!!

2009-07-24 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2306487

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Preferably on my bike somewhere
Bigfuzzydoug - 2009-07-24 4:28 PM

And then there are others who once they put on the uniform feel like it's their right and priveledge to be as big of a d!ck as they want to be!  Abandon a family by the side of the road!  And what would have happened if you were all hit by a car or picked up by kidnappers afterwards?  That's UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Don't worry about them, the union will protect them from the results of their poor judgement.

Edited by D.Z. 2009-07-24 3:33 PM
2009-07-24 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2305266

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D.Z. - 2009-07-24 7:18 AM

Sorry this happened. I think it's crappy that the cop tagged you for 91 when you were going 74. That is the disturbing part of the whole thing. Taken at face value (assuming this is TRUE), you have no recourse. It's your word against his, and you ahve to prove your innocence. That's the part of this. Yeah - your reg lapsed. Yeah - you were speeding (really? in a passing zone? That's crap - what's the point of a passing zone?) But to inflate it like that is non-sense and you are helpless to defend yourself.

Isn't the burden of proof on the prosecution?

Wait. Where's that danged sarcasm font?
2009-07-24 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2306487

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Bigfuzzydoug - 2009-07-24 4:28 PM

Most cops are actually pretty nice people... sh!tty drivers themselves, but nice people.

Reminds me of a story of a cop-in-training in Moore County, NC. While driving, he was either texting with or receiving hysterical calls from his girlfriend. Constantly. The guy who was training him, husband of a friend of mine (that's how I know the story), kept telling him to tell his girlfriend not to contact him at all while he was on the job. The guy said his girlfriend would come down to the station and bitchhimout if he didn't respond to the texts or phone calls.

I believe it is illegal to text while driving in Moore County.

2009-07-25 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2303729

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The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Hope you get a good judge...

2009-07-26 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2306664

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Wilmington, NC
Renee - 2009-07-24 5:44 PM

Reminds me of a story of a cop-in-training in Moore County, NC. While driving, he was either texting with or receiving hysterical calls from his girlfriend. Constantly. The guy who was training him, husband of a friend of mine (that's how I know the story), kept telling him to tell his girlfriend not to contact him at all while he was on the job. The guy said his girlfriend would come down to the station and bitchhimout if he didn't respond to the texts or phone calls.

I believe it is illegal to text while driving in Moore County.

Illegal in all of NC now I think.

If you do the PJC, then you have another option other than the improper equipment. The way I understood the OP, it sounds like HE was traveling at 55 when he encountered another vehicle that he proceded to pass. I could be wrong, but I think the other vehicle was keeping him from going 55, so he passed. Either way, I hate it for you.

NC Troopers have laser as well as radar and vascar...which is not detectable at all, because it's a computer. But they have to be following you to use it effectively (from the way it was described to me).
2009-07-26 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2303729

Just like in any profession there are good people doing the job, and not so good people doing the job. If society was perfect we wouldnt even have this job, so they cant be perfect either. I do not stand for any of my officers that abuse their position. Its actually pretty cowardly in many aspects.

Although I must say, sometimes people (LEO's) act differently because of different situations. I had heard a story once of a State Tropper that pulled someone over for going just a few mph over the limit. Didnt ticket them or anything else but yelled at them to slow down, pay attention to the law, and other peoples lives. Was really for the most part out of line the entire time. These people drove away and then later filed a complaint (which they probably should have) - only to later find out, a short time before this Trooper was performing CPR on a young child that didnt live, because someone exceeding the speed limit went to pass and hit the family head on.

Everyone has a bad day - but a bad career is no excuse. 
2009-07-26 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2304461

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Davenport, IA
meherczeg - 2009-07-23 3:20 PM
SpiritFire - 2009-07-23 4:15 PM
D.K. - 2009-07-23 10:53 AM

I am sorry Doug but you WERE speeding.  A rule is a rule and you broke it.  Yes, everyone speeds but doesn't make it right.  Other speeders were just lucky that they were not caught.  Their time will come. 

Also, your registration is EXPIRED.  How would you not know that?  There are certain things (e.g dates of passport expiration, CD maturation)  one must keep track of coz noone else is responsible for them. 

Tough luck.  Hope everything goes on smoothly. 

I agree. You admit you were speeding - so - whether 20 over or 40 over, over is over. And like DK said - it's your responsibility to keep your stuff up-to-date, that job falls on no one else. Take your lumps.

20 over and 40 over is a huge difference - in VA 20 over is a speeding ticket, 40 over is reckless driving and you can have your license taken away.
  not sure where the line falls in NC but I would definitely go to court and argue that one.  you're still gonna have a fine, points, and hit to your insurance, but at least you won't be in any further trouble.

Same in IL.  And you get taken to jail. 
2009-07-27 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2309001

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Lake Norman, NC
rghbsn - 2009-07-26 8:19 PM
Renee - 2009-07-24 5:44 PM

Reminds me of a story of a cop-in-training in Moore County, NC. While driving, he was either texting with or receiving hysterical calls from his girlfriend. Constantly. The guy who was training him, husband of a friend of mine (that's how I know the story), kept telling him to tell his girlfriend not to contact him at all while he was on the job. The guy said his girlfriend would come down to the station and bitchhimout if he didn't respond to the texts or phone calls.

I believe it is illegal to text while driving in Moore County.

Illegal in all of NC now I think.

If you do the PJC, then you have another option other than the improper equipment. The way I understood the OP, it sounds like HE was traveling at 55 when he encountered another vehicle that he proceded to pass. I could be wrong, but I think the other vehicle was keeping him from going 55, so he passed. Either way, I hate it for you.

NC Troopers have laser as well as radar and vascar...which is not detectable at all, because it's a computer. But they have to be following you to use it effectively (from the way it was described to me).

The no-texting-while-driving law in NC goes into affect in December of this year.

Yes, he was passing another car at the same time I was.  Closing speed would have been about 145 (since I was doing around 74 at the height of the pass).  Unless he was passing at 17mph, there's no way he could have had me at 91.

My radar detector is 4-band (X, K, Ka and laser).  It picks everything up.  The only way for me to not know I'm being measured by the police is to be paced from behind or VASCAR from a plane overhead.

And despite my talking about speed and radar detectors... this is only my second speeding ticket (or any ticket for that matter) in 22 years!

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